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Table 1 – Soap Preparation

Mass of Petri dish (g) 5.202

Mass of Filter paper (g) 0.4865
Mass of filter paper + Soap + petri dish (g) 26.0589
Mass of Soap recovered (g) 20.3704

Table 2 – pH Of Soap And Detergent Solution

Brand Name of Synthetics Detergent Dynamo

pH of soap solution 10
pH of synthetics detergent solution 8

Table 3 – Emulsification Occurrence

System Emulsification Occurrence Observation

Distilled water No Slightly Emulsify
Soap Yes Cloudy
Detergent No Slightly Emulsify

Table 4 – Comparison of Soap and Detergent Properties

System Precipitate Oil Emulsified

Soap Detergent Soap Detergent
CaCl2 Yes No No No
MgCl2 Yes No No No
FeCl3 Yes No No No

Table 5 – Soap Solution And Detergent Solution Properties In Hard Water

System Amount of HCl Oil Emulsified Precipitate

needed to change pH
to 3
Detergent Stock 2 No Precipitated
Soap stock 5 No No Precipitated

Table 6 – Relative Cleanliness of Soap Solution, Detergent Solution and Detergent

System Relative cleanliness

Soap Solution Slightly Clean
Detergent solution Clean
Detergent Most Clean

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