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Mechanical Engineering Corporate Functional Discipline Head Mandate 2000

Responsible for :

 development and maintenance of staff

development and competence assurance CFDH Mechanical Engineering Assets :
schemes (EMPDS and OMPDS) for Project - 30 discipline staff
Engineering staff - Policies, CoPs and Standards (ERDs and
- development schemes
- systems and tools

CFDH scope :
- $ technology & development
- Vendors
- Contractors

 development, maintenance and integration of Project Engineering business processes within

the Engineering function
 succession planning for Mechanical Engineering staff in collaboration with the line
 definition, development and maintenance of Mechanical Engineering philosophies, technical
standards and codes of practice
 development and maintenance of work categories and an approved list of vendors and
contractors for the provision of Mechanical Engineering materials and services.
 approval of variances to Mechanical Engineering standards and changes to the list of
approved vendors and contractors
 pursuit and rapid dissemination of Mechanical Engineering related technology as part of
PDO's technology Programme
 maintaining external technical relationships in the area of mechanical equipment evaluation
 identification of Mechanical Engineering IT requirements, and optimum use IT tools by
Project Engineers
 spreading lateral learning across assets teams and exchange of best practices
 identification and assessment of risks in the Mechanical Engineering discipline and provision
of advice to involved Managers on the appropriate method of managing the risk.
 company wide directional advice and support for Mechanical engineering in terms of
standardisation of systems, infrastructure and commonality of policies, philosophies and
strategic direction.

Liaise with :

AMs or delegates  to facilitate optimum staff deployment and development

 to prepare functional staff development, resourcing and
succession plans
 dissemination of best practice in PDO
 to review Asset Development Plans and provide technical
advice upon invitation
 to advise on appropriate methods of risk management
Mechanical Engineering  to conduct functional meetings for lateral learning and
staff disseminate best practices to support discipline objectives
 to provide Mechanical Engineering expertise and support
 to provide a competence development scheme to ensure
adequate, high calibre Project Engineering resources are
available to meet business requirements
the Functional Director  for risk advice on Mechanical equipments
 for advise on focus and direction for the development of the
Mechanical Engineering discipline
SIEP  for technical advice (RTS)
 supply of Group staff (EPS-HR)
3rd parties  identification, development and engagement in studies, R&D
projects, etc with Universities, institutions, consultants, etc.
the Technology AM  identification, development, and dissermination of new
 contribute to the PDO Technology Plan
Corporate Centre  for optimising PDO business plans

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Filename: 415478688.doc
Accountable for :

$  studies / operating costs and technology development budget

Growth  make a demonstrable contribution to growth through identification of new
opportunities and development of new / improved processes and tools
Integrity  development and dissemination of fit-for-purpose codes of practice and
standards which reflect Group/Industry norms
 promote lateral learning and facilitating application of best-practice
 the development of the relevant business processes and systems for
demonstrating compliance with relevant standards in PDO
 ensure the required expertise is available for Mechanical Engineering work
and that the necessary checks and balances are in place and operative to
maintain integrity
Technology  the implementation of new discipline technology at the appropriate time
(technological risk versus economic considerations)
 cost-effective technology planning, development, innovation & facilitating
implementation in PDO
 awareness of both SIEP and third-party technologies
HSE  Health, Safety and Environment related to mechanical equipments and
compliance with legislation, PDO policies, standards and guidelines
People  fair and honest treatment of all PDO and contractor staff related to the
discipline compliant with legislation and PDO policies, standards and
 develop and manage a Mechanical Engineering discipline succession plan
 ensure that section heads in the Asset teams monitor and develop
competencies of Mechanical engineers using approved schemes
 maintain standard of discipline training
 manage Omanisation of Mechanical Engineering discipline in line with targets
 own and implement agreed improvement actions identified by colleagues
during the 3600 feedback exercise
Information  the integrity and safeguarding off all data and information resources
pertaining to the Mechanical Engineering discipline.

19992000 Targets
Quantitative targets

Staff & technology promotion budget $ xx mln
RTS technology development budget $ xx mln
Number of mechanical EMPDS staff registered on internal competence 30
development schemes

Qualitative targets :

Achieve a score of …… in survey of performance using PDO 5-point scorecard amongst the
PFAT’s and SP’s supported.

$  lead the commodity review project on mechanical equipment

to identify total cost of ownership savings along the total
supply chain by date
Growth  demonstrate growth potential from analysis of opportunities
and application of new technologies and fit for pupose
Mechanical Engineering  conduct monthly discipline meetings, discipline staff to
discipline developments present ongoing work, share best practices and promote new
 stimulate attendance & presentation of papers at external
conferences and in publications; develop structured program
for these and work against agreed plan
 participate in technical visits / reviews and attend
conferences with SIEP and 3rd parties

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Codes of Practice and  complete review of Codes of Practice for Pumps and
standards Compressors
 prepare list of key standards for 19992000 update.
 update standards accordingly
 audit compliance with standards, processes, strategic
directions and activities in Asset teams and PDO contractors
 follow up standards challenge.
Technology  deliver input to the SIEP EPT and PDO Technology Strategy
Plan by May and July respectively
 conduct studies on Multi Phase Pumping, High GOR ESP,
Butterfly valves for on-plot piping, to pioneer the introduction /
application of new technologies as required for the Asset
Teams' business
 conduct and document an annual review of technology
People  implement and improve the EMPDS and OMPDS scheme for the
development of graduate Omani Mechanical Engineering Staff
by date
 conduct an annual functional review with the Functional
Director and half-yearly resourcing & succession reviews with
relevant Asset Managers or their delegate
 conduct annual competence/development review with
discipline staff and their AM (or delegate)
 agree objective and focus of 19992000 3600 feedback exercise
with the functional director by date

Harthy Salim Hans Erlings


Date: Date:

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Filename: 415478688.doc

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