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ESTUDIANTES: _________________________________________________ ID: ______________________________



It's used to talk about things which might happen in the future. Of
This conditional is used when the result will always happen. course, we can't know what will happen in the future, but this describes
possible things, which could easily come true.

If + present simple, .... present simple. if + present simple, ... will + infinitive

 If people eat too much, they get fat.  If it rains, I won't go to the park.
 If you touch a fire, you get burned.  If I study today, I'll go to the party tonight.
 People die if they don't eat.  If I have enough money, I'll buy some new shoes.
 You get water if you mix hydrogen and oxygen.  She'll be late if the train is delayed.
 Snakes bite if they are scared  She'll miss the bus if she doesn't leave soon.
 If babies are hungry, they cry  If I see her, I'll tell her.

First Conditional: Match The Sentence Halves

Match the second halves of the sentences with the first halves. Put the correct letter in the spaces.

A. you'll feel warmer  If you put the light on, ____.

B. you'll pass the exam
C. you won't get lost  If you turn on the electric heater, ____.
D. you won't be hungry  If you have something to eat, ____.
E. you'll see better  If you go to bed earlier, ____.
F. you'll feel better in the morning  If you take an umbrella today, ____.
G. you won't get wet  If you ask the teacher about the grammar you don't
understand, ____.
 If you use a map, ____.
 If you buy a cat or a dog, ____.

Complete the following sentences with the words in brackets.

Her father will be angry if she __________ to this party. (go)

If he __________ so hard, he will ruin his health. (work)
He __________ English quicker if he goes to England. (learn)
Will her ticket still be valid if she __________ the plane? (miss)
I will phone you if I __________. (not / forget)
My parent __________ me, if I am in financial troubles. (not / help)
I will allow you to take my car if you __________ slowly. (drive)
She will come if she __________ busy. (not / be)
If we __________ in groups, we will finish it quicker. (work)
You __________ this problem if you read his paper. (solve)
They will not work properly unless you __________ them good wages. (pay)
What __________ if he does not send the money? (they / do)
Unless you are careful you __________ the job. (lose)
You will lose all your money if you __________ cards with them. (play)
If you __________ the radio like that you will damage it. (use)
Zero Conditional Re-Ordering Worksheet

Put these words into the correct order to make sentences with zero conditionals.

1. if / wild / are / scared / . / bite / they / animals


2. if / stove / you / . / hot / burn / your / touch / a / , / you / finger


3. if / get / too / eat / much / , / you / . / you / fat


4. when / language / go / . / good / learn / some / vacation / , / of / it's / you / on / to / the


5. if / doesn't / oxygen / burn / no / paper / there / . / is


6. unless / big / for / . / you / a / car / family / , / enough / a / have / is / big / small / you


7. hydrogen / . / water / if / mix / get / and / oxygen / , / you / you


8. if / usually / . / hungry / are / , / cry / they / babies


Choose the beginnings of the sentences to complete the text.

If a lion joins a group of other lions
If lions go hunting
If a lion roars
If lions are active
If male lions use cent marking
 ........................................................................................................, it can be heard over five miles away.
 ................................................................................................, it usually stays with them for three years.
 ..................................................................................................................................., they work in teams.
 ....................................................................................................................., they establish their territory.
 .................................................................................................................................., it is usually at night.

Choose the endings of the sentences to complete the text.

they are blind for six days.

they show their affection.
the loser often dies.
they have to leave their mothers.
lions fight them off.
 If lions rub each other's heads, ............................................................................................ ......................
 If any strange males try to enter their territory, .........................................................................................
 If lions start fighting, .................................................................................................... .............................
 If cubs are born, ........................................................................................................... ..............................
 If male cubs are two years old, ..................................................................................................................

Use either the Present Simple or "will" to complete these sentences.

1. You don't have a ticket, do you? If I see one for sale, I ______ (buy) it for you.
2. We ______ (catch) the early train if we get to the station at 6am.
3. Whenever my skin goes red in the sun, I just ______ (use) some of this cream and it feels better.
4. I always ______ (ask) for directions if I get lost in a new city.
5. If there isn't a place at the conference for you, Harry ______ (organise) another one.
6. When Shirly ______ (go) to the cinema, she buys a big bag of popcorn.
7. The opposition ______ (call) for a new election if the President wins again.
8. If you earn more money, you ______ (pay) more taxes.


The modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should. They are used with other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility, and
so on. Below is a list showing the most useful modals and their most common meanings:
Modal Meaning Example
can to express ability I can speak a little Russian.
can to request permission Can I open the window?
may to express possibility I may be home late.
may to request permission May I sit down, please?
must to express obligation I must go now.
must to express strong belief She must be over 90 years old.
should to give advice You should stop smoking.
would to request or offer Would you like a cup of tea?
would in if-sentences If I were you, I would say sorry.


1. Rose and Ted _________________ be good players. They have won hundreds of cups!
2. You _________________ pay to use the library. It’s free.
3. I’m not sure where my wife is at the moment. She _________________ be at her dance class.
4. Jerry _________________ be working today. He never works on Sundays.
5. You _________________ be 18 to see that film.
6. You _________________ hear this story. It’s very funny.
7. Dad _________________ go and see a doctor. His cough is getting worse all the time.
8. You don’t have to shout. I _________________ hear you very well.
9. It _________________ be him. I saw him a week ago, and he didn’t look like that.
10. You look pretty tired. I think you _________________ go to bed early tonight.
11. Let me look. I _________________ be able to help you.
12. “Children, you _________________ cross the street if the lights are red!”
13. You _________________ sit so near the TV. It’s bad for your eyes.
14. I’m sorry but I _________________ give you a lift because my car is broken.
15. I _________________ stop and talk to you now. I have to get to the library.
16. You really _________________ go to the Louvre if you’re in Paris. It’s wonderful.
17. You _________________ come to the party if you don’t feel well.
18. I don’t know where Kelly is. She _________________ be at her sister’s.
19. You have passed all your tests. You _________________ be very pleased with yourself.
20. You _________________ smoke in your car, especially if there are children sitting in the back.
21. You _________________ work this evening. I can do the tasks for you.
22. John doesn’t need a calculator. He _________________ do sums in his head.
23. Passengers _________________ open the door when the train is moving.
24. It _________________ rain today. It’s getting cloudy already.
25. I _________________ pay for the tickets because I got them from Sam for free.

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