Abubakar Internship Report

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Training program

1st week
I started my internship on 21st June. The first day of internship started with the
introduction of bank employees and with introduction of bank departments. In This week
just know how work done in the various departments in the bank Like:

• Operations
• Marketing
• Finance
• Credits

• I knew about the purpose of the bank and the functions of the bank and judge the
practical performance of the departments.
• They told me about the Riba, its types and general concept of Islamic banking.
Riba al Nasiah
Riba al Fadal

Riba al Nasiah
Riba al Nasiah (commonly referred as riba or sood): Literally means increase or
addition of debt and it refers to the 'premium' that must be paid by the borrower to the
lender along with the principal amount as a condition for the loan or an extension in
its maturity.

Example of Riba al Nasiah / Interest: If A lends PKR 100 to B (a borrower)

with a condition that B shall return him PKR 110 after one month. In this case the
premium is paid that must be paid by the borrower to the lender along with the price
is Riba or Interest.
Riba aI-Fadl:
The second classification of Riba is Riba al fadl. Since the prohibition of this Riba
has been established on Sunnah, it is also called Riba al hadees.
Riba al-fadl actually means that excess which is taken in exchange of specific
homogenous commodities and encountered in their hand-to-hand purchase & sale.

2nd & 3rd week:

I started this week in OPERATION DEPARTMENT of the bank under the supervision of
Sir Naveed. First of all I started my work in the ACCOUNT OPPENING
DEPARTMENT of the bank in which I learnt how an account can be opened in a bank,
which documents are necessary to attach it with the account opening form and how many
kinds of account are used in bank like

• Single
• Joint personal
• Minor Accounts
• Sole Proprietorship

The requirement for opening these types of a/c are

• Select the nature of a/c
• Attested photo of applicant
• Then the permanent address
• NIC copy.
• occupation
• The reference of any person who has already the a/c or any respected
• The other information related to the a/c filled on choice of applicant.
• The signatures are done on form as well as on the specimen signature card
from where the signature will be scanned as a record in computer
• Partnership
• Limited company
• Trusts
• Clubs
• Association etc.

The requirement for opening these types of a/c are

For partnership

• Attested photocopy of CNIC of all partners

• Attested copy of Partnership Deed duly signed by all partners of firm.
• Attested copy of Registration Certificate with register of Firm. In case the
partnership is unregistered this fact should be clearly mentioned on the a/c opening form
• Authority letter, in original, in favor of the person authorized to operate on the a/c
of the firm.

For limited liability Company a/c

• Resolution of Board of Directors for opening of a/c specifying the person(s)

authorized to operate the company a/c
• Memorandum and articles of association.
• Certificate of incorporation
• Certificate of Commencement of Business
• Attested photocopies of CNIC of all directors
• List of directors on Form 29 issued by the Registrar Joint Stock Company
For Clubs, societies and Associations

• Certificate copies of Certificate of registration By- law / rules &regulations

• Resolution of the Governing Body / Executive Committee for opening of a/c
authorized the person to operate the a/c and attested copy of the CNIC of the authorized
• As understanding signed by all authorized persons on behalf of the institute
mentioning that when any change takes place in the persons authorized to operate on the
a/c, the banker will be informed immediately.

Trusts a/c
• Attested copy of Certificate of Registration
• Attested photocopy of CNIC of all the trustees
• Certified copy of instrument of Trust.
Then the two applicant forms are filled in front of me. It took too much time to gather the
information from applicant.

• I filled up some forms for practical practices and knew about the nature of the
• I practically performed how letter of thanks attached to the forms and send to
the customer.
• I learnt about the different types of stamps, which are necessary for the
account opening and learnt about the use of the stamps at the right place.
• I learnt how to attach signature specimen card to the account opening form for
bank record.
• I learnt about the role of STATE BANK OF PAKISTAN in Pakistan’s economy
from the lecture and know about the prudential regulations briefly not explanatory
which are
Regulation M-1 Know Your Customer (KYC)
Regulation M-2 Anti-Money Laundering Measures
Regulation M-3 Record Retention
Regulation M-4 Correspondent Banking
Regulation M-5 Suspicious Transactions

• In account opening department I learnt the use of ATM card and learnt how to fill
ATM form.

• Then I know how to receipts are filled.

• I learnt how on line payments are made and how cash or receipts are transferred.

• First of all I learnt about ATM PIN ISSUANCE procedure and knew why it is
necessary for customer or account holder.
• Then he showed us module in computer that how he enters the data of customer
and how it proceeds.
• After proceeding computer shows a pin number that is issued for that customer
who filled the form for ATM. And this work is done means pin issuance by Head

Then I learnt about the term ATM Cash Replenish. It means cassettes of Atm machine
renew on daily basis by bank officer. He told us that how it works and what its procedure
and why it is used.

I started my working day with some work, which has to complete from the previous week
with account opening forms.
• I learnt about inward and out ward clearing and learnt how the transactions are
• I learnt how to write the inward clearing cheque in the transaction record book.
• I learnt to deduct the return cheque from the added amount of all cheque.
• I learnt the entry of pay orders in the record book.

• Know how of employees.


I started my work again in Accounts Department. The officer also does/handle the other
work Like REMITTANCE department.

• I learnt about the PAY ORDER and DEMAND DRAFT. He told us the difference
of Pay Order and DD. But in Meezan bank both instrument are used in same
• I learnt also about the procedure of it. I also saw the Pay Order cheque and knew
about its attributes.
• I also learnt about the facility of LOCKERS and its functions.

I also learnt about the concept of SOD (start of day) and EOD (end of day) check list.
And also filled these lists.
How to issue the cheque book of new Account
Following steps are required to issue the cheque of new account

• Cheque book requisition filled and signed by customer on relevant place.

• Stamping by the bank officer. These stamps including verified stamp, stamp of
date, stamp of serial number, stamp of Issued by, Prepared by, authorized by.
• Entry in register by bank officer.
• Customer signed two times on requisition one for order of cheque book and
second for receiving of cheque book.
• Stamping of account ID on each leaf of cheque book.
• Then cheque book hand over to the customer
How to issue the cheque book of existing account
Following steps are required to issue the cheque book of existing account.

• When cheque book near to an end there is requisition leaf in order to issue new
cheque book
• Customer signed on back and front of that requisition
• Then sign of bank officer and stamp of bank logo
• Entry in register and system.
• Then hand over to customer.
Bank charges

1 Re per leaf. Means cheque book of 25, 50 and 100 will cost rupees 25, 50and 100
For saving account there is only cheque book containing 25 leaves but cheque book for
current account may consists of 25, 50 and 100 leaves

Stop payment
Stop payment is required when customers lost or misplace his/her cheque.
Following steps are required to stop payment the payment

• Firstly customer request the bank officer to stop the payment

• Cheque no, Date, Amount, Favor. These things are written on request filled by
bank officer.
• Bank will stop mark the cheque in system after that no one can cash that
Bank charges

200+ FED (16%) = 232 rupees

Dormant account

Any account in which there is no debit/credit transaction for six months or 1 year then
system will mark it dormant account. For saving account it is a time period of 1 year and
6 months for current account. Following steps are required to activate account again.

• Customer requests the bank to active the account again and gives
reason for not using account for respective time period.
• Bank will reactive the account.
• By end of month system give list of dormant accounts and bank issue
letters to customers to inform that your account is dormant due to no

Bank charges

Bank does not charge on reactive the dormant account.

Closed account:

If customer wants to close the account he/she will come to bank and request bank to close
the account.
Following documents required to close the account.

• Return remaining cheque book.

• Return Atm card.
• Clear the loan or any facility taken from bank.
• With draw cash from his/her account through cheque except
232= (200+FED tax).
• Sign of all manager of departments before account closing then mark in
Bank charges

Bank charge 200+ (FED tax 16%) =232.

I also learned about local, online transfer, clearing, intercity clearing also known as OBC
(outward bills collection).
Local transfer: cheque passed through same bank and same branch.
Online transfer: cheque passed through the same bank but branches are different.
Clearing: cheque passed through the same bank but in different cities.
Intercity clearing (OBC): cheque passed through different banks with different cities.


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