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1. Captopril, when combined with diuretics, results in –

a) Thyrotoxicosis
b) Raynaud’s Phenomena
c) Orthostatic hypotension
d) Atrial Flutter

2. A drug indicated in severe hypertension with CHF & renal dysfunction, as well as, in
gout is –
a) Furosemide
b) Torsemide
c) Eplerenone
d) Indacrinone

3. The mechanism of action of Na-nitroprusside is –

a) Increases cAMP
b) Stimulation of guanylyl cyclase
c) Ca2+ channel blockage
d) K+ channel opener

4. What would be the 1​st​ line therapy for a patient with idiopathic pulmonary
hypotension, who responded positively to vasodilators? Justify.

5. Which drugs are the 1​st​ line therapy for a patient with hypertension, along with
diabetic nephropathy? Justify.

1. Which is the most desirable BP (taken as an avr. of 2 consecutive measurements at 1

point in time)?
a) 180/110 mmHg
b) 140/80 mmHg
c) 120/80 mmHg
d) 130/90 mmHg

2. Select the correct statement.

a) The older we get, the greater is our risk to develop high BP
b) Sea salt contains lots of minerals so, it is good for hypertension
c) Being overweight isn’t related to hypertension
d) All of these

3. The risk of developing high BP can be reduced by –

a) Reducing salt intake
b) Avoiding alcohol intake
c) Eating balanced diet
d) All of these

4. Drug used in treating CHF, associated with a reversible thrombocytopenia –

a) Dopamine
b) Hydralazine
c) Digoxin
d) Amrinone

5. 1​st​ line agents in treating CHF –

a) Hydralazine
b) Dobutamine
c) ACE inhibitors
d) CCBs
What is the most common symptom of high blood pressure?
A. Racing heartbeat
B. High body temperature
C. Fatigue
D. It has no symptoms that you notice
. Which of these can increase your risk of high blood pressure?
A. Obesity
B. A family history of high blood pressure
C. Smoking
D. All of the above
At what age should you have your first screening for high blood pressure?
A. 16
B. 18
C.​ 30
D. 50
2. The numbers in a blood pressure reading:
A. ​Vary, depending on the time of day your blood pressure is checked
B. Get lower with high levels of stress
C. Are the same for people of the same age and weight
D. Stay the same throughout the day

1. Which of the following indicates hypertensive crisis?

A) Blood pressure (BP) of 140/99 mm Hg

B) BP of 150/99 mm Hg
C) BP of 160/100 mm Hg
D​) BP of 180/120 mm Hg
2 .At what age should you have your first screening for high blood pressure?
A) 16
B) 18
C) 30
D) 50
3. The numbers in a blood pressure reading:
A) Vary, depending on the time of day your blood pressure is checked
B) Get lower with high levels of stress
C) Are the same for people of the same age and weight
D) Stay the same throughout the day
4. Symptoms of a heart attack can include …

A) Dizziness, weakness, arm pain, pressure in the chest

B) Heart palpitations, shortness of breath, weakness
C) No symptoms at all
​D) All of the above

5. Risks for heart disease include …

A) High blood pressure and high cholesterol
B) Smoking
C) Lack of exercise
​D) All of the above

1. The antihypertensive agent also used for hair regrowth is-

a. Nitroglycerine
b. Nitroprusside
c. Minoxidil
d. Verapamil

2. Angiotensin II
a. Is increased in the presence of Enalapril
b. Causes drop in aldosterone levels
c. Can result in water retention
d. Increases sodium retention

3. Antihypertensive effect of methyl dopa is by

a. Blocking alpha adrenergic receptor
b. Dilating the arteriolar smooth muscle
c. Stimulating the alpha 2 adrenergic receptor in the brain stem
d. Inhibiting the angiotensin converting enzyme
4. Which of the following antihypertensive drugs tend to elevate plasma triglycerides?
a. Calcium channel blockers
b. Alpha adrenergic receptor blocker
c. Thiazide diuretics
d. ACE inhibitors

5. Which antihypertensive drug has to be avoided in a diabetic patient who is taking

a. Guanethidine
b. Alpha methyl dopa
c. Propranolol
d. Hydralazine

1) Drugs that have been found to be useful in one or more types of heart failure include
all of the following except:-
a) Na+/ K+ ATPase inhibitors c) Alpha adrenoceptor agonists
b) Beta adrenoceptor antagonists d) ACE inhibitor

2) Which of the following situations constitutes an added risk of digoxin toxicity ?

a) Starting administration of captopril c) Starting administration of quinidine
b) Hyperkalaemia d) Hypocalcaemia

3) Drugs proved to reduce mortality in chronic congestive heart failure include all of
the following except:-
a) Captopril b) Enalapril
b) Digoxin d) Carvedilol

4) High blood pressure is the main cause of which of these ?

a) Cancer c) Strokes
b) Diabetes d) CHF

5) Which of these contribute to high blood pressure ?

a) Getting a lot of vitamin C c) Drinking a lot of alcohol
b) Getting a lot of calcium d) All of the above

1.Mechanism by which vasodilators improve myocardial performance in CHF

a) increase heart rate
b) promote diuretics
c) reduce afterload
d) reduce pulmonary blood flow
2. The most common symptom of heart failure :
a) tachycardia
b) oliguria
c) dyspnoea
d) hepatomegaly
3. Inhibitors and Na+/K+ ATPase : used in management of CHF :
a) enalapril
b) digoxin
c) amrinone
d) minoxidil
4. Drugs which may increase digoxin effect include all off the following except :
a) antacids
b) quinidine
c) furosemide
d) diazepam
5. Drugs used in treating CHF, associated with a reversible thrombocytopenia is –
a) Dopamine
b) Hydralazine
c) Methyldopa
d) Amrione

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