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Republic of the Philippines


CvSU Vision Cavite State University shall
The premier university Don Severino de las Alas Campus provide excellent, equitable and
in historic Cavite recognized Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities
for excellence in the  (046) 8620-290/ (046) 4150-013 loc. 221 in the arts, science and technology
development of morally through quality instruction and
upright and globally relevant research and development
competitive individuals. activities.
It shall produce professional,
skilled and morally upright
College of Economics, Management, and Development Studies individuals for global
Department of Development Studies competitiveness.

Students are expected to live by and stand for the following University tenets:
TRUTH is demonstrated by the student’s objectivity and honesty during examinations, class activities and in the development of
EXCELLENCE is exhibited by the students’ self-confidence, punctuality, diligence and commitment in the assigned tasks, class
Core Values
performance and other course requirements.
SERVICE is manifested by the students’ respect, rapport, fairness and cooperation in dealing with their peers and members of the
In addition, they should exhibit love and respect for nature and support for the cause of humanity.

Goals of the To produce morally upright and globally competitive professionals in the fields of economics, management, development
College communication, and international studies.

Objectives of the To produce morally upright and globally competitive professionals in the fields of development management, development
Department communication, and international studies.

Program Educational Objectives and Relationship to University Mission

The BS Development Management Program aims to produce graduates who can: Mission
1. discuss relevant issues and problems of development in the local, national, and international levels. 
2. demonstrate respect for culture, indigenous knowledge and people. 
3. assess appropriate training and communication strategies in various social, cultural, academic, and professional settings. 
4. apply appropriate methods to identify needs of a group or situation. 
5. Use contemporary development theories and methods to identify suitable intervention to a situation. 
6. Design suitable training strategies for men and women of different sectors. 
7. Participate in the generation and dissemination of new knowledge in the specialized field. 

2nd Semester, AY 2017 - 2018

Course MARKETING OF Credit

Course Code TPRM75 Type Lecture 3 UNITS

Course Description Nature, principles of training needs assessment and curriculum development.

Course Pre- requisites /(Co-requisites) (COI) Course Schedule TUESDAY 11:30AM TO 2:30PM
Student Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives
Program Educational Objectives
Program/Student Outcome
Upon graduation, the student can: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Evaluate issues and problems of development in diverse fields such as health and
1  
well-being, livelihood, education, and environment;
2 Demonstrate effective communication and decision-making skills; 
Recognize culture, indigenous knowledge and people in planning, implementing,
3 
and evaluating development strategies;
4 Adopt appropriate training or communication strategies; 
Implement gender-responsive training program or development project for
5 
various sectors; and
6 Conduct relevant research and extension activities 
Course Outcomes and Relationship to student Outcomes
Program Outcomes Addressed by the Course Program Outcomes Code
After completing this course, the students must be able to: I E D
1. Define the concepts of marketing. 
2. Differentiate a product from a service. 
3. Describe the service of a service quality. 
4. Describe the service marketing mix. 
5. Explain advertising and sales promotion techniques 
6. Develop a marketing plan. 
*Level : I-Introductory E- Enabling D-Demonstrative
No. of Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Outcomes-based
Topic Resources
Hours Outcomes (ILO) Activities (TLA) Assessment (OBA)
Understand the processes Discussion
Overview of the Course Copy of the Course
1 and the requirements of the Open Forum
Syllabus Syllabus
course Assignment
At the end of the topic the I. DEFINITION OF  Lecture/presentation  LCD Projector  Oral Recitation
students must be able to: MARKETING  Laptop  Written Quiz
6  Interactive class
1. define what is marketing A. Marketing Mix discussion

2. identify the marketing B. Markets for Ideas, Goods  Video clips

mix and Services

At the end of the topic the II. THE CONCEPT OF  Lecture/presentation  LCD Projector  Oral Recitation
students must be able to: SEGMENTATION,  Laptop  Written Quiz
TARGETING AND  Interactive class
1. define, differentiate and POSITIONING discussion
discuss the concepts of
segmentation, targeting and A. Segmentation  Video clips
positioning B. Targeting
C. Positioning
2. discuss the characteristics
of a service III. DEFINITION OF
3. define and discuss what is
a product. A. Characteristics of a service
B. Difference between a
product and a service

At the end of the topic IV. SERVICE QUALITY  Lecture/presentation  LCD Projector
students must be able to: A. Dimension of service  Laptop
quality  Interactive class
1. explain the dimension of discussion
service quality B. Consumer factors
 Video clips
2. discuss the consumer C. Quality Perception
3. explain and discuss the MIX
quality perception
A. Product
4. discuss and explain the B. Price
service marketing mix C. Place
22 D. Promotion
5. discuss and explain the E. People
expanded concepts of F. Process
marketing G. Physical evidence


A. Person marketing
B. Entertainment and event
C. Place marketing
D. Political marketing
E. Cause marketing
D. Internal marketing

At the end of the topic VII. ADVERTISING  Lecture/presentation  LCD Projector  Oral Recitation
students must be able to:  Laptop  Written Quiz
A. Definition of advertising  Interactive class
1. define what is advertising B. Advertising objectives discussion
C. Forms of advertising
7 2. discuss and explain the D. Selecting the right  Video clips
advertising objectives and its advertising approach
forms E. Internet advertising

3. select right advertising

At the end of the topic, the VIII. SALES PROMOTION  Reading/lecture  LCD  Group
students must be able to: A. Definition of sales followed by Projector Reporting
8 1. define and discuss what is promotion presentation  Laptop
sales promotion  Handouts
B. Limitation of Sales  Books and
2. discuss the limitation of promotion references
sales promotion
C. Consumer promotion
3. explain consumer
4. discuss the parts of A. Parts of a marketing plan
marketing plan
B. How to prepare a marketing
5. create a marketing plan plan
Students should pass the Midterm and Final Examinations; submit project and other requirements; attend and participate in the class

Examination 40%
Midterm 20%
Final 20%

Other Requirements 60%

Attendance 10%
Quizzes and long exam 35%
Recitation, assignments and seatwork 15%

Students are not allowed to have 20% or more absences of the total class hours; otherwise, they will be graded as follows:
Dropped (if majority of the excessive absences are excused)
Failed (if majority of the excessive absences are unexcused)
Classroom decorum
1. wear their identification cards and observe proper dress code at all times;
2. turn off or put in silent mode their cellular phones during class hours;
3. maintain cleanliness and orderliness of the room at all times; and
4. report to class on time.
Examination/ Evaluation
1. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
2. Long examinations are always announced.
3. Cheating is strictly prohibited. A student who is caught cheating will be given a score of”0” for the first offense. For the second offense,
he/she will automatically fail the subject.
4. Students who missed exams, laboratory exercises, or quizzes may only be excused for any of the following reasons:
a. participation in a University/College-approved field trip or activity (must be cleared one week in advance);
b. personal illness (must present medical certificate); and
c. death or serious illness in the immediate family (must present death or medical certificate).


References Pride, W. M. 2012. Marketing: Concepts and strategies. Houghton Millin
Service Marketing. Retrieved from:

Date of Revision Date of Implementation Highlights of Revision

Prepared by: Evaluated by: Approved:


Instructor Chairperson Dean
Consultation Hour:
M&W 8:30 to 9:30am
Date: ___________
Date: ________ Date: ____________

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