Max Korvun - Information Writing Project

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Sometimes Mars
appears more red
because of the angle
which the sun is
shining on it. This
A Presentation makes people think
stereotypically that
Researched and mars is always red.
Created by Max

Have you ever wondered what Mars is

like? Mars, you would think, is very different
than earth but still has some similarities.
Scientists from Earth have sent rovers to find
out what Mars is like. These rovers have
gathered evidence to help us find even more
about Mars’ atmosphere.

Look, you can see the north

pole of Mars!
“If humanity doesn’t land on mars in my lifetime, I would
Common be very disappointed”, Elon Musk.

Facts to Know Did you know that Mars is the second smallest planet
in our solar system? This is because Mars only has an

About Mars equatorial (the equator) diameter of 4,221 miles while Earth’s
is 7,917 miles long.

Fun Fact: Mars has the Did you know Mars’ average density (of the planet) is
highest mountain/ volcano in the only four times more dense than water. which is even less
entire solar system, the Olympus than Earth’s density even with all our oceans. Scientists
Mons! concluded that this is probably because of what comprises
the inside of Mars.

On average Mars’ orbit is roughly 1.5 times further from

the sun than earth. This is one factor that makes mars very

A day on Mars is called a sol and lasts 24 hours, 37

minutes, near the same as an Earth day.
Rovers on Mars “Mars is there, waiting to be reached”, were once Buzz
Aldrin’s words and that is exactly the mission of rovers on
Two of the most famous rovers sent to mars were
Spirit and Opportunity. These rovers were sent on a mission
to Mars to explore and collect data to find out whether or not
there had ever been water on Mars. They were sent to mars
on January, 2004. The rovers did complete the mission,
finding evidence that there once was water on Mars.
Finally, the mission was completed with the rovers
ready to head back to Earth on schedule for 90 days. But
since the rovers were in such good condition, NASA
extended the mission several times and continued to
explore Mars. With this extra time, the rovers were sent on
missions to explore the Victoria and Endeavour Craters.
Though eventually they ran out of luck when Spirit got stuck
in sandy soil. As well as in June, 2018 Opportunity was
wiped out by a global dust storm. With both rovers down
This is a CG (computer generated) NASA declared that the rover expedition of 2004 was over.
image of the Spirit rover exploring Mars.
You can see
suspended dust particles in
the atmosphere.
Atmosphere of Mars
“I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact”, this is what Elon Musk
once said possibly without realizing the gravity on Mars is 62.5% less than that of
Earth. Even with this being true he would still die on impact.

The atmosphere of Mars is quite different from that of Earth. The

atmosphere of Mars is very thin, exerting less than a hundredth of Earth’s
surface pressure. By weight, carbon dioxide accounts for 95.3 percent of the
Did you know that the atmosphere near the surface.
temperature on Mars can
differentiate (change) up to The atmosphere of lower elevations on Mars is about as cold as the air
170 degrees Fahrenheit in above Antarctica in the winter at about -100 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of
only one day! these subzero temperatures there is often clouds, haze, and fog near the
surface. Most gases in the Martian atmosphere suspend dust particles from the
This is an infographic mostly comparing Mars and Earth.
In conclusion, Mars is a very different place
than Earth but still has some similar facts. We
found this out with the help of Mars rovers. These
rovers, while on Mars, also learned more about the

Even though Mars seems like a pretty bad

and scary place with global dust storms and
temperatures ranging from 86 to negative 284 Now that you’ve learned so much about
this big seemingly red planet you can quiz your
degrees, we still have a lot to learn about it.
friends to see what they know about Mars.
Mars, the Fascinating Red Planet - Canadian ← Mars infographic
Space Agency

Mars Exploration Rover (United States space

Mars (planet, fourth from the Sun)

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