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Name: _________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Telling a story in pictures rubric

00 01 02
Story elements Story has no main Story mostly follows a Story has a clear beginning,
idea and sequence of sequence of events. middle and end and goes in
events does not make Beginning, middle, and a sequence of events that
sense. Audience end are present but not makes sense. Main idea is
cannot tell beginning, clear, main idea needs there.
middle, and end apart work
Panels Student has little of Student fills in one or two Student has at least 3 panels
one or no panels filled of the panels with their filled in with drawings of
in. story their story

Transition words Student uses no Student uses one or two Student uses 3 or more
transition words transition words between transition words between
their drawing sections their sectioned drawings

Retelling in front of Student does not want Student retells their story Student retells their story
peers to retell their story in but volume is too low or with proper volume.
front of peers too high.

Score (out of 8): ________________________________

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