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*SV QSVI 7XYH] QEXIVMEPW :MWMX &-3 :-7-32 &03+ SV -RWXEPP &-3 :-7-32 7',330 %44 JVSQ 4PE]


Time: 11/2 Hour BIOLOGY Total score: 40
 First 15 minutes given as ‘cool off time’ in addition to 11/2 hours. Use this time to read and understand
the questions.
 Answer the questions according to the score and time.
 Write the question numbers for main and sub questions correctly.
Answer any five questions from 1 to 6. Each question carries 1 score. (5x1 = 5)
1. Identify and write the name of this figure

2. How many mass extinction has happened till date?

a.1 b.3 c.2 d.5
3. Which hormone pair among the following is related to the maintenance of growth in children?
(a) Thyroxine : STH
(b) ADH; somatotropin
(c) Insulin: ACTH
(d) GTH: calcitonin
4. ……………carry amino acids to the ribosome.
A. mRNA B. Rrna C. tRNA D. DNA
5. The technology that controls traits of organism by bringing about desirable changes in their genetic
A - Genetics B - Mutation C-Genetic engineering D- Organic evolution
6. Choose the right statement/statements from the given ones.
a. Antibiotics work against viruses.
b. The activity of lymphocytes is included in the specific defence mechanism.
c. Mosaic disease in tapioca is due to fungus.
d. Botulism is a disease caused by bacteria.
Answer any 6 questions from 7 to 13. Each question carries 2 score ( 6 x 2 =12)
7. Once Akhil was bitten by a street dog. It started bleeding badly; Akhil washed the wound and rushed to a
hospital. When he reached the hospital blood got clotted. Doctor told to take Rabies vaccine after the check
a. List out the defense mechanisms took place here?
b. Which among this is a artificial defense mechanisms?
8. Observe the newspaper report given below and answer the questions
Technology helped to identify the causalities in the flood
a. Name the technology help to in the reports.
b. How does this technology help to recognize familyrelation ships?
9. "Is this only a storage and distribution centre..... Is it logical to call it a gland"?
a. Which part of which gland may be the basis of priya's doubt?
b. What is the reason for this doubt?


10. The forelimbs of the organisms shown n the picture below, do not show any similarity. Hence they do not
have any evolutionary relationship.

How will you respond to this statement? Substantiate.

11. Tough we have two eyes, we see only one image of an object. Why? What is the name for this kind of
12. “Calicut: Nipah virus attack 16 death” Relatives of affected are isolated by the society!!!
a. What are the features of virus (any three)
b. As a science student how will you react to the societies mentality?
13. Answer the following questions after analyzing the figure.
a. Identify and write this process. (1)
b. Write the activities in each stage of this process.

Answer any five questions from 14 to 20. Each question carries 3 score. (5 x 3 = 15)
14. Maintenance of the level of calcium in blood is illustrated below. Analyse it and answer the questions.

(a) Which are the hormones indicated as 'X', 'Y'?

(b) Write the actions performed by 'X' in the bone and 'Y' in the kidney.
(c) How does the deficiency of Y affect the process of blood clotting?
15. Observe the illustration and answer to the questions.

a. To which experiment does the illustration belong?

b. What is the substance produced in this experiment?
c. To which theory of evolution did this experiment give evidence?
16. Observe the figure.


*SV QSVI 7XYH] QEXIVMEPW :MWMX &-3 :-7-32 &03+ SV -RWXEPP &-3 :-7-32 7',330 %44 JVSQ 4PE] 7XSVI

a. Identify the parts labeled A & B.

b. What change occurs in A when observing nearby objects?
c. Which are the photoreceptors of the eye?
17. Using statements given below Identify the links inhuman evolution.
a. Modern man
b. Contemporary to modern man.
c. Most primitive member of the human race.
d. Thick chin and large teeth
e. Has the ability to stand erect. Cranial capacity 1000 cm3.
f. Slender body.
18. Organisms like honey bees, termites etc. lead a social life, utilising certain chemical substances that can
function as chemical messengers.
a. What is the general name of these chemical substances?
b. Write examples of two such chemical substances and name the animals that secrete them.
c. these chemical substances are a boon given to insects by nature. But, today it possesses a challenge against
their lives. Analyse this statement?
19. Analyse the given graph and select the correct statement / statements. (4)

i. The production of glucagon increases with the increase of sugar in body.
ii. The production of insulin increases as the level of sugar increases in the body.
iii. Insulin and glucagon works in opposite manner.
iv. Insulin and glucagon works alike.
b. Where is glucagon produced?
c. What is the normal level of glucose in blood?
20. AIDS is a deadly disease gripped the earth in fear.
Dec1 – world AIDS day
“Know your status”
a. Name the virus causing AIDS.
b. How does this germ multiply?
c. How this germ is transmitted from one person to another?
Answer any two questions from 21 to 23. Each question carries 4 score. ( 2 x 4 = 8)
21. Observe the figure and answer the questions.


a) Which molecule are used to make Steps in DNA?
b) Write the Nitrogen base pairs in DNA ?
c) Draw a nucleotide only seen in RNA?
d) How many types of Nucleotides are seen in RNA. Why ?
22. Listen Saari's science diary report related to the main points of theory of Natural selection. Complete the
illustration by adding missed one. (4)

Over production

Struggle for existence

……a……… ……b………..

Natural selection



Accumulation of variations inherited through

Origin of new species

e) The pests are not dying even after persistent spraying of pesticides. Analyse the statement on the basis of
Darwin's theory.
23. Redraw the figure and label the parts according to the indications given. (4)

a. Carries impulses from the cell body.

b. The part that receives impulses from adjacent neuron.
c. It increase the speed of impulses


*SV QSVI 7XYH] QEXIVMEPW :MWMX &-3 :-7-32 &03+ SV -RWXEPP &-3 :-7-32 7',330 %44 JVSQ 4PE] 7XSVI

Time: 11/2 Hour BIOLOGY Total score: 40
 First 15 minutes given as ‘cool off time’ in addition to 11/2 hours. Use this time to read and understand
the questions.
 Answer the questions according to the score and time.
 Write the question numbers for main and sub questions correctly.
Answer any five questions from 1 to 6. Each question carries 1 score. (5x1 = 5)
1. Which of the following is a function of the sympathetic system?
a) Secretion of the saliva Increases
b) Trachea dilates
c) Urinary bladder contracts
d) Trachea constricts)
2. Find the expressed character of the given progeny based on their genetic constitution.
a. tall plant with red flower
b. dwarf plant with white flower
c. dwarf plant with red flower
d. tall plant with white flower
3. Read the following statements. Correct the mistakes if any, in the part underlined.
a. Melatonin controls reproductive activities of organisms with definite reproductive periods.
b. Aldosterone controls inflammation and allergy.
4. Which among the following is Bacterial disease?
a.Ebola b.Syphilis b.SARS d. Rabies
5. Generally used vectors
A- Genetic material in Virus B - DNAs in bacteria C- RNAs in bacteria D - Human DNA
6. Choose the correct statement/ statements from the given ones.
a. Electro encephalo gram : To record electric waves in the heart muscle.
b. C.T. Scanner: To record the electric waves in the brain.
c. Ultra sound scanner ; To understand the structure of internal organs using ultrasonic sound waves
d. MRI scanner ; To get three dimensional visuals of internal organs with the help of computer, using X-
Answer any 6 questions from 7 to 13. Each question carries 2 score ( 6 x 2 =12)
7. Rajesh told that cow’s milk from his farm can cure diabetes mellitus
a. Do you agree with him?
b. Is there any scientific reason behind it, explain?
8. Classify the pieces of information given below and write them down in the suitable table. (2)
a. Does not participate directly in protein synthesis
b. Thymine is present in it. It. has no uracil.
c. Uracil is present in it and no thymine.
d. Do not duplicate


9. How does the interference of human beings in nature influence the process of evolution? How do these affect
the existence of other organisms?
10. 'Food safety will be adversely affected with the spread of plant diseases.' Do you agree with it? Why? Give
two examples of plant diseases. (2)
11. The conclusion of a theory which explains how evolution happens in organisms, is given below.
New species are formed by the accumulation of acquired characters.
a. Who proposed this theory?
b. This theory was not accepted completely. Explain the reason.
12. Our traditional knowledge can play an important role in defending and controlling diseases. What can we do
to conserve our vanishing folk knowledge in this regard?
13. Observe the figure and answer to the questions.
a. What this logo represents?
b. What are the aims of this project?

Answer any five questions from 14 to 20. Each question carries 3 score. (5 x 3 = 15)
14. Analysis the illustration and write down the answers.

a. Which among the human ancestors is shown in the figure?

b. Where was its fossil collected from?
c. Write down two special features of this ancient man?
15. Observe the illustration and answer to the questions.

a. What does this illustration indicate?

b. How this phenomenon causes the expression of new characters in the next generation?
c. Write the importance of this process?
16. Crab is the fourth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Cancer.

a. How normal cells get transformed into cancerous cells?

b. ‘Hereditary factors and alterations in genetic material are the reasons for cancer so we considered
cancer is a hereditary disease’ what is your opinion about this statement
c. What are the methods adopted in cancer treatment?


*SV QSVI 7XYH] QEXIVMEPW :MWMX &-3 :-7-32 &03+ SV -RWXEPP &-3 :-7-32 7',330 %44 JVSQ 4PE] 7XSVI
17. Select the suitable
able words from columns 'B' and 'C that match the words in column
column 'A' and rewrite the
Cevetone Germicide Biological clock
Ethyphon Pheromone Water purification
Pineal Artificial material Attracts the mates
Hormone Production of rubber latex
18. The following table shows the number of offsprings produced in second generation on self pollinating a pea
plant with Green cotyledons (Gg)
Characteristics Number
Pea plants with green cotyledons 307
Pea plants with yellow cotyledons 104
a. Which is the recessive character in first generation ?
b. Illustrate the hybridisation showing the formation of second generation. (Gg)
c. Which are the alleles in the first generation?
19. A study of the Agriculture Department on plant diseases in a panchayath is given below as a graph. Analyse
this and answer the questions.

(a) Which is the mostly affected crop?

(b) Name the disease that affects pepper.
(c) What are the fungal diseases that affected the plants of that area?
20. Analyse the flowchart and answer the following questions

Hypothalamus Releasing hormone Posterior lobe of pituitary gland Prolactin

a. Correct the mistake in the flowchart and redraw it. Do not avoid prolactin while drawing.(2)
b. What is the function of prolactin? (1)
Answer any two questions from 21 to 23. Each question carries 4 score. ( 2 x 4 = 8)
21. Redraw the diagram given below. Identify the parts and label it.

(a) Connects the middle ear with the pharynx.

(b) Auditory receptor hair cells are present.
(c) Separates the external ear from the middle
mi ear.
22. The statements related to the generation and transmission of impulses are given below.
below. arrange in correct


a. The charge difference in the axon membrane stimulates its adjacent parts and the part which is stimulated
regain in its original state.
b. There exists the positive charge on the outer surface and negative charge inside the plasma membrane of
the neuron.
c. The momentary charge difference proceeds, impulses get transmitted through axon.
d. When stimulated, the outer surface of the plasma membrane becomes negatively charged while the inner
surface becomes positively charged.
23. Illustrate DNA nucleotide molecule and RNA nucleotide molecule, using the hints given

Prepared by:
PPMHSS Kottukkara


*SV QSVI 7XYH] QEXIVMEPW :MWMX &-3 :-7-32 &03+ SV -RWXEPP &-3 :-7-32 7',330 %44 JVSQ 4PE] 7XSVI


Time: 11/2 Hour BIOLOGY Total score: 40
 First 15 minutes given as ‘cool off time’ in addition to 11/2 hours. Use this time to read and understand
the questions.
 Answer the questions according to the score and time.
 Write the question numbers for main and sub questions correctly.
Answer any five questions from 1 to 6. Each question carries 1 score. (5x1 = 5)
1. Health department of Kerala warned people in Calicut to be cautious about bats and fruits bitten by bats in
November, December months, as it is the reproductive period of bats. Which is the hormone that control
reproductive activities with definite reproductive periods in bats, rat, elephant etc….
a) Melatonin b)Thymosin c)cortisol d)Thyroxin
2. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
Pathogen of cholera:
A. Virus B. Bacteria
C. Fungus D. Protozoa
3. Antibodies present in AB blood group.
C- Nil
4. ………….Prevents the entry of germs which have crossed the cell wall through the cell membrane.
A-Callose B -Lignin C - Cutin D - Suberin
5. The main components in the Hepetitis -B vaccine.
a.- Killed germs b -Cellular part of pathogens
c - Alive, but neutralised germs d - Neutralised toxins.
6. Identify, from the statements given below, those that are related to mixed nerves.
a. Carry messages from the different part of the body to the brain and spinal cord.
b. Carry messages from the brain and spinal cord to the different parts of the body
c. Conduct transmission of messages from the brain and spinal cord to the body parts and from the body
parts to brain and spinal cord.
Answer any 6 questions from 7 to 13. Each question carries 2 score ( 6 x 2 =12)
7. Analyse the illustration. What do A and B stand for?

a. Name the neurotransmitter which is released in the synaptic cleft.

b. What is its major function?
8. Some milestones in Genetics are given below. Fill up the missing part? (3)
a) 1866 Gregor Johann Mendel •………………….
b) 1924, 1929 •…………... •Theory of chemical evolution
c) 1953 •………....... •Double helix model of DNA


d) 1984 •…………… •Discovery of DNA finger printing
9. The names of some organisms in Anthropoidea are given below.
Baboon, Orangutan, Monkey
a. Which among this is the closest to human's, according to evolution theory?
b. Write down two specialties of other organisms.
10. Observe the figure and answer the questions given below.

a. Identify X and Y?
b. Differentiate X and Y?
11. Read the following statements. Correct the mistakes if any, in the part underlined.
a. Fossils from different layers of rocks indicate the evolution of eukaryotes from prokaryotes
b. The oldest known fossils dating from about 3.5 million years ago are prokaryotes
c. Dinosaurs disappeared from the earth 63 million years ago
d. Geology and genetics make fossils evidence scientific
e. Origin of eukaryotic cell from prokaryotic cell is a milestone in the history of evolution
12. The following graph representing the changes occur in the number of two types of bacteria, when a patient
use a particular antibiotics.

a. Analyse the graph and write your inferences?

b. Is this antibiotic is effective against the pathogens? Why?
13. Social media published a news that vaccines must not be taken because they made up of bacteria’s and
chemicals extracted from bacterias. As a science student how will you react?
Answer any five questions from 14 to 20. Each question carries 3 score. (5 x 3 = 15)
14. Identify the hormones from the given statements
a. Helps in the reabsorption of water in the kidneys
b. Facilitates child birth by stimulate contraction of smooth muscles in the uterine wall.
c. Control the activities and maturation of lymphocytes which help to impart immunity.
d. Maintains blood pressure.
e. Controls inflammation and allergy.
f. Influence the production of thyroxine
15. Given below is a placard exhibited in a school rally organised 'Against Racism'.
It is not racial difference that makes the skin colour different;
This is an adaptation to live under the sun.
a. How will you explain the difference in skin colour of people living in different parts of the world?


*SV QSVI 7XYH] QEXIVMEPW :MWMX &-3 :-7-32 &03+ SV -RWXEPP &-3 :-7-32 7',330 %44 JVSQ 4PE] 7XSVI
b. What attitude should be adopted by a scientifically enlightened society towards the idea in the
placard? Substantiate.
16. Given below is an equipment used for disease diagnosis .

a. Identify the equipment

b. What is its use?
c. Name another equipment that works on the same principle.
17. Observe the figures and answer the questions.

a. How does the shape of the lens differ in A and B?

b. Identify the picture that shows the following situations?
i. Reading a book.
ii. Observes a bird flying high in the air.
18. "Some specific process during Meiosis helps to create variation in characters among organisms".
a. Analyse this statement and explain the process.
b. What happens if some sudden changes occur in chromosome number and structure? Cite examples.
19. Given below are the blood groups of 3 individuals.Write down the answers based on them.
Rajan -A
Joy -O
Shams - AB
a. Which among the above blood groups don't have antibodies?
b. To whom can Rajan donate his blood?
c. Can Joy donate his blood to Rajan? Why?
20. Differentiate hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism using the features given below.
Heart beat increases, increased appetite, excessive sweating, increased metabolism, skin becomes dry,
loss of body weight.
Answer any two questions from 21 to 23. Each question carries 4 score. ( 2 x 4 = 8)
21. Observe the illustration given below and answer the questions.


a. How does the parental plant with green coloured seed and the plant in the first generation differ in their
b. What would be result if the first generation plant is crossed with the green parental plant ? illustrate.
c. Write all the possible gametes formed from the given plants.
a) GGRR b) GgRr
c) GGRr d) Ggrr
22. The flow chart shows how giraffes with elongated necks evolved according to Lamarck's theory.
Food scarcity → Stretched necks to reach out for tall trees for food →The elongated necks were transferred to
the next generation. →Giraffes with long necks evolved
Rearrange this diagram according to the Theory of Natural Selection of Darwin by adding hints in the given
Struggle for existence, over production, natural selection
23. Copy the diagram and name and label the parts described.

a. The transparent front part of the sclera.

b. The part that helps to change the curvature of the lens.
c. The part from where optic nerve starts

Prepared by:
PPMHSS Kottukkara

*SV QSVI 7XYH] QEXIVMEPW :MWMX &-3 :-7-32 &03+ SV -RWXEPP &-3 :-7-32 7',330 %44 JVSQ 4PE] 7XSVI


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