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Excercise 3 — SALOME Platform

This sample is known to work on the latest SALOME release.

The compatibility with previous versions of SALOME is not guaranteed, though the sample can work
on old versions also.


3D Geometry, Partition, Hexahedral mesh, mesh display, quality controls.

Copyright © EDF R&D 2014.

This tutorial is a part of the EDF internal training course; it does not describe a real use case.


Launch SALOME.

Create new study.

Launch GEOM module.

Creation of reference points: (menu New Entity/Basic


1st Point Constructor: (0 ; 0 ; 0.)

1st Point Constructor: (0 ; 10 ; 0.)

1st Point Constructor: (0 ; 290 ; 0.)

Validation => P0, P1, P2.

Creation of reference vectors: (menu New Entity/Basic


2nd Vector Constructor: (100 ; 0 ; 0.)

2nd Vector Constructor: (0 ; 100 ; 0.)

2ndVector Constructor: (0 ; 0 ; 100.)

Validation => VX, VY and VZ.

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Excercise 3 — SALOME Platform

Creation of wire in the sketcher: (menu New

Entity/Basic/2D Sketch).

First Point: 90 ; 0.

Segment (Point - Absolute): 106 ;0.

Segment (Point - Absolute): 106 ;10.

Segment (Point - Absolute): 126 ;10.

Segment (Point - Absolute): 126 ;70.

Segment (Point - Absolute): 112 ;79.

Segment (Point - Absolute): 112 ;320.

Segment (Point - Absolute): 106 ;320.

Segment (Point - Absolute): 106 ; 290.

Segment (Point - Absolute): 90 ; 290.

Sketch Closure => Sketch_1.

Creation of a face for meshing: (menu New Entity/Build


Select Sketch_1 => Face_1.

Creation of a face by revolution: (menu New


Object: Face_1

Axis : VY

Angle : 360°

Validation => Revolution_1.

Display the object in Shading mode.

Creation of a fillet: (menu Operation/Fillet3D).

2nd constructor.

Main Object: Revolution_1.

Select 2 central exterior edges.

Radius: 15

Validation => Fillet_1.

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Excercise 3 — SALOME Platform

Display Only and use Shading mode on Fillet_1.

Extract primitive: (menu New Entity/Explode).

Main Object: Fillet_1. Check Select SubShape

check box

Sub Shapes Type: Edge

Select the highest inner edge. Validation =>


Sub Shapes Type: Vertex.

Select 4 points of fillets

Validation => Vertex_1, Vertex _2,

Vertex_3 and
Vertex _4.

Creation of a face by extrusion: (menu New


Base: Edge_1

Vector: VY

Height: -320

Validation Extrusion_1.

Creation of the cutting planes: (menu New Entity/Basic


Point: P0.

Vector: VX and VZ.

Validation => Plane_1 and Plane_2.

Point: P1, P2, Vertex_1, Vertex_2, Vertex_3,


Vector: VY.

Validation => Plane_3, Plane_4, Plane_5,

Plane_6, Plane_7 and Plane_8.

Partition of the face to be meshed: (menu


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Excercise 3 — SALOME Platform

Objects: Fillet_1

Tool Objects: Plane_1 - Plane_8 and


Validation => Partition_1.

Display Only Partition_1.

Modify properties of the object (Color, transparency,


Calculate properties (mass center, bounding box …).


Launch SMESH module.

Creation of Mesh_1 : (menu Mesh/Create Mesh)

Geometry: Partition_1

Automatic Hexahedralization (Assign a set of


Number of Segments = 10.

Apply Dialogs, Compute Mesh_1.

Mesh Control:

Mesh Information …

Use the clipping plane.

Display the number of nodes and elements…

Change the Display Mode (Shading, Nodes, Wireframe,


Display volumes, faces, nodes…

Play with transparency.



Aspect Ratio.

Minimum Angle

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