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An equalizer, or EQ, is a device or software that allows you to adjust the

volume level of a frequency, or range of frequencies, within an audio signal.
An EQ will let you turn the treble and bass up or down.

There are 2 types of EQs:

Graphic EQ: A graphic EQ typically consists of a bank of slider controls

used to boost or cut fixed frequency bands, positioned according to
the sound spectrum. These sliders, moving from left to right, cover
the audible range between 20 Hz and 20 KHz. In general, most graphic EQs
have between 7 and 31 bands. and the center frequency of each band is
spaced 1/3 of an octave away from the center frequency of the adjacent
bands, so that three bands (three sliders on the front panel) cover a combined
bandwidth of one octave. Graphic EQs are generally used to fine-tune the
overall mix for a particular room. The performance of an equalizer is
measured by the extent and accuracy of the integrated settings, as well as the
absence of disturbances generated by itself (background noise, wind,
distortion, digital artifacts, etc.)

Parametric EQ:

It is more precise and more flexible than the graphic EQ. it is mostly used in
recording studios, on stage and in fields where accuracy is recommended. It
has three types of filters:

High pass and low pass: Low-pass filters pass all frequencies below a
specified cutoff frequency, while attenuating all the frequencies above the
cutoff. A high-pass filter does the opposite, passing all frequencies above the
specified cutoff frequency while attenuating everything below.
Low shelv and high shelv:

Low chelv: When using this type of EQ, two regulations are necessary: F
(frequency) and G (gain). The frequency F button indicates the superior
value of the selected portion, with 20 Hz being the lowest point. The gain G
button indicates the possibility to raise or lower the energy (volume) of the
selected portion in dB. A low shelf filter will cut or boost signals of
frequencies below the cutoff frequency. Sometimes, low shelf filter is used
to boost the frequencies below the cutoff.

High shelv: It is the same as low shelv, but here F indicates the inferior value
of the selected portion, with 20 KHz being the highest point.

Peak notch: This type of EQ introduces in addition to F and G, a third

parameter called Q, which indicates the range of the portion to be altered.
Depending on which brand is used, Q can have a value between -4 and +4,
or 0 and 100, or 0 and 12, etc…

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