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European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 387±392

Synthesis of acrylic rosin derivatives and application as

negative photoresist
Jong Soon Lee, Sung Il Hong *
Department of Fiber and Polymer Science, College of Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, South Korea
Received 23 February 2000; received in revised form 14 August 2000; accepted 11 September 2000

Functional monomers containing a rosin moiety, maleopimaric acid anhydride (MPA) and fumaropimaric acid
(FPA) were synthesized from gum rosin. Monofunctional acrylic rosin derivatives were synthesized from esteri®cation
of MPA and various acrylates, (2-hydroxyethyl acrylate) (HEA), 3-hydroxypropyl acrylate, and 4-hydroxybutyl ac-
rylate. Monofunctional monomers were copolymerized with (methyl methacrylate) (MMA) by radical polymerization.
Trifunctional acrylate was synthesized from FPA and HEA. All the monomers and polymers showed good solubility
and low absorbance in the UV region (200±400 nm). Negative patterns from rosin derivatives were obtained by two
methods, one is a photocuring method using trifunctional acrylate and copolymers, and the other is photocrosslinking
of copolymers using a photocrosslinker under UV (I-line) radiation. Negative photoresists containing rosin moiety
showed high contrast and minimum linewidth of 2.2 lm. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Acrylic rosin derivatives; Negative photoresist; Photocuring method; Photocrosslinking method

1. Introduction structure of rosin. Therefore, it is expected that adhesive,

stable, transparent and thermally stable polymer ®lms
Rosin, or colophony, is a thermoplastic acidic pro- will be obtained when the rosin moiety is incorporated
duct isolated from exudate of living pine trees and from into the polymer structure. The Diels±Alder adduct of
freshly cut and/or aged bole and stump wood of various rosin and maleic anhydride (RMA) has been extensively
species of pine [1]. The acidic constituents that make up used as raw material for the synthesis of rosin-contain-
the major portion of rosin are known as resin acids. ing polymers such as polyesterimides, polyamideimides,
They are monocarboxylic acids of alkylated hydro- etc. [4,5]. It was shown that these rosin-containing
phenanthrene nuclei [2]. The predominant resin acid polymers are thermally stable and possess attractive
in unmodi®ed rosins is abietic acid, which has the em- polymer properties.
pirical formula C20 H30 O2 [3]. Industrially, rosin has been To better exploit the rosin-based properties in poly-
widely used as additives and modi®ers for various ap- mers, i.e. adhesion, solubility, and transparency, we
plications. For instance, rosin is e€ective as an adhesion investigated the synthesis and application of rosin-
promoter, viscosity controller, etc. All these useful containing negative photoresist in this work. Negative
properties are certainly related to the bulky alicyclic photoresists are materials that become insoluble in
developing solutions when exposed to radiation (UV,
Excimer laser, etc.) [6,7]. Incorporation of rosin structure
into the photoresist polymer backbone is expected to
enhance the processibility as well as the resist perfor-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +82-2-880-7198; fax: +82-2- mance compared to the conventional negative photo-
878-9453. resist materials. Important industrial applications of
E-mail address: (S.I. Hong). these negative photoresist involve the fabrication of

0014-3057/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 1 4 - 3 0 5 7 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 2 0 4 - 4
388 J.S. Lee, S.I. Hong / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 387±392

printed electric circuit, black matrix, color ®lters for Anal. calcd. for C24 H34 O6 : C, 68.86; H, 8.19; O, 22.95.
LCD, and more. Found: C, 66.28; H, 7.37; O, 25.75.
Acrylate polymers with rosin moiety as a pendant
group and trifunctional acrylate of rosin moiety were 2.3. Synthesis of acrylates containing rosin moiety
newly synthesized as the negative photoresist materials. (MPAHEA, MPAHPA, MPAHBA, and FPAHEA)
Maleopimaric acid anhydride (MPA) was obtained by the
literature method starting from reaction of rosin with To excess SOCl2 , 8 g (0.02 mol) of MPA and few
maleic anhydride [8]. Monofunctional acrylates were ob- drops of DMF (dimethyl formamide) were added. After
tained by esteri®cation of MPA and various acrylates, 2- the solution was re¯uxed for 6 h, excess SOCl2 was ex-
hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA), 3-hydroxypropyl acrylate cluded by azeotropic distillation with benzene and solid
(HPA) and 4-hydroxybutyl acrylate (HBA). The mono- MPA±Cl was obtained. To the 40 ml of THF (tetra-
functional acrylates were copolymerized with methyl hydrofurane), 5 g of MPA±Cl and excess HEA was
methacrylate (MMA) by radical polymerization using added and the solution was heated to 55±60°C for 48 h
AIBN. Trifunctional acrylate (FPAHEA) was obtained in the presence of pyridine under N2 atmosphere. The
by esteri®cation of HEA and fumaropiaric acid (FPA). solution was poured into cold distilled water and vis-
The properties of copolymers containing rosin moiety cous product was precipitated. MPAHEA was ob-
were investigated, and photocuring and photocross- tained by puri®cation of the product by silica gel
linking characteristics of the copolymers as negative column chromatography …ethyl acetate=chloroform ˆ
photoresist were studied. 1=3†. Other monomers were produced by the same pro-
cess for MPAHEA using rosin derivatives (MPA, FPA)
and acrylates (HEA, HPA and HBA). Yield: MPAHEA
(82%), MPAHPA (85%), MPAHBA (88%), FPAHEA
2. Experimental
(83%); To all monomers, 1 H-NMR (CDCl3 ): d ˆ 6:4±5:8
(vinylic protons of acrylates), 5.5 (s, 1H, unsaturated
2.1. Synthesis of maleopimaric acid anhydride
proton), 4.3 (±COO±CH2 ±), 3.0±0.5 (aliphatic and ali-
cyclic protons); IR (NaCl): m …cm 1 † ˆ 2975±2840 (ali-
Rosin (30.2 g, 0.1 mol) was heated to 180°C and
phatic CH), 1840±1800, 1780±1740 (C@O of anhydride),
maintained for 2 h in the N2 atmosphere. The molten
1750±1725 (C@O of carboxylic acid), 1635±1630 (C@C).
rosin was slowly cooled to 120°C and 120 ml of acetic
acid was added slowly to the ¯uid with stirring. After
the solution was cooled to 70°C, 8.82 g (0.09 mol) of 2.4. Copolymerization of monofunctional acrylates and
maleic anhydride and 1.92 g (0.01 mol) of p-toluene methyl methacrylate
sulfonic acid (PTS) were added to the solution. The
solution was re¯uxed for 12 h and cooled to obtain The same moles of monofunctional monomer and
RMA. After two recrystallizations of RMA with acetic MMA were dissolved in THF and 3 mol% of initiator,
acid, white crystals of MPA were produced. Yield: 48%; AIBN, was added to the solution and the total solid
H-NMR (CDCl3 ): d ˆ 10:5 (OH of COOH), 5.5 (s, 1H, content was adjusted to 5 wt.%. Oxygen was thoroughly
unsaturated proton from Diels±Alder reaction), 3.2±0.5 excluded from the reaction solution by several freeze±
(aliphatic and alicyclic protons); IR (NaCl): m …cm 1 † ˆ pump±thaw cycles. After the ampoule containing the
3300 (OH of COOH), 2975±2840 (aliphatic CH), 1840± solution was sealed, it was heated to 60±65°C for 48 h
1800, 1780±1740 (C@O of anhydride), 1750±1725 (C@O with stirring and poured into ethanol. The precipita-
of carboxylic acid). Anal. calcd. for C24 H32 O5 : C, 71.97; ted polymer was puri®ed by several reprecipitations
H, 8.05; O, 19.97. Found: C, 67.59; H, 7.40; O, 24.89. from solvent to ethanol. Copolymer 1: MPAHEA±
MMA (yield 84%); Copolymer 2: MPAHPA±MMA
(yield 78%), Copolymer 3: MPAHBA±MMA (yield 81%);
2.2. Synthesis of fumaropimaric acid To all polymers, 1 H-NMR (CDCl3 ): d ˆ 5:5 (s, 1H,
unsaturated proton), 4.3 (±COO±CH2 ±), 3.5 (±COO±
MPA (8 g, 0.02 mol) was dissolved to the 1 N NaOH CH3 of MMA), 3.2±0.5 (aliphatic and alicyclic protons);
solution in the autoclave apparatus and the solution was IR (NaCl): C@C stretching band (m ˆ 1635±1630 cm 1 )
heated to 200°C for 12 h with pressure. After neutral- disappeared.
ization of the solution by 0.1 N HCl solution, white solid
product of FPA was obtained. Yield: 94%; 1 H-NMR 2.5. Photolithographic process
(CDCl3 ): d ˆ 10:5 (OH of COOH), 5.5 (s, 1H, unsatu-
rated proton), 3.2±0.5 (aliphatic and alicyclic protons); 2.5.1. Photocuring method
IR (NaCl): m …cm 1 † ˆ 3300 (OH of COOH), 2975±2840 Photoinitiator (5 mol%), TAZ110 (IGAKURE
(aliphatic CH), 1750±1725 (C@O of carboxylic acid). Chem.), was added to dioxane solution of copolymer
J.S. Lee, S.I. Hong / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 387±392 389

and trifunctional monomer, FPAHEA (50 wt.% to co- an adduct (RMA) with maleic anhydride in accordance
polymer). The solution was ®ltered through a Te¯on with the Diels±Alder mechanism and MPA (2) was ob-
membrane ®lter (0.2 lm) and spin-coated onto silicon tained from further puri®cation of RMA. FPA was
wafer. (Spinning rate was adjusted to obtain 1lm ®lm obtained from hydrolysis of MPA by NaOH solution
thickness.) The ®lm was cured under UV radiation (I- at high temperature and pressure. Monofunctional (4)
line, 365 nm), with intensity of 3.5 mW/cm2 , and using and multifunctional (6) acrylic monomers were synthe-
2±100 lm mask. After radiation, the ®lms were deve- sized from MPA via acid chloride intermediates, MPA±
loped in base solution (TMAH, 25 wt.%). Cl (3) and FPA±Cl (5).
Monofunctional monomers (MPAHEA, MPAHPA,
2.5.2. Photocrosslinking method MPAHBA) containing rosin moiety were readily co-
Photocrosslinker (10 wt.% to copolymer), bis-azido- polymerized with MMA by radical initiator, AIBN. Dou-
benzylidene methylcyclohexanone (ABC, Aldrich Chem. ble bond and anhydride ring in the MPA moiety were
Co.), was added to dioxane solution of copolymer and stable during the esteri®cation and polymerization re-
solid content was adjusted to 10 wt.%. Coating, expo- action. This double bond in rosin structure is expected
sure and developing processes were carried out by the to contribute to the photocrosslinking of copolymers by
same procedures as photocuring method. the reaction with nitrene produced from bis-arylazide
type photoinitiator (ABC) by UV radiation [9]. Table 1
shows properties of the copolymers. Using di€erent ac-
rylic monomers, length of spacer group to rosin moiety
3. Results and discussion could be varied. As the length of spacer group was in-
creased, Tg of copolymer was decreased, but molecular
As rosin consists of many isomers of resin acids, e.g. weight of copolymers was increased. The chemical
abietic acid, levopimaric acid, palustric acid, etc. [1±3], it structures of photoinitiator (TAZ110) and photocross-
is very hard to isolate single isomer from rosin. In this linker (ABC) are shown in Scheme 2. Fig. 1 shows
study, levopimaric acid was isolated to form MPA via absorption spectra of copolymers, photoinitiator and
Diels±Alder reaction of rosin and maleic anhydride [8] photocrosslinker. Copolymers of acrylic rosin deriva-
and MPA was functionalized to further applications. tives and MMA show some absorption in deep UV
Scheme 1 shows synthesis of acrylic rosin derivatives range but virtually no absorption in I-line (365 nm)
from levopimaric acid (1) in rosin. Among the isomers in range. Therefore, the activity of photoinitiator and
rosin, abietic acid, neo-abietic acid and palustric acid photocrosslinker (TAZ110, kmax ˆ 376 nm; ABC, kmax ˆ
can be isomerized to levopimaric acid by heat or acid 360 nm), which have maximum absorption in this range,
treatment. Levopimaric acid is well known to form is not inhibited by the presence of copolymers during

Scheme 1. Synthesis of acrylate monomers containing rosin moiety.

390 J.S. Lee, S.I. Hong / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 387±392

Table 1
Properties of copolymers containing rosin moiety
Copolymer Monomer/MMAa Tg b (°C) Mn c Mw c Mw =Mn c
Feed Result
1 1=1 1=1:2 122 9300 21,600 2.32
2 1=1 1=1:4 114 9800 24,100 2.45
3 1=1 1=1:3 97 13,400 30,700 2.29
Monomer composition in polymer (mole ratio).
Determined by DSC.
Determined by GPC with polystyrene standard in THF as eluent.
Determined by 1 H-NMR.

UV exposure process. From this result, it was noted that

the polymers containing rosin moiety have good optical
property to be used as photoresist materials. Because the
copolymers were very soluble in various common sol-
vents and showed adhesion property, no additives, adhe-
sion promotor, etc., were needed in spin-coating process.
Because the rosin moiety attached as the side chain of
copolymers contains anhydride group, these resist
polymers could be stripped by NaOH solution.
Fig. 2 shows the characteristic curves of copolymers
by photocuring method. It is seen that photocuring re-
action of copolymers and multifunctional monomer,
FPAHEA, changed the solubility of photoresists rapidly
in the speci®c exposure range by forming the entangled
network of homopolymers (or oligomers) of FPAHEA
Scheme 2. Structure of photoinitiator (TAZ110) and photo- and copolymers. Therefore these negative resists showed
crosslinker (ABC). relatively high contrast. Fig. 3 shows characteristic curves
of copolymers by photocrosslinking method. In this

Fig. 1. Absorption spectra of copolymers, photoinitiator Fig. 2. Characteristic curves of negative photoresists by photo-
(TAZ110) and photocrosslinker (ABC). curing method.
J.S. Lee, S.I. Hong / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 387±392 391

Fig. 4. SEM photograph of negative pattern of copolymer 3 by

photocrosslinking method (line width: 2.2 lm; exposure dose:
35 mJ/cm2 ).

Fig. 3. Characteristic curves of negative photoresists by lithographic processes for ®ner patterns, 6 2 lm, and
photocrosslinking method. dry etching resistance of these resists are in progress.

method, sensitivities of copolymers were enhanced. As 4. Conclusions

shown in Figs. 2 and 3, copolymer 3 exhibited better
lithographic performance than other copolymers. It is · From rosin, the abundant natural resource, various
thought that this result is attributed to rapid change of acrylic monomers and copolymers containing rosin
solubility by photocuring or photocrosslinking due to moiety were readily synthesized.
higher molecular weight of copolymer 3 than other co- · Copolymers containing rosin moiety showed trans-
polymers. Table 2 summarizes the lithographic results of parency in UV region (k ˆ 200±400 nm), good solu-
copolymers by two methods. From these results, it can be bility, and adhesion property.
concluded that the negative photoresists containing rosin · Negative photoresists from copolymers containing
moiety form favorable negative patterns using I-line ra- rosin moiety showed favorable sensitivity (12.6±84.6
diation, and 2.2±10 lm patterns were easily obtained. mJ/cm2 ), contrast (1.81±2.85), and resolution (2.2±
Negative pattern of copolymer 3 by photocrosslinking 10 lm).
method is shown in Fig. 4.
These negative resists from rosin, natural resource,
are expected to be applied to various industrial appli-
cations, electric circuit, black matrix, color ®lters for Acknowledgements
LCD, micro-machining applications and more. Because
these copolymers contain alicyclic structure originating This work was supported by a grant no. KOSEF 96-
from rosin moiety, it is expected that these resists will 0300-1501-3 from Korea Science and Engineering
show the dry etching resistance [10]. Investigation on the Foundation.

Table 2
Lithography results of negative photoresists containing rosin moiety
Copolymer Photocuring Photocrosslinking
Sensitivity Contrast Line width Sensitivity Contrast Line width
(mJ/cm2 ) (lm) (mJ/cm2 ) (lm)
1 84.2 2.22 P 10 26.3 2.22 P 8.0
2 63.1 2.35 P 10 19.9 2.00 P 4.5
3 39.8 2.85 P 10 12.6 1.81 P 2.2
392 J.S. Lee, S.I. Hong / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 387±392

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