Imfalct The Creation: and All That Came After The Creations of Hhurd

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The Creation
And All That Came After

The Creations of Hhurd

… slightest twist of the tongue and glimpse of the eye. And Hhurd made all that exists. A mere reflection
of his eclipse. Everything was but Hhurd, and Hhurd was everything. Hhurd swept the Marwa’idilqse, The
Creation, with free will. The ability to act on their own decisions and without malfunction.

Hhurd made all the existing. And he made the worlds, Ea’zir amongst them. That he made for reasons
unknown. For none asked Hhurd and Hhurd answered none. To regulate it he made the Elements, Free
willed souls bound to Ea’zir. At start there was peace and prosperity. The Elements altered and changed
and reshaped it. This was the process of Uppermost Minglement. In this the former shape of the world
was folded unto itself to reveal another new part of it. Before this took place the Elements sang and
danced, rippling the surface and changing the links which made new and beautiful things. When various
Elements interacted together they yielded different products. This led to the birth of creatures and seas
and sands and plants and much too more.

And amongst them were worst things, uglier and hideous and Evil itself. By itself Fyei’num, Evil, was not
more than the seas and sands and plants and everything else and the fiends indifferent from any other
creature. But Evil feasted on negativity. The absence of physical presence created the Void. The absence
of Void created negativity, or Euwijib, and that was exactly what Evil desired. Initially weak Evil gained
power through influencing things to bait Void in moving. Whenever Void did, Evil began only powerful.
Gradually becoming stronger it impacted the creations of Elements and when it had powered all too
much, even the Elements itself.

Although Fyei’num had no body, by yet unfound ways it did possess the dominion to gain forms.
Unknown to the Elements, Evil took forms of them and spread tales of falsehood and rumors amongst
their purity. Soon the Elements viewed each other with suspicion and distrust. It was only a matter of
time and effort before war broke out and that it did.

Twelve groups the elements divided themselves into, and twelve worlds they snatched from Ea’zir. Ea’zir
was left sundered and destroyed, forlorn and desolate. And then the battle really began. The prosperity
and richness was all but lost in the disagreements that followed. However Hhurd had known about it all
along and Hhurd only smiled. He sent down his noblest of followers, The Four Elements who had the
authority to command the others, The True Enforcement. They were equal to each other, yet stronger,
nobler and all the more loyal at the same time. They came down, down to Ardh’iza Baagh, The Heart of
the True Progeny, where their traditions are honored to the present day. However their light was too
bright and their descent too holy. As each Element watched them wander the sullen form of Ea’zir, they
were too dumbstruck to fight further and so they gathered around them. Their light made the Shadows
and a part of all Elements was taken by the Shadows. But none was to learn this as the Shadows were
never seen, hidden away in places where light never crept. Said it is that Void was struck greatest by the
True’s light and more than half of Void was given to the shadows.

Then the Elements were reunited, under the banner of Hhurd and the True. They labored again to repair
the remnants of Ea’zir and the twelve worlds and each Element gave all they had to make it one again,
though never again was it ever that beautiful. They entered the Surrendered Slumber, a rest which is
only to be broken when the Uppermost Minglement comes to take place again. They made their beds
under the face of Ea’zir, too exhausted to lie deeper. The True Enforcement set all in order, a world
where peace reigned. Hidden from them was the notion that Evil, who had become as weak and
wizened as any old man on Ea’zir, had already laid himself in the very foundation of the world. They bid
all the remaining creations a simple task, to live, sustain, continue and attend to their responsibilities all
the properly. The spirits they asked to inhabit the bodies of all creatures, and emotions to follow spirits
in their travel wherever and everything was given to run everything else, though their freedom of choice
was more or less taken. When everything was in place the True Enforcement sought to accompany
Hhurd again yet they learnt they could not for most of themselves had interspersed with Ea’zir itself. To
keep themselves among Ea’zir forever they sent their fragments in the shape of men, the Loyal

Despite all this, the secret of the shadows were never to be discovered by any enforcement. They were
everywhere yet nowhere and thus were lost forever.

The Creations of the Creations

The coming of the Loyal Enforcement marked the end of the reign of the Creations. What followed was a
new world with a young spirit, curious and intelligent, though savage and uncivilized. The Loyal
Enforcement split to spread their wisdom and message. They began a laborious undertaking of making a
raft so long and wide that it stretched from one end of the world to the other. Months and years and
decades passed and they tasked and tasked and tasked and tasked. Meanwhile a lot of them who had
decided to inhabit the Isle of their landing socialized with the local community who were wild and had
taken upon bloodshed. They taught them and talked to them. They lived with them and married among
them. In considerable time the people of the Island became civilized and started to prosper. They called
themselves Aab Gaherom Him Yurveda Flaca Falct Adhgul Hhurd, Imfalct in short, The People
surrounded by waters (Of illiteracy) proud and intelligent and the faithful followers of Hhurd (And his
creations) and the True Enforcement’s progeny. They built an impressive society which remained for the
most part un-advanced due to their reservation to extensively harm the environment. They did not
needlessly destroy and reap and remained happy with what they had. This made them unambitious and
conflicts that arose between them were naught but of ideas. They thought deeply and revered Hhurd
through the True Enforcement. Yet soon the bridge was complete for the Loyal did not age or tire. They
then journeyed throughout the world and spread the message of righteousness.

But when they had journeyed, a strange man came from the west of the great Isle. He took ages to
complete his journey and when he had, he taunted the clouds so much that the Skyburst took place. By
this time all the Loyal had strangely disappeared, all at once and none stood to repair the raft as waves
and waves of downpour damaged it. In the end it swayed and fell and like its makers disappeared
beneath the waters of the world. The wise men of the Isle were greatly worried by the sky’s fury and to
appease it they did a strange ritual. No one knows how it went just this that the four wisest were taken
to control the fury. This was the first Rishwaghub. The old man had been stronger once. But now he
moved in a strange sort of shuffling. He smiled still, because he had reason to pain himself. Soon he
wandered amongst the good-natured people of the isle. And spread he did among them malice. It
became so that he divided the people into four tribes and then the four into four and one more. Divided
and enraged the Imfalct passed so close to war. Yet they were still Aab Gaherom Him Yurveda Flaca Falct
Adhgul Hhurd and did not resort to it. Instead they went to mount Asa’rih and from there they sighted
Beholder’s Rock. They made rafts, thirty-six in whole and together they journeyed to the rocky den of the
Undraar, the mightiest of the Yandraar, the noblest of Yand. There he met them, speaking through a
curtain of air, for they were not strong enough to hear him with his true might, nor withstand even the
slightest of his whispers. The Undraar has said to come from a different place, one alongside Ea’zir. From
there he had brought forth the birds of the world, whom he had led through by a rend above Beholder’s
Perch. He was wise above all and counseled them and bridged their rifts. Asked he did, unanswerable
questions and reminded them that Four defeat Four and Four are equal to Four and without Four there
would not be any Four and the Four balance the Four. Four the tribes became and he himself confessed
that below this number was beyond impossible. He warned them of Evil who was wandering their land
and bade them to run him off. Then the tribesmen journeyed back and spread in search of the convict.

Meanwhile Evil had been busy. He searched the length of the island to find the Crack of Dusk, an
entrance to a cave system where the deepest of shadows dwelt. He came upon them and called them
all, even from the ends of the world. They gathered around him, interested to know how he had found
them. He bade them come closer until they piled onto each other so much that a black wall around him
formed. He told them that they must go inside him to really discover this and falling for this trick Evil
swallowed all the shadows in the world. He blew asunder from the depth of the shadows who had
conjoined and merged and had become one with Evil. Only then became the Shadow complete.

The Rise of Shadow

In the subsequent period after the arbitration and the search of Evil, an uneasy peace fell upon the
Imfalct. The Isle had become much more peaceful than during Evil’s attempt of sabotage but owing to
Evil’s escape and failed searched the men had become fearful and unsatisfied. They had been warned of
Evil’s by Undraar and thus felt that they had left the task unfinished. However their lives and the Baagh’s
social structure was falling apart due to the searches and terror. Therefore all the four tribes decided that
a permanent search should be mounted. A group whose primary and only task should be guarding the
Imfalct from Evil. Thus were born the Ayutneadhh, which is perhaps the most famous group in Imfalct
history. The Ayutneadhh were the priests of the Order of Zahq’een. Previously the Order itself was not
subject to immense popularity or importance although the highest of these were included in the event
of Feather-Veiled Guidance. After the divides were settled the Order played a huge part in convincing
people to search for Evil and offered their own men for this role. As a result a meagre group of the most
brilliant was made. These men had the ability to take the will of their belief’s avatar. This was a queer
development as Imfalct never attended to magic. It was later discovered that this was no magic but such
a strong connection to Hhurd and Hhurd’s Creations and Hhurd’s Creations’ creations that a much more
mundane form could be assumed.

The Baagh witnessed perhaps its most peaceful and prosperous reign around now. With Evil in hiding
and his physical form completely shattered not much obstructed the development on the Isle where any
sign of Evil was immediately eliminated. The Ayutneadhh continued all about and became the
representation of good and the rebels against Evil. In this period the flowers bloomed quicker and the
fruit tasted much sweeter. The crops were abundant and there was never a sign of aggression. Many
discoveries were made including the use of mineral veins protruding on the surface.

The cities were founded and the population flourished. The Order became so popular that a continuous
stream of curious students was always present. The Urkhain was ventured and the swamps were
surveyed. This led to the discovery of the five Joesh’run who later gained a small number of attendants.
Many wise men of the island came and deep advances were made from the religious perspective.
Profound cultures and dynamic customs sprang up. Men, women and children spent happy lives and the
usual lifespan grew to a quarter above a century.

Meanwhile the Ayutneadhh tracked and wandered every bit of the Baagh. They found traces of Evil
which gradually started to fall into pattern. Evil had visited every dwelling and every population on the
isle, extending from the northernmost Iyrdhan to the raft-houses in the west and south. Everywhere he
left a single souvenir and a faint memory of questions. His token was always something that fueled
negativity around the area. This happened when men thought wrongly and interrupted the Void in their
mind which moved away from such heinous thinking and created negativity. As such the Ayutneadhh
promised to remove all such presence. The other hint of his passing was a list of questions, the same
questions over and over and over again. They were always directed towards the fabled Crack of Dusk.
The Crack was said to have created because of the True Enforcement’s landing. The ground had been
unable to bare it and that had split. Unknown to most the shadows that were created by the True’s
coming were so dark here that the Crack was thought to lead nowhere.

With knowledge of this, the search began anew, not for Evil this once but the Crack of Dusk. Strange
tales shrouded the Crack. So when the news of this strange development reached the heads of the cities
and the general populace, a seething fury about the Ayutneadhh’s intent spread. Men turned and spoke
against the freedom and power offered to the Ayutneadhh. People no longer viewed them as guardians
and protectors. Instead they saw the subordinates of Evil. The Order fell apart and each tribe removed its
support for it. Soon no aspiring trainee joined the Order and only the remaining Ayutneadhh kept the
final shell of the Order cemented. It seemed the quick rise meant a swifter fall, though it had been more
than a millennia of the Ayutneadhh strength.

But yet the Ayutneadhh had not been wasted. Ostensibly the Ayutneadhh had given the search up, and
so the Order had announced too. A wise man had advised them such and they had followed. But a group
of seven had defied their commands and carried on. The Order had been only too close to finding it and
unsurprisingly a small amount of effort meant that the Crack of Dusk was founded. The seven men
entered together each with no intention but to restore the honor of their organization. But none, not
one, ever came out. The seven self-proclaimed heroes were never heard of again.

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