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Martinez, Maria Candela.

Blind Conformity

Humans naturally want to belong to a community. Living in a society requires

following certain types of behavior and rules of etiquette that other men have created for

us. People do not always make individual decisions, most of times they look to others

to guide their thoughts and actions. Individuals yearn for the recognition, acceptance

and approval of others. If you do not fit the mold, you are rejected. This is known as

conformity. It is important to bear in mind that blind conformity can be self-destructive

as well as destructive to others.

It is commonly argued that some degree of conformity is good. Driving on the

correct side of the road and looking both ways before crossing the street could be seen

as beneficial conformity. These cases of conformity make living safer and less

confusing. However, conformity does not always work to our advantage. We should be

selective in what we choose to conform because sometimes going along with others

reinforces our dependency on others. It is essential to conform to the views or actions of

others out of conviction.

Blind conformity can be self-destructive. Unconsciously, if you adopt a

conformative attitude, you can end up living a frustrating life. This is because you

cannot choose to do what you want, what makes you happy, you just “go with the

flow”. When humans belong to a group they tend to yield to the pressure to follow

written and unwritten social rules, imitate actions and live up to other individual’s

expectations. They suffer the pressure to endorse group’s ideas and attitudes.

Moreover, individuals cannot see that other people exert their influence upon them in
such a way that they go along with them. For instance, some teenagers start smoking or

drinking alcohol just because their most “popular” friends do. Maybe they would not

have preferred to do it.

In addition to self-destruction, conforming blindly can be destructive to others.

Conformity is related to herd mentality. Herd mentality describes how people lack

individual decision-making or thoughtfulness, that is to say, they think and act in the

same way as the majority of those around them. This can lead to violence and cruelty.

Bullying at school sometimes is caused because of peer pressure, the need for

acceptance and the desire for a sense of belonging. For example, adolescents may bully

others who are younger than them in order to combat fears of being left behind.

In conclusion, conformity is an essential part of every culture as it makes our life

more pleasant. But it is foolish to follow the urge to conform blindly because it not only

can be self-destructive but also destructive to others. It is important to be selective in

this conformity. There are situations which require careful evaluation and judgment, so

we should be responsible and self-reliant. We should also take into account different

alternatives and options in order to decide properly.

Word count: 485 words.

Martinez, Maria Candela

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