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~ SuVvtVvteyft.eL~s.
Constituti~ woo~
1. The group shall be called "Friends of Summerfields Wood"

2. The aims of the group are:

• To conserve Summerfields Wood, its flora, fauna and wildlife habitats as a community
resource and promote its use by local people as a place for the quiet enjoyment and study
of the woodland.
• To promote practical conservation works through voluntary action for the benefit of the
local environment and community.

3. To fulfil these aims the group ':

a) Plan, organise and promote pra ical conservation works and other such activities as the
group seeks fit to promote its aim.
b) Money and other support shall be raised when necessary for carrying out the aims of the

4. The area served is principally Summerfields Wood but projects and activities may be
undertaken elsewhere as is seen fit by the members.

5. Membership shall be open to anyone interested in taking a supportive role in promoting the
groups aims.

6. A person is considered to be a 'member' of the Friends of Summerfields Wood once the

membership details and/or annual subscription/or donation h been received by the Treasurer.

7. There shall be an annual review of subscription rates and donations encouraged to help pay for
necessary expenses. This is to be fixed at a members meeting at such rate as is from time-to-
time thou ht ad uate.

8. The organisation shall hold regular meetings to discuss its policy, administration and progress.
All members shall be entitled to attend, and these meeting will be publicised.

9. Such officers shall be appointed as are required to conduct the administration of the
organisation. These will include the chairperson and a treasurer. These officers shall be in
charge of the day-to-day running of the organisation, but shall be answerable to meetings of
members. Officer positions will be open for election at the annual general meeting.

10. Accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer, submitted to an independent inspection and approved
at a members meeting.

~ 11. The organisation shall maintain insurance for volunteers on walks and talks and events, and for
• injuries to third persons and damage to property.

12. This constitution shall only be altered by consent of a majority of the members of the
organisation present at the annual gen3ral meeting or at an extra ordinary general meeting.

13. .The annual general meeting shall take place annual in or around November.

14. If the organisation shall, by general consent of a majority of members, cease to exist, all
assets/surplus funds/equipment shall be donated to a local conservation group with similar
objectives, or to BTCV.

Adopted at a meeting ofthe members on (date)

Signed (Chair of the meeting)

Signed (members present)....

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