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Hannah Winkleman

Self Reflection
The anaglyph group project we were assigned to teach stressed me out at first because

of all the details that were involved. Emily, Beth and I felt overwhelmed because we started late

and had so little time to put everything together. We are all beginners in technology as well so

we experienced some technical difficulty while each trying to learn our different teaching parts.

For my part I was in charge of teaching anaglyphs. For my main project I had to learn how to

make a composite, and then make that into an anaglyph. I figured out how to make composites

through trial and error and eventually felt I had mastered it. Beth helped me along the way as

well. Emily’s part on the other hand gave all of us a little more difficulty. We all started trying to

figure out the kinks to it. The cut tool wasn’t working because we hadn’t clicked on the image we

wanted to cut in the layers column. Emily was able to fix the problem after spending quite some

time working with it. I am so proud of our groups determination throughout this whole project.

Despite all our difficulties we pulled through and had a successful teaching experience. I was

surprised by how well our project ended up working out. We worked very well together. We all

put equal effort in and helped each other out along the way.

If I were to change anything about this experience, I would have started working on it

more in advance to give myself more time so as not to stress as much as I did. This is hard to

do when you don’t exactly have much free time. It would definitely require more planning on my


I read through the comments on canvas and I loved so many of the artworks submitted. I

think Teema did a great job because her artwork is creative and it meets the criteria for fantasy

and landscape in an interesting and unique way. The concept and composition of her artwork

was most successful. I worked with Wilson’s on his, and he ended up doing something out of

the norm with 3D anaglyph for his first image, but the end result was beautiful. I also loved

Charli Winston’s work because her work was personal. Her daughter was the subject of her
fantasy and landscape artwork. I also really enjoyed the dog art made by Victoria Winborn and

Amanda Cervantes. I thought both were very cute, creative, and funny. The concept was of

these two designs were awesome! They definitely fit my humorous artwork inspiration well.

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