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Exercise List 6


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) A proton travels through a potential of 1.0 kV and then moves into a magnetic field of 0.040 T. 1)
What is the radius of the proton's resulting orbit?
A) 0.14 m B) 0.11 m C) 0.17 m D) 0.080 m

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2) A particle with charge -5.00 C initially moves at v = 1.00 i + 7.00 j m/s. If it encounters a 2)
magnetic field B = 10.00 k T, find the force on the particle.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
A) 350 i - 50 j N B) 350 i + 50 j N C) -350 i - 50 j N D) -350 i + 50 j N

3) A charged particle of mass 0.0020 kg is subjected to a 6.0 T magnetic field which acts at a right angle 3)
to its motion. If the particle moves in a circle of radius 0.20 m at a speed of 5.0 m/s, what is the
magnitude of the charge on the particle?
A) 120 C B) 2500 C C) 0.0083 C D) 0.00040 C

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4) A wire carries a 4.0 A current along the x-axis through a magnetic field B = 5.0 i + 7.0 j T. If the 4)
wire experiences a force of 30.0 k N as a result, how long is the wire?
A) 1.07 m B) 0.63 m C) 1.5 m D) 0.87 m

5) What is the kinetic energy of a 0.040 kg particle with a charge of 3.0 C moving with a radius of 5)
10.0 m in a constant magnetic field with strength 3.0 T?
A) 101,250 J B) 0.099 J C) 1125 J D) 318 J

6) A flux of 4.0 × 10-5 Wb is maintained through a coil for 0.50 s. What emf is induced in this coil by 6)
this flux?
A) 4.0 × 10-5 V B) 8.0 × 10-5 V
C) 2.0 × 10-5 V D) No emf is induced in this coil.

7) A coil is wrapped with 200 turns of wire on a square frame with sides 18 cm. A uniform magnetic 7)
field is applied perpendicular to the plane of the coil. If the field changes uniformly from 0.50 T to
0 in 8.0 s, find the average value of the induced emf.
A) 0.41 V B) 0.21 V C) 4.1 mV D) 2.1 mV

8) A 10 m long conductor is formed into a circle in the xy-plane. A uniform magnetic field B = 4.0 i 8)
^ ^
+ 19.0 j + 24.0 kT exists in the area of the conductor. Find the magnetic flux through the looped
A) 150 T · m2 B) 190 T · m2 C) 600 T · m2 D) 250 T · m2

9) A 2.0 m conductor is formed into a square and placed in the horizontal xy-plane. A magnetic field 9)
is oriented 30.0° above the horizontal with a strength of 9.0 T. What is the magnetic flux through the
A) 1.9 T · m2 B) 1.1 T · m2 C) 2.3 T · m2 D) 18 T · m2

10) ¿Cual es el significado del signo menos en la ecuación = ? 10)
A) Un elemento inductivo no absorbe energía en un circuito, mas bien la libera.
B) Un elemento inductivo no libera energía a un circuito, más bien la absorbe.
C) Una EMF inducida actúa siempre para reducir la corriente en el circuito en el cual se induce
la EMF.
D) Los efectos inductivos actúan siempre en sentido de oponerse al cambio que los causó
E) La corriente y el voltaje en un elemento inductivo están 180° fuera de fase.

11) What is the radius of a tightly wound solenoid that has 180 turns if a change in its internal 11)
magnetic field of 4.0 T/s causes a 3.0 A current to flow? The resistance of the circuit that contains the
solenoid is 15 . The only emf source for the circuit is the induced emf.
A) 0.32 m B) 0.009 m C) 0.038 m D) 0.14 m

12) A long solenoid has a varying magnetic field B = 4.0t T within it, where t is time in seconds. If the 12)
radius of the solenoid is 5.0 cm, what is the magnitude of the non-Coulomb force on a particle
carrying a 2.0 C charge 4.0 cm from the axis of the solenoid?
A) 12.8 N B) 25 N C) 0.160 N D) 0.0160 N

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