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1/28/2019 Atomic Theory | Sutori

PM Patrick Miller

Atomic Theory

 The development of the atomic theory

[400 BC ]

Democritus 1/6
1/28/2019 Atomic Theory | Sutori

– Idea that matter consists of indivisible particles

– Nature’s basic particle – atom – Greek meaning indivisible

[384-322] 2/6
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– Did not believe in atoms – thought matter was continuous 

– Accepted for 2000 yrs. 

Both individuals based ideas on opinions with no experimental evidence


John Dalton

1)   All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms.

2)   Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other properties. Atoms of different elements differ in these
3)   Atoms cannot be subdivided, created, or destroyed
4)   Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole-number ratios to form chemical compounds
5)   In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged


John Thomson

Calculated the ratio of the charge of the particles to the mass of the particles in the cathode ray

Ratio was the same with every type of metal used in the cathode and anode

Ratio stayed the same when different types of gases are used 3/6
1/28/2019 Atomic Theory | Sutori

[1909 ]

Robert Millikan

Measured the charge of the electron – 1/2000 

Plum pudding model (Thomson)

Electrons are embedded within the positively-charged material

Positive region was thought to contain most of the mass

[ 1911]

Ernest Rutherford

Gold foil experiment – alpha particles (4 x H), gold, & detection grid

Expected the beam to pass through the gold foil

Discovered 1 in 8000 deflected backwards

Discovered the bundles (nucleus) is extremely small compared to the size

[ 1913 ]

Niels Bohr 4/6
1/28/2019 Atomic Theory | Sutori

– provided a new model of the atom

Hydrogen atom – electron in an atom can only circle the nucleus in certain paths (orbits)

Orbits – determined by the energy of the atom

Lowest orbit is the ground state --- electron can not move any closer to the nucleus

If electron enters an orbit farther from the nucleus – atom gains energy

The Atom Song 5/6
1/28/2019 Atomic Theory | Sutori

The history of the atom has changed dramatically during the last century. As new evidence is obtained through experimentation,
the atomic theory is adjusted to convey this evidence.  

J.L. Sarquis, Sarquis M., 2012, Holt McDougal, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, pg 1-735.
Image obtained from:
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