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JS Promenade 2019

B&G: Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen.

B: We warmly welcome everybody to this year’s Junior and Senior Promenade. I am Paul Mark Largo

G: and I am Aljela C. Nillo, and we will be your hosts for today. We shall now begin with the procession of

Let us welcome the Muses of Values and Virtues

B: Muse of Faith, ____________,

Muse of Beauty,___________,

Muse of Respect ,___________,

Muse of Responsibility ,___________,

Muse of Peace ,___________,

Muse of Loyalty ,___________,

Muse of Justice,___________,

Muse of Liberty ,___________,

Muse of Wisdom ,___________,

Muse of Simplicity ,___________,

G: A warm welcome to the junior cotillioners……..

and the Senior cotillioners.

Let us now give a warm welcome to our Junior High School Promenaders and now a warm applause to
our Senior High School Promenaders

B: Our young ladies and gentlemen, join us as we now welcome the Pili National High School Staff,
Faculty, and Administrators.

B&G: Let us all share a resounding applause for the beauty and elegance that we all exude today.

G: This afternoon marks a significant moment in our High School life as we celebrate and dance our way
to a spectacular occasion Junior and Senior High School Promenade.

B: Again, I am Paul Mark Largo

G: And I am Aljela Nillo

B&G: and we will be your Master and Lady of Ceremony for today.

B: To grace our occasion with the guidance from above, we would like to invite Ms. Mica Tolentino of the
Grade 12 STEM for the Opening Prayer.

B: Thank you Ms. Tolentino. Please remain standing for the Entrance of Colors by the Senior Scouts
and the singing of the Philippine National Anthem to be led by Ms. Hanna Mae Reoteras.

B: We may now be seated. GOOD AFTERNOON to the lovely ladies and stunning gentlemen of Pili
National High School. It seems like we will be having a dark night tonight Aljela.

G: And why so you say so Paul?

B: Because, I think that the stars have descended from the heavens and are all now shinning with us
G: Indeed Paul. It is very lovely to see our batch mates and each and everyone here looking exquisitely
beautiful and elegant.

B: Exactly Aljela. This occasion will not be complete if we will not be hearing the voice of the moon to us
stars, our dashing School Principal, Sir Moises C. Cabida Jr. Let us all give him a round of applause.

G: Thank you very much sir for the wonderful words you shared with us for today. Truly, ___________

B: Now, Aljela I have been looking at our fellow students here and I would really want to know who we
are with this Afternoon.

G: Yes, Paul. Let us come now to the presentation of the Junior and Senior Promenaders.

B: As we call your section, kindly stand for recognition.

G: Let us start with the Junior Promenaders of Grade 10-Archimedes under the advisory of Mrs. Janeta

B: Grade 10-Aristotle under the advisory of Mrs. Jennifer Buquid

G: Grade 10-Bell under the advisory of Mrs. Irene Flores

B: Grade 10-Curie under the advisory of Mrs. Maiden Cope

G: Grade 10-Einstein under the advisory of Mrs. Jennifer Sambo

B: Grade 10-Galileo under the advisory of Mrs. Mylene Del Valle

G: Grade 10-Joule under the advisory of Ms. Mylene Ababa

B: Grade 10-Newton under the advisory of Ms. Janine Banaria

G: Grade 10-Tesla under the advisory of Mrs. Ludovina Balisoro

B: Thank You, Juniro Promanaders Now let us come to the Senior Promanaders of Grade 12-ABM under
the advisory of Mr. Crisostomo Barra

G: Grade 12-ACP under the advisory of Mrs. Grace Cabida

B: Grade 12-BPP under the advisory of Mrs. Rowena Bufete

G: Grade 12-Caregiving under the advisory of Mrs. Gemma Nares

B: Grade 12-CSS under the advisory of Mr. Arkhie Lopez

G: Grade 12-GAS 1 under the advisory of Mr. Philip Astibe

B: Grade 12-Gas 2 under the advisory of Ms. Lea Narvaez

G: Grade 12-GAS 3 under the advisory of Ms. Eva dela Justa

B: Grade 12-GAS 4 under the advisory of Ms. Jenny Nosil

G: Grade 12-STEM under the advisory of Mr. Joel Serrano Jr.

B: For all the beauty and elegance present today, let us again give everyone a resounding applause.

G: Now we have seen how beautiful and elegant our fellow students have become. We have been
spending most of our time as students and it is almost Completion and Graduation already. (pause, kasi
baka mag react sila hahaha)

B: yes, we all feel sad and a bit nostalgic thinking that we will be separating soon, but just like what the
famous writer Dr. Seuss once said “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened,”

G: and we must always remember that the future holds a lot of possibilities for us. To get a glimpse of a
possible future for us, let us hear a Class Prophecy from a Grade 10 representative Mr. Jessie Rojas Jr.
who will be followed by the Class Prophecy of the Seniors by Mr. Joefet Estrada, let us give them a
round of applause.

B: Thank you very much gentlemen for giving us a glimpse of a bright and hopeful future for us. Since,
we will be facing so much more in the future let us take a pause, breathe in this moment and let us
memorialize this with the candle lighting ceremony. The lighting of the candles signifies our hopes and
wish as we face the next step in our lives. Higher Education for us, Seniors

G: and Senior High school for our Junior brothers and sisters. This ceremony will be led by our Muses.
May we ask our dear promenaders to stand as we bask into the light of hope.

B: May we request the Muses of Values and Virtues to lead our candle lighting ceremony. And may we call
on stage Ms. Catherine Faye Ricafort and Mr. Rene Segundo to lead the singing of the song I See the
Light with the rest of the Promenaders.

G: Thank you very much. You may now be seated. We shall now be witnessing the Cottillion de Honor of
the selected Junior and Senior promenaders.

B: What a spectacular sight that we have witnessed today. We would also like to acknowledge the help
extended to the Cotillion dancers by Mr. Efren Bogayan Jr. to finish and have this wonderful dance for
today, Sir we will always be grateful to you as well as the others teachers who helped us.

G: At juncture, we will be moving on to the Turn-Over of the Key of Responsibility from the Senior High
School Batch President to the Junior High School Batch President.

B: May we request here on stage Mr. Junel L. Mamaclay the Grade 12 Batch President for his turn-over
speech who will be followed by Ms. Catherine Faye Ricafort for her Acceptance Speech.

B: May we request the Batch presidents at the center of our stage for the symbolic turn-over of the key of

G: Let us give them a round of applause. May their gratitude and promises be kept

B: Through the years, we have been sharing our high school experience with our batchmates. We have
formed special bonds of love and friendship. We held up our heads even in defeat, cheered for our
chmpions, shed a tear or two, even laughed at nothing in particular. These moments made us stronger
and closer.

G: Tonight we will once again hold each other’s hand as we sing Can I Have This Dance to be led by Ms.
Catherine Faye Ricafort and Rene Segundo.

B: May we ask our dear promenaders to stand, be in our respective circles and as we all sing.

B Thanks you so much our fellow promenaders. Please kindly go back to your respective seats as we will
now be listening to the closing remarks of our dear Assistant Principal, Ms. Sherlina H. de la Torre. Let
us give her a round of applause.

G: Thank You Maam _____, truly, __________________________________________________________

B: May we request everybody to please stand for the exit of colors by the PNHS Senior Scouts….. And this
ends the FIRST part of our program

G: before we enjoy the lovely feast that has been prepared for us tonight, let us first bless the food we
will be partaking. May we request everybody to please stand. (Prayer before meals)

AWARDING of our Promenade Personalities

B: May we request our Promanade Personalities on stage. You will be serenaded by Mr. Armando Vasquez
a Grade 10 student.

G: (chika) now before we get on dancing shoes let us first have the class pictorial with their respective
advisers. We shall start with the class of Grade 10-Aristotle with their adviser Mrs. Jennifer Buquid,
next will be the class of Grade 10-Bell Mrs. Irene Flores, Grade 10-Curie Mrs. Maiden Cope, Grade 10-
Einstein Mrs. Jennifer Sambo, Grade 10-Galileo Mrs. Mylene Del Valle, Grade 10-Joule Ms. Mylene
Ababa, Grade 10-Newton Ms. Janine Banaria, Grade 10-Tesla Mrs. Ludovina Balisoro

Grade 12-ABM Mr. Crisostomo Barra, Grade 12-ACP Mrs. Grace Cabida, Grade 12-BPP Mrs. Rowena
Bufete, Grade 12-Caregiving Mrs. Gemma Nares, Grade 12-CSS Mr. Arkhie Lopez, Grade 12-GAS 1 Mr.
Philip Astibe, Grade 12-Gas 2 Ms. Lea Narvaez, Grade 12-GAS 3 Ms. Eva dela Justa, Grade 12-GAS 4
Ms. Jenny Nosil, Grade 12-STEM Mr. Joel Serrano Jr.


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