A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 5

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics

(Grade 5)

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a) know and state the meaning of line graph,
b) analyze the data of line graph,
c) interpret the data of line graph; and,
d) plot the tabular data using line graph.

II. Subject Matter: Kinds of Graph

Topic: Line Graph
Reference/s: 21st Century MATHletes, Mathematics for a Better Life
Materials: handouts, laptop, projector
Values: create camaraderie and harmony within the group

III. Procedure: Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application (4A’s)

Teacher Students

1) Activity

Good morning, class.

Good morning, ma’am.

Before we start, please all stand and

feel the presence of our Lord. Jairus,
please lead the prayer.

In the name of the Father,

Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Father in … but deliver
us from evil. Amen.

(Checking of attendance.) Say

present and raise your hand as
I call your name.

(Students raise their hands

and say present as the
teacher calls their name.)

Please pick up the pieces of paper

under your chair.

(Students will pick up the

pieces of paper under their
Okay, class. As a start, we will
play a game but I would like
you to group yourself first into
four by counting starting from you.
(The teacher will point to the pupil
where the counting starts.)

(The students will then begin

to count.)
1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, …

(After the counting, the teacher

will group the students.)
Where are those who’s number
is 1?

(The students who counted as

1 will raise their hand.)

Okay, you will be group 1 and

you will stay here.
(The teacher will assign the
designated place of each group.)

(The pupils will go to their

designated group and
assigned place.)

Each group will be given the same

graph to analyze and with set of
questions that follows. For each
answer to the questions
corresponds to a letter. You need
to arrange the letters to get the
code for a secret price that awaits
the fastest group to finish the activity.
So, are you ready?

(The students will excitedly

Yes, ma’am.

(The teacher will now distribute the

graph and its set of questions to each

(The students will read and

study the handout given to
their group.)
(After several minutes…)

Congrats to the fastest group who

easily solve the code. Here’s the
prize of the winning group.

Thank you, ma’am.

2) Analysis

(The teacher will ask questions

about the activity.)

So, class, what is the code of the

surprise prize for the winner?

(The students will raise their

hand to answer.)

(The teacher will choose a student

to answer.)

Yes, Adrian?

Ma’am, the code is LINE


Awesome! Correct!

Regarding the activity, what do you

think is our lesson for today?

Ma’am, our lesson for today is

about the kinds of graph
specifically the line graph.

Wonderful! Since you already have

an idea about our lesson for today,
we will now proceed with our
discussion, okay?

Okay, ma’am.

3) Abstraction

Okay, class, based on our activity,

what is a line graph?
Yes, Jobelle?
Ma’am, a line graph is a kind
of graph that uses lines to
show how a thing changes in
amount and direction over a
period of time.

Very good, Jobelle.

In a line graph, there are two
main axis which are the horizontal
axis called the x – axis and the
vertical axis called the y – axis.
Again, what are the two main axis?

The horizontal axis called as

the x – axis and the vertical
axis called the y – axis,

That’s good! You really are listening

and paying attention in our lesson.

And now, class, in constructing a line

graph, we follow five simple steps. These

a) Draw the lines for the x – axis and

the y – axis.
b) Use the data from the table to label
the axes.
c) Plot the points that corresponds to
each variable in the table.
d) Connect the points with a line
e) Put a title on the graph.

(The teacher gives an example data and

asks the student to plot it using a line

(The students listen

attentively and plot the
example given in a line graph.)


Monday 25°C
Tuesday 26.5°C
Wednesday 28°C
Thursday 22.5°C
Friday 23°C
(The teacher let the students plot
the given sample data.)

(The students plot the data in

a line graph.)

(After 5 minutes…)

Okay, class, let’s see if you’ve got

it correct.

(Checking of the seatwork.)

Class, who wants to draw his/her

line graph on the board?

(The students raise their hand

and draw his/her graph on
the board.)

(The teacher walks around the room

to see the work of each students while
someone is working on the board.)

Fantastic, Cheska!
Very good, class. All of you
understand very well our lesson
for today.

Thank you, ma’am.

4) Application

Okay, class, please get you notebook

and answer the following questions
using the sample line graph.

Okay, ma’am.
(The students will get their
notebook and answer the
questions about the line
Daily Temperature in Baguio in a Certain
20 17
Temperature (in °C)

15 15 15


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1. Between what days was the increase
in temperature the greatest?
2. Between what days was the increase
in temperature the least?
3. On what days were the temperature
the same?
4. What scale was used?
5. What is the greatest temperature
in the graph?

(The students will answer the

questions in their notebook.)

1. Friday and Saturday
2. Wednesday and Thursday
3. Monday, Thursday, and Friday
4. By 5s
5. 20°C

Okay, class, ball pens up.

(The teacher walks around and

check the works of the students.)

Amazing, class.

IV. Evaluation:

Now, class, we will have a quiz.

Kindly get ½ crosswise sheet of
Okay, ma’am.

For your quiz, you will plot the

data in the table using a line graph.

(in Centimeters)
January 20
February 10
March 20
April 10
May 25
June 30
July 35
August 50

(The students will get ½

crosswise sheet of paper.)

(The teacher will present the data

and let the student plot the data in
a line graph.)

(The students will draw their

answer in a ½ crosswise sheet
of paper silently.)

(After 5 minutes…)

Class, please pass your papers

to the person in front of you without
anyone standing.)

(The students will pass their

paper to the person in front of
them without standing.)

V. Assignment:

Class, for your assignment,

kindly look for the other kinds of
graphs and give at least one example
Okay, ma’am.

Okay. Good bye, class.

Good bye, ma’am.

See you next meeting.

See you, too, ma’am.

Prepared by:

Teacher Applicant

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