Toastmaster of The Evening Script

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Toastmaster of the evening script

Good evening to my beloved toastmaster club members and guest. Welcome to Sibu
Toastmasters club. My name is Julian. It is my pleasure to be the toastmaster of the evening.
It is good to see all of you again in 2019. And of course, it is good to see new faces show up
in tonight meeting.

Without further ado, let’s us invite our president of sibu toastmaster club Elton Jong to
commence the meeting tonight by delivering his opening address. Please, Elton.

Since there are new guest attending our meeting tonight, I think we should introduce the role
player in order to let the guest familiarise with every role that will be played throughout the

On last Tuesday, we usher in year 2019, the year of the pig. We can see there are plenty of
people updated their Facebook status with a phrase which is more or less the same, “new
year, new me”. Some of them also wishing each other a prosperous new year. When it comes
to a new year, most of us know that it is time to set a new year resolution. I believe some of
you might have done it in the previous year. Even if you didn’t, I believe you used to make one
once upon a time. But, we can see that, most of the time, it doesn’t work out. A year later, it
seems like we doesn’t achieve anything at the end. When we are asked about the reason, we
will just simply say, I couldn’t find any time to do what I want. If you are one of them, don’t
worry as I am also one of them. If you go and browse through the internet, you will find out
that the tips on saving time are more or less the same. The idea is that we will shave bits of
time off everyday activities, add it up, you will have time to do what you want. Not only when
it comes to new years resolution, sometimes we even resist to join for family dinner, hanging
out with friends or attending a workshop. The reasons that we are going to give are always
the same, “I don’t have time”. “I will be busy at that time”, “I will be plagued by many task given
by my superior at that time, I am unable to fork out any extra time”. But, are you sure? Well,
let me tell you a story. There was one guy who always rejecting invitation from his friend by
giving reason that he is not free at that point. He always turn his friend down. He is a busy guy,
extremely busy. One day, the pipe in his kitchen burst without any omen, leaving his kitchen
in a complete mess. If you have ever encountered such situation, I believe you can imagine
the situation will be miserable. The whole kitchen was wet. He spent about 5 hours to clean
up and settle down the whole thing including calling for the plumber to come to fix the pipe up.
5 hours just gone like that. Do you see that, he suddenly has extra time to settle down the
whole thing. I am sure if you ask him out or attend a workshop before the incident, he will say
he is busy. But look, he managed to fork out extra 5 hours just to settle down the whole thing.
Most of the time, it is not that we don’t have time to do something, it actually depends on
whether we take that thing as our priority or not. Most of the time, I don’t have time often
means it is not my priority. If you prioritize something, I believe no matter how busy you are,
you will have time to do it.

Alright, now, may I have your glass fill up as we are going to do our toast. First, let us toast for
a better year ahead, better time management, hope that we are able to achieve what we want
to achieve.

Now, here comes our humour session. Let’s us invite ( ) to come up on stage to preside
this session. Hope you enjoy.

Thanks. ( ). It seems like the session managed to chill us successfully. We shall now
begin the prepared speeches segment. This is one of the most important segments in a normal
chapter meeting. We have 3 speakers today. Now, let us invite our first speaker ( ) to
come up on stage to deliver her/his speech. May I have the evaluator of ( ) to read out
the project objective?

Now, this is the session where we can get members and guest to participate in giving
impromptus speeches: The table topic session. Each person will be given 2 minits to deliver
his or her point of view on certain topics. Let’s us invite, the table topic master to conduct this
session, Let’s welcome ( )

We shall now invite the general evaluator to lead the evaluation session.

Undeniably, this is a fulfilling meeting. I believe each of you here enjoy the meeting today. It
is now the end of my session and I shall pass the control to our president to make his
announcement and of course, adjourn this meeting. Please help me welcome the president of
sibu toastmasters club.

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