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Name and School: STA. FILOMENA CENTRAL SCHOOL Specialization/Subjects Handled: ESP, ENGLISH, MATHEMATICS & TLE
Level of Time Support
21st Century Barriers/
Competency Target KSAV (3) Self-Learning Activities (4) Framework Resources Solution/Action points (8)
Literacies (1) Challenges (7)
(2) (5) Needed (6)
The Arts and Developing Innovation and Creativity - Watch educational videos All Year Internet My Art Skills is - Always find time to browse the
Creativity and browse in the internet Round Connection and not that well- internet to watch educational videos
about arts and creativity Personal developed and apply immediately what have
Computers learned
- Attend seminars or
workshops enhancing arts -Grab the opportunity when there is
and creativity a seminar/ workshop offered in the
Ecoliteracy Competent -Global citizenship and -Attend seminars and During Seminars and Water and Air -Join Tree planting activity and
sustainability workshop that promotes Semester workshop pollution is educate young mind to plant a tree
Ecological Literacy Break very evident,
-Environmental climate change -Participate the community’s clean
awareness -Participate in Tree Planting and and green project
Activity in order to increase Tree planting deforestation
the awareness of what is activity -Initiate proper waste disposal in
happening in our present your neighbourhood
world today
Cyber Competent -Determine the extent of -Search, find, and retrieve All Year Computers and Cyber-bullying, -Be aware of opening attachments
Literacy/ information needed information Round Internet protecting or emails from unknown persons
Digital -Access needed from various digital connectivity sensitive
Literacy information sources information, -Be aware that safety also applies to
(Information -Manage information - Organize accessed issues of its use
and ICT -Evaluate information information privacy and
Knowledge) and its sources critically for easy retrieval and use preventing
-Integrate selected - Use ICT tools to risky behavior
information into synthesize,
knowledge base summarize, compare, and
-Create contrast
information from multiple
-Evaluate digital
gathered from varied
in terms of their
adequacy, authority,
from bias, and timeliness
-Adapt, apply, design, or
information from multiple
-Communicate, adapt, and
present information
properly for
various audiences and
-Identify potential risks/
issues in using the internet
and protect
myself and others from
Financial Weak -Financial Management Attend Livelihood activities All Year Livelihood Poor financial -Create a budget and understand
Literacy which includes wise and Entrepreneurship Round training and decisions, your family income
handling of personal Financial Weak
finances management budgeting -Remove unnecessary expenses
workshop skills,
-Ability to make smart resistance in -Attend trainings on financial
decisions, buying management
Creativity unnecessary
thing is low
Media Good -Access Engage in research All Year Computers and Offensive -Be aware of opening attachments
Literacy activities, Round Internet contents, or emails from unknown persons
-Analyze Develop media creations Connectivity Misinformatio
n, Scams, -Be aware that safety also applies to
-Evaluate Hoaxes and its use
Phising, Safety
-Produce and Cyber
Bullying and
Social/Emoti Good -Emotional interactivity -Make a personal All Year - Peer -Lack of time -Learn to recognize your own
onal connection with your Round Communication and chances to emotions in order to control it
Literacies -Collaborative skill learners, engage
-LAC session different types -Show an empathy and
-Work collaboratively with of people understanding towards others
your workmates
-Too much -Build a relationship skills among
-Build the kindness in your focus on work your colleagues and learners

-Learn to manage conflict

with peer mediation
Globalization Competent -Global citizenship and -Respect for humans no All Year -Community - Lack of time -Be active in the community
and sustainability matter their race, gender or Round mapping in learning
Multicultural religion one’s culture - Get involved in any kind of
Literacy - Respect for diversity -Home visitation community activities to understand
-Respect for cultural - Promoting sustainable more the culture of the community
diversity patters of living, -Participation in
consumption and community
production activities
- Demonstrate respect
towards everybody

Learner’s Signature: MARIA DEL A. CORTEZ Reviewed/Approved by: JEANGELYN J. CASTILLON

Teacher I School Officer-In-Charge
My Personal Lifelong Learning Being Approved by Our OIC
My Personal Lifelong Learning Plan Reflection Paper
By: Maria Del A. Cortez

Last January 2019, there was an ordinary teacher who was approached by her School Officer-In-
Charge and she was being told that she has been chosen as one of the scholars in GURO 21. The teacher was
shocked and of course happy and excited because it was one of her dream to enrol in GURO 21 while she was
in her previous station. She was very overwhelmed and thankful to God for the opportunity to learn that has
given to her. For her, it was another dream that comes true. But she was not expecting that GURO 21 is very
challenging, and that teacher is me, Maria Del A. Cortez.

At first, I found it hard in making my PLLP. One night I opened my laptop and just stared the PLLP
matrix template the whole night. I really don’t have the idea on how to do it. Then, I look at the instruction
written on the module. It was instructed there that I have to go back to activity 1.8 where I can rate my 21st
century literacy level. I keep on reading that part and browse on the internet searching for the idea on how to
do the PLLP. Crafting my PLLP is not that easy because I really had to think for the activities that will fit to my
capability. And most importantly, I have to make it SMART.

The journey in making my PLLP is abided with these quotes that says “Intellectual growth should
commence at birth and cease only at death” by Albert Einstein and “The education of a man is never
completed until he dies” by Robert E. Lee which simply remind me that learning never stops and this is what I
should consider in crafting my PLLP. The activities must be specific, manageable, attainable, realistic and
time-bounded so that despite of all the barriers that I face in pursuing my learning in order to achieve the
21st century literacies it will be successful.

Upon doing my PLLP, I realized that I am weak in some of the 21st century literacy especially in
financial literacy. I really don’t have these skills which for me is very important to have nowadays especially
in the fast changing economic society. I need to focus myself in attaining this literacy because this is my
weakness. I need to make an action point in order for me to achieve the well-developed skill of financial
literacy to become a globally and holistically 21st century teacher.

I also realized that, most of my 21st century literacy skills are only good. I still need to pursue harder
in order to learn more and to well-develop my literacy skills. I believe that having a passion and dedication in
everything that I do will help me attain these skills and can make me a 21st century teacher.

When I completed my PLLP I did not think it to myself that making it is just a course requirement but
instead I considered it that making this PLLP is an opportunity for me to build a better self in the future
because according to the famous saying that which says that you cannot teach what you don’t know and you
cannot give what you don’t have. I need to equip myself with this 21st century KSAVs and literacy skills so
that I can give and impart these values and skills to my learners. To produce high quality, globally and
holistically well-developed learners are my dream as a teacher. I want my pupils to remember me as there
teacher who taught them about life and give them inspiration to accept all the challenges whatever will they
face in the future for them to be successful in life.

Lastly, I hope that doing the activities in this PLLP will make me become what I wish to teach to my
pupils a quote taken from Nathaniel Branden.

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