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DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst

German Academic Exchange Service

Special Scholarships
“Good Governance in Afghanistan” (GGA)
and “Master of Public Policy” (MPP)
at the University of Erfurt, Germany
What are the Since 2002, probably more than 20,000,000,000 $ of awarded interna-
objectives tional donor funds were returned unspent because of lacking adminis-
trative capacities at Afghan authorities. Many setbacks in Afghan re-
of the pro-
construction activities are due to the absence or inadequacy of admin-
gramme? istrative skills and procedures. Providing qualification in public policy
issues – summarized under the term of “Good Governance” – would
therefore clearly be an asset in the process of Afghan civil reconstruc-
tion and have a direct impact on key criteria such as sustainability and
Afghan ownership.

In view of this situation, the German Academic Exchange Service

(DAAD) is offering scholarships for Afghan postgraduates to par-
ticipate in the preparatory programme “Good Governance in Af-
ghanistan” (GGA) and in a following Master’s Degree Course
“Public Policy” at the Willy-Brandt-School of the University in Er-
furt, Germany.

- The preparatory course (GGA) is designed to offer instruc-

tion and information which is closely tailored to specific
Afghan needs and realities. It will cover a period of 7
months (March till September 2011). The course will be
taught in English and includes an Intensive German lan-
guage course in the period from August 1 till September

- The Master course “Public Policy” (MPP) at the University

of Erfurt will cover a period of two additional years (Octo-
ber 2011 till September 2013). The Master course has an in-
ternational orientation and will be taught in English.

- Successful completion of the preparatory course (GGA)

will be a prerequisite for getting admission to the sub-
sequent Master course.

Further details about the Master course at Erfurt University can

be obtained in the Internet::
Who can The scholarship scheme is open to candidates from Afghanistan
apply? whose current professional activities will benefit from a qualification in
the field of “Good Governance” issues. Eligible candidates will typically
be employed as executives in state or public authorities, NGOs, busi-
ness firms, or as academic staff at universities.

Target group Excellently qualified graduates with a first university degree (Bachelor
or equivalent) who in the future would like to actively contribute to the
social and economic development of their home country. No more than
six years should have passed since receiving the last academic de-

What is fund- Scholarships for a seven-month preparatory course and a subsequent

able? two-year Master programme at Erfurt University. (Participating in the
Master programme depends on a successful completion of the pre-
paratory course.)

The scholarship includes:

• monthly scholarship rate of currently 750 € (approx. 1,050 $).,

• adequate health, accident and private/personal liability insur-
ance in Germany
• travel allowance of 950 EUR in two instalments (550 EUR pay-
able prior to departure from Afghanistan, 400 EUR payable prior
to return to Afghanistan after having completed the Master
• one-time study and research subsidy of 460 EUR,
• and, if applicable, a family allowance (during the Master course

During the preparatory course (March 1, 2011 – Sept. 30, 2011) it will
not be possible to be accompanied by spouse or family. During the
subsequent Master course (starting Oct. 1, 2011) scholarship holders
are entitled to apply for family allowances according to general DAAD
regulations. However, DAAD advises applicants to bear in the mind
that it is presently very difficult and time-consuming to obtain the nec-
essary family visa and that DAAD is not in a position to influence visa
procedures in any way.

Time • Deadline of submission of two complete application sets at the
Schedule German Embassy Kabul : November 15, 2010
• Deadline of submission of one scanned copy of the complete
application set by e-mail to November 15,
2010. Due to limited data storage capacities, the scanned copy
should be submitted in PDF format and strictly not exceed a
volume of 5 MB. (PDF converters are freely accessible e.g. in
the internet and will effect a convenient reduction of data
• Paper-based pre-selection
• Invitation of pre-selected applicants to Kabul for personal inter-
views and written test (December). Please note: Invited pre-
selected applicants must bring all originals of documents
which were submitted as copies so that they can be offi-
cially acknowledged during the Kabul interviews.

• Preparatory course at Erfurt University (March 1, 2011 – Sept.

30, 2011)
• Master course “Public Policy” at Erfurt University (Oct. 1, 2011
- Sept. 30, 2013)
• Due to the tight time schedule in both programmes there will be
no possibility for a home visit between March 1, 2011 and
March 2012.

Requirements In addition to the study results achieved so far, the main criterion for
selection is a convincing description of the subject-related and per-
sonal motivation for the study project in Germany and the expected
benefit after the return to the home country.

Applicants must submit:

1) A filled-in and signed DAAD application form (available in the

internet from the following link:
or from our Kabul Office (address see below);
2) Motivation Letter containing a precise description of the applicant’s
academic / professional and personal reasons for wishing to par-
ticipate in the Master’s degree programme;
3) Good English language skills certified either by TOEFL test or
IELTS. Other certificates of English language proficiency will not
be accepted. Fees for obtaining such certificates are considered
as a personal career investment and will not be reimbursed. Reg-
istering for TOEFL or IELTS tests in Afghanistan is strictly a matter
of the applicant’s own initiative and responsibility. In case of prob-
lems, however, DAAD will try to provide assistance. It is urgently
advised to register early for TOEFL or IELTS tests in Kabul, since
availability of testing places is limited;
4) Curriculum Vitae including information about precise field of study

(e.g. “Chemistry” instead of “Science”, or “Electrical Engineering”
rather than just “Engineering”) and, if applicable, description of cur-
rent job situation;
5) Two letters of recommendation by Afghan professors, or (in case
of professionals) current or former employers:
6) Officially authenticated copies of all certificates (school and uni-
versity diplomas) with individual grades, containing information on
grading system.

DAAD will not consider incomplete applications.

Applications (two hard copies) can only be submitted to

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

Wazir Akbar Khan Mena 10
Kabul, Afghanistan

In addition, a copy of the application set must be submitted by email to

Applications submitted through other channels or to other authorities

will not be considered.

The decision on the award of scholarships will be taken by a selection

committee composed of professors from the Master courses and rep-
resentatives of DAAD. Applicants who have been resident in Germany
for more than one year at the time of application cannot be considered.
The results of the selection will be announced by the end of January or
beginning of February, 2011.

Deadline November 15, 2010

Contact and Further information can be obtained from:

DAAD Liaison Office Kabul
c/o Ministry of Higher Education
Kabul, Afghanistan
Phone: 0093-79-42 79 89 5
Office hours: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.


Erfurt School of Public Policy at Erfurt University:

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