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Paediatric: Respiratory Examination - Exposure : Topless

Patient ____, a 7 year old boy, is alert and conscious, playful and cooperative during
examination. He is (well/moderately built/appeared to be small) according to his age and I would
like to plot his height and weight according to appropriate chart. No dysmorphic features seen.
He is not in respiratory distress evidenced by respiratory rate of___ and hydration status is good.
(She is pink in room air). IV branula /nasal prong can be seen attached to the patient.

Calculate RR Best by Expose the Chest (RR - count 1 min)

Hand : Dry, warm, pink, no finger clubbing, no flapping tremor

Pulse : no bounding pulse (CO2 Retention)

Skin : eczema lesion

BCG Scar seen (commonly left side)

Eye : conjunctiva pink, no jaundice

Nose : no flaring of alae nasi, no nasal polyp

Oral : oral hygiene good, no central cyanosis

No bilateral pedal oedema - signs of cor pulmonale

On examination of anterior and posterior chest

Inspection : Chest expand symmetrically with respiration, no chest deformity, no chest recession
( suprasternal / intercostal/ subcostal), no usage of accessory muscle, no surgical scar
( Lobectomy scar - Ask pt raised up the hand and examine ; chest drainage scar; tracheostomy

Palpation : apex beat palpable - location

Mediastinal shif
Trachea not deviated

Normal chest expansion

Normal vocal fremitus

Percussion: Percussion note is resonance

Auscultation: Normal vesicular breath sound heard, with equal air entry bilaterally. Crepitation /
generalised rhonchi can be heard.

Normal vocal resonance

No cervical lymphadenopathy

I would like to end my examination by doing a complete ENT exam, bedside peak flow meter,
Spo2 saturation.

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