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Editor’s Corner

Hypertension: prognostic, diagnostic and

therapeutic aspects
Alberto Zanchetti

ll major aspects of hypertension management, prog- treatment in patients with diabetes, Ó Hartaigh et al.
nostic, diagnostic and therapeutic ones, are covered (pp. 101–109) have reanalysed data from the ACCORD trial,
by articles published in the current issue of the in which patients with diabetes were randomly assigned to
Journal of Hypertension. achieve intense (<120 mmHg) or standard (<140 mmHg) BP
A group of 11 articles explores prognostic aspects. control, by grouping them according to whether or not they
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Marron et al. (pp. 43–53) have assessed the hypothesis achieved their respective goal. They report that, whereas in
that a healthy blood pressure (BP) phenotype they had the standard treatment arm those who achieved a target less
developed in cohorts of familial longevity (Long Life Family than 140 mmHg had a substantial reduction in the risk of
Study), characterized by an age-adjusted and sex-adjusted major cardiovascular events and all-cause death, no signifi-
SBP Z-score between 1.5 and 0.5, is also familial. Among cant risk reduction occurred in the intense treatment arm for
410 families, only 44 met the criteria for the healthy BP those who achieved the target SBP less than 120 mmHg as
phenotype. Among the latter families, a higher proportion of compared with those who did not. The authors conclude
offspring met the American Heart Association definition of suggesting that in diabetes, SBP goal should be between 120
ideal cardiovascular health (10.8 versus 3.8%), driven by BP, and 140 mmHg, but not less than 120 mmHg. This post-hoc
smoking status and BMI. In a sample of the general popula- analysis of the ACCORD trial is discussed in an accompa-
tion of Didima, Greece, followed-up for 19 years, Ntineri nying editorial by Ahmad and Oparil (pp. 37–40), who
et al. (pp. 69–76) found home BP predicted total mortality remark that a post-hoc analysis of a treatment-to-target study
and cardiovascular disease as reliably as office BP. However, has obvious limitations, as opposed to a prespecified analysis
home SBP variability exhibited superior prognostic ability of the comparative results of achieving two different BP goals
than office BP variability. Furthermore, Ntineri et al. report as in the original ACCORD publication.
that not only sustained and masked, but also white-coat Other conditions influencing prognosis in hypertension
hypertension was associated with increased risk of death are discussed by Shi et al. (pp. 54–60) and van der Sande
and cardiovascular disease events versus normotensive et al. (pp. 143–150). The former authors report that early life
patients. In an editorial commentary, Myers (pp. 34–36) exposure to the Chinese 1959–1961 famine exacerbated the
raises the point that the real cardiovascular risk associated association between hypertension and cardiovascular dis-
with white-coat hypertension is still controversial, and that a ease events, especially among women, those living in urban
small sample size and a limited number of end points during areas and those with central obesity. Van der Sande et al.
follow-up may lead to exaggerated estimates of cardiovas- (pp. 143–150) have followed up for about 7 years a cohort of
cular risk in patients with white-coat hypertension. 6191 hypertensive patients with clinically manifested vascu-
Three other articles investigating prognostic aspects lar disease and observed an increased risk of cardiovascular
focus on comparing BP risk in patients with and without mortality and all-cause mortality, in presence of controlled
diabetes mellitus. Gomadam et al. (pp. 85–92) have ana- and uncontrolled apparent resistant hypertension.
lysed data from 17 650 participants from the National Health Predictors of renal function loss have been studied by
and Nutrition Examination Survey III and 1439 participants two groups: Leiherer et al. (pp. 110–118) report that serum
from the Diabetes Heart Study followed-up for a mean of uromodulin (UMOD) levels were highest when associated
16.2 years and found that the association between SBP and with a polymorphism in the UMOD coding region and were
cardiovascular mortality is nonlinear, but different in dia- significantly associated with estimated glomerular filtration
betes (U shaped) and nondiabetes, suggesting this may rate. Prospectively (4-year follow-up), serum uromodulin
explain why aggressive BP lowering may have different
outcomes in presence or absence of diabetes. Jiang et al.
(pp. 93–100) have investigated the same problem, though Journal of Hypertension 2018, 36:1–3
with a cross-sectional approach, in 42 959 patients of the Istituto Auxologico Italiano and Centro Interuniversitario Fisiologia Clinica e Iperten-
PURE China study, and report both in patients with and sione, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy
without diabetes risk of stroke and coronary disease events Correspondence to Prof Alberto Zanchetti, Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS and
markedly increased in hypertensive patients compared Centro Interuniversitario di Fisiologia Clinica e Ipertensione, Università degli Studi di
Milano, Via F. Sforza, 35, 20122 Milano, Italy. Tel: +39 02 50320484;
with individuals with normal BP, whereas no significant e-mail: alberto.zanchetti@unimi.it, alberto.zanchetti@auxologico.it
difference in risk was seen between high-normal BP and J Hypertens 36:1– 3 Copyright ß 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
normal BP groups. Always in the context of the problem of reserved.
the optimal BP to be achieved by antihypertensive DOI:10.1097/HJH.0000000000001611

Journal of Hypertension www.jhypertension.com 1

Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

concentration was inversely associated with the develop- Among nonpharmacological interventions, salt reduc-
ment of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and significantly tion is known to be the most cost-effective one. Trieu et al.
increased a prediction model for CKD. Mallamaci et al. (pp. 188–198) report the effect of an 18-month nationwide
(pp. 119–125) followed up 260 renal transplant patients for salt reduction strategy in Samoa: though there was no
over 3.7 years and found daytime and night-time ambula- change in mean population salt intake as judged from
tory SBP predict the risk of renal function loss over time, two nationally cross-sectional surveys carried out immedi-
night-time SBP being the strongest predictor. The important ately before and after the intervention strategy, there were a
association of night-time hypertension with organ damage wider awareness of the salt reduction message and some
is also underlined in a cross-sectional study by Tadic et al. improvements in salt-related knowledge and behaviours.
(pp. 136–142), who describe a worse right ventricle Gilardini et al. (pp. 199–204) report that among hyperten-
mechanics in night-time and day-time/night-time hyperten- sive patients with obstructive sleep apnoea, two-thirds have
sive patients than in normotensive controls and isolated urinary normetanephrine (uNMT) above the normal limit;
daytime hypertensive patients. uNMT decreased or normalized, parallel with changes in
Another group of articles in the current issue of the the apnoea–hypopnea index under positive airway pres-
Journal of Hypertension has diagnostic implications. Jardim sure therapy. Iwashima et al. (pp. 126–135) have investi-
et al. (pp. 61–68) present useful information on reference gated the impact of renal function on cardiovascular and
values for home BP by height percentiles for age and sex in renal outcomes after percutaneous transluminal renal
a non-European population of adolescents in secondary angioplasty in 139 hypertensive patients with atheroscle-
cohorts of a Brazilian city (51.3% non-white). Cuspidi rotic renal artery stenosis followed up for 5.4 years and
et al. (pp. 23–30) have reviewed and meta-analysed studies report that impaired renal function and, in particular, a poor
assessing the association of metabolic syndrome with sub- response of estimated glomerular filtration rate to angio-
clinical carotid damage, finding carotid intima–media thick- plasty are associated with worse outcome. A contribution to
ness is significantly higher in patients with than in those the debated problem of the therapeutic effectiveness of
without the metabolic syndrome. They suggest ultrasound catheter renal denervation is provided by Völz et al.
search of subclinical carotid disease may refine cardiovascu- (pp. 151–158), who present data from the Swedish Registry
lar risk stratification and decision-taking strategies in patients for Renal Denervation showing a sustained reduction in
with the metabolic syndrome. In another review in this issue office and ambulatory BP in patients with resistant hyper-
of the Journal, Tsioufis et al. (pp. 16–22) summarize the tension, associated with a low complication rate. These data
evidence supporting a wider use of renal ultrasound in the are commented by Mahfoud et al. (pp. 41–42), who men-
diagnostic work-up of patients with newly diagnosed hyper- tion the recent positive results of the sham-controlled
tension, not only to identify causes of secondary hyperten- SPYRAL-OFF-Medication study [1] in nonmedicated
sion originating from the kidney, but also to detect renal patients, and show the decrease in BP following renal
injury signalled by increased renal resistive indices. denervation is correlated with baseline BP. Nonetheless,
Salvi et al. (pp. 77–84) present data on two large cohorts the authors conclude renal denervation remains an attrac-
of patients with the Marfan syndrome (n ¼ 114) in whom tive, but still elusive potential technique and high-quality
aortic stiffness and central haemodynamics have been asso- research is needed.
ciated with ascending aorta diameters and fibrillin-1 geno- Finally, three articles focus on treatment and control of
type. Pulse wave velocity and central pulse pressure were hypertension in different parts of the world. Lemogoum et
significantly higher in Marfan syndrome patients than in al. (pp. 159–168) find that hypertension is highly prevalent
matched controls, although independently of fibrillin geno- in Far-North Cameroon, and awareness, treatment and
type, and were associated with diameters of ascending aorta. control rates are low. Agyemang et al. (pp. 169–177) have
A third group of articles in this issue is related with investigated prevalence and management of hypertension
aspects of hypertension management. Brunström and among relatively homogeneous African migrants (Ghana-
Carlberg publish a critical review of standardization of ians) living in three European cities, and nonmigrants living
relative risks (RRs) and standard errors according to BP in rural and urban Ghana: hypertension prevalence, aware-
differences within trials investigating the effects of BP- ness and treatment levels were generally higher in African
lowering treatment, showing that standardization of RRs migrants to Europe, but BP control level was lower in
exaggerates differences between trials and makes meta- Ghanaian migrant men compared with their nonmigrant
analyses highly sensitive to choice of statistical method. peers. Li et al. (pp. 178–187) report data from the first
The implications of standardization are further discussed national spatial analysis of hypertension in China, showing
in an accompanying editorial by Thomopoulos and hypertension prevalence and management are spatially
Michalopoulou (pp. 31–33), who agree with the authors patterned in China, with demographic, socioeconomic
that standardization to a preselected BP reduction is a and behavioural factors, weight status, healthcare use
problematic issue. However, when selecting to standardize and urbanization accounting for a significant part of the
to unmask some clinical aspects that crude analysis cannot differences.
explore, Thomopoulos and Michalopoulou suggest one
should first investigate whether the projected comparison ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
of the standardized RRs has a solid clinical justification and
whether the outcome to standardize is linearly associated Conflicts of interest
with the extent of BP reduction. There are no conflicts of interest.

2 www.jhypertension.com Volume 36  Number 1  January 2018

Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Prognostic, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects

hypertension in the absence of antihypertensive medications (SPYRAL

REFERENCE HTN-OFF MED): a randomised, sham-controlled, proof-of-concept trial.
1. Townsend RR, Mahfoud F, Kandzari DE, Kario K, Pocock S, Weber MA, Lancet Published Online August 28, 2017. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736
et al. Catheter-based renal denervation in patients with uncontrolled (17)32281-X

Journal of Hypertension www.jhypertension.com 3

Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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