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INTASC Standard 1: Learner Development

The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in
critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global

In the spring semester of 2018 I spent
time learning many ways to connect
concepts and use differing perspectives to
engage learners. Science is all about
discovery, critical thinking, creativity, and
collaborative problem solving.
Constructivism and Spiral Curriculum are
two major theories of teaching.
Constructivism is collaborating practices
of the real world and learning together.
Thus, making learners responsible e for
their own learning. Spiral Curriculum is
helping students make links with previous
learning and facilitating thinking and
problem solving skills. Instead of giving
students a bunch of information to
regurgitate, I have learned that guided
instruction is what works best. Allowing
the students to make discoveries on their
own and in ways that connect with their
own unique background.

While participating in my Science class, I had many hands-on opportunities to learn how to
incorporate engaging activities in the classroom. Keeping students attention and relatable are
essential factors when preparing lessons. Above is me demonstrating an experimental activity. I am
representing the sun and each string is a planet. Each of my classmates had the opportunity to come
up and tape a string on my face. We were all laughing and slightly off task at times, but everyone
was learning. I think it is important for a teacher to allow some time for the students to be kids,
especially in a science class. Allowing students to participate in experiment’s and demonstrations
while being creative keeps them engaged. Keeping students’ engaged will also help diminish
behavior problems. Students who are not paying attention are not learning and are most likely
getting into trouble. In my classroom I will provide hands-on activities that will keep my students
engaged, working together and critical thinking.

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