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Macro Skill

Micro skill Under the macro skill

Types of Text
Authentic Texts are not prepared for language teaching. For childenren you can use simple text you
can simplfy it

Pedagogical Texts

Designed for language teaching

Selecting Text
1) Try to choose different type of text
2) For scanning do not use language paragraph
For skimming you can use

3) Try to use 2 reading passages for reliability and high score.

4) Try not choose = okumada yapılacak şeylerden uzak dur
5) Try not to choose cultural things
6) Do not use the text you used before in your class
7) The majority of the vocabulary items must be familiar with the SS.

Multiple Choice

True/ False= Always ask them to corretct false one.


Unique Answer

SS are expected to write the word there.

Short Answers: Comprehension Questions

SS should not write long answers questions must be in the same order as they are in the text

Guided Short Answers: Use your own sentence paraphrase them ( a few sentence)

Do not take sentences as they are in the passage.

Summary Cloze

T prepares summary of the whole passage.

parapghrasing passage ( long sentence 7)
Information Transfer

To Show their understanding

They read it then write them.

A few words,sentences


İdentifying passages

Do not forget to give number

Bold letters in words = ss can’t easily understand

Guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words

You can give line numbers

Intruder text

Extra sentences var gereksiz olanı (irrelevant sentences) bulduruyorsun

This involves presenting the learners with paragraphs to which unsuitable sentences have been
added. The learner task is to pick out the sentence that does not fit.

Which language for items and responsed

The language of instructions and questions must be easier then itself( text) ( anlamayacağı
şeylerden kaç)
Try not to prepare sentences without understanding the meaning of senteces
Do not write items about some ss without understanding the text.
If understanding answer is correct and you understand ss understand give full score.
Quality of reading is important .

Disadvantage= if its is bad

effect is exam results
reliability will fall down

We should have redundancany

you should not use reading text in listening

Because in reading we don’t have redundancy

The lenght change in your aim.

Writing Items

We should keep some imp things

1)questions must be in the same order as they are the listening texts

2) items should not close to each other there must be distance

3) do not prepare questions from the first 15/20 seconds of a listening text

4) While preparing questions paraphrase them.

……………………………….. administration part

We should have at least 2 passages ss may have 2 .chance to understand a new passage

Give ss 2/3 minutes to check all the questions then they listen to text

Twice listening for each other.


Multiple Choice

Do not write too long options

True False

Always ask your ss correct false.

Information Transfer

Revises the demance of writing

Note taking

Get ss familiarize this technique

Ss listen and text notes

Listen again more notes then give questions = Answer questions with their own notes

Partial Dictation

Some parts given they listen and complete other parts


STS listen to sentences and mark .

Whether they have falling or rising intonation

Have you finished

The door needs repairing

Ss listen twice.


Ss listen to words and mark the main stress on the words.

Progress interesting Brazil

Live Presentations

The teacher reads passage

Recording s are better because ss hear some version

In a listening passage 90/95 of vocabulary items should known listening should not last 30 minutes

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