DO - s2014 - 040.PDF Renaming A School

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We oe” Republic of the Philippines Department of Education 26 AUG 2014 DepEd QRDER No. 40,s. 2014 ESTABLISHMENT, MERGING, CONVERSION, AND NAMING/ RENAMING OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS, AND SEPARATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL ANNEXES IN BASIC EDUCATION To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretari Bureau Directors Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1, The Department issues the enclosed Revised Guidelines on the Establishment, Merging, Conversion, and Naming/Renaming of Public Schools, and Separation of School Annexes in Basic Education. It aims to provide comprehensive guidelines to streamline, synchronize and update the aforementioned work processes. 2. The systems and procedures including the criteria set therein shall be used as guide by the DepEd Central and Field Offices/Units as well as the Department's external stakeholders to ensure that schools to be established, merged, converted, and named /renamed and the school annexes separated from their mother schools are in accordance with DepEd quality standards to enhance the delivery of basic education. 3. All provisions of DepEd rules, regulations, and issuances, which are inconsistent with these guidelines are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. 4. This Order shall take effect immediately upon its issuance. Immediate dissemination of and strict compljance with this Order is directed BR. ARMIN ASLUISTRO FSC Secretary Encl.: As stated Reference: DepEd Order: No. 29, s, 2011 To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: POLICY RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHOOLS Madel: Guidelines Establishment Merging Conversion Revis “ 0476-hune 27, 2014/7-3 a Den Complex, Meraeo Avene, Pasig iy 1600 A c20-7208/600-7228/ 622.1061 MM 620-4876/607-6200 doped go 98 REVISED GUIDELINES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT, MERGING, CONVERSION, AND NAMING/RENAMING OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS, AND SEPARATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL ANNEXES IN BASIC EDUCATION ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Subject Page Te Rationale eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ete eee teense eter eeee i TI, Legal Basis 1 III. Scope and Application 1 IV. Definition of Terms... . 2 V. Policy Statement... 6.6 eco e cee eee c eee ee eset ete ete ees eeeete erst eeee 4 VI. Procedures A. General Guidelines . 4 A.1 Establishment of Schools 5 A.2 Separation of School Annexes - 7 A.3. Merging of Schools 8 A Conversion of Schools 9 ‘A.4.a_ High School classified as Non-Implementing Unit Into a High School Classified as Implementing Unit... ..se0seeeeeeeeeeeee see 9 4. School(s) into an Integrated School 9 ‘AA. High School into a Science or Technical-Vocational School . . see AS Naming and Renaming of Schools B 8. Criteria and Necessary Documents for Submission, B.1 Establishment of Schools . . 14 B.2 Separation of School Annex 16 B.3. Merging of Schools.......... 18 B.4 Conversion of Schools 20 B.4.a High School Classified as Non-Implementing Unit into a High School Classified as Implementing Unit. . . cette neces 20 B.4.b. Elementary/Secondary School(s) into an Integrated School . .. . . seeeeee 20 B.4.c__ High School to a Science or Technical-Vocational School B.A.c.l High School to a Science High SChOOl ... 6. esse esses eeeeeeeeee 2B 8.4.2 High School to a Technical-Vocational SchOOl......- 66. ssseeeeeeeee 24 C. Procedural Guidelines... oo. e ee eee cece eee eetee scence ee ee eeeees : 27 VIL. Monitoring and Evaluation ......... ween eee e tenet eee eees seeeee 29) VIIL. Repealing Clause. . . bee beeees este teen ense ee 30 IX. Special Provision... . 30 X. Transitory Provisions... 30 XL Effectivity . te 30 XII. References... 30 ANNEXES: Page A Flow Chart . feeeeeeee 3 DepEd Order No. 29, s, 2011 ~ Revised Guidelines on the Naming and Renaming of Schools......... 35 Checklists of Documents C-1 Application for Establishment of Public Elementary / Secondary Schools 40 -2. Separation of School Annex . ceeeeees 42 C-3. Merging of Elementary/Secondary SCHOOLS... oo. ee eevee eeeeeeeeees settee 43 C-4 Conversion Of SChOOIS 6... eee vee ee cece eeeee ee teeeeeete tetera 44 Sample Evaluation Sheets D-1 Establishment of Public Elementary/ Secondary Schools .. 47 D-2. Separation of School ANNEXES... 6... 6s eee ee eee e eee eeee tees eee 54 D-3 Merging of Schools... 59 D-4 Conversion of Schools D-4a__ High Schoo! classified as Non-Implementing Unit into a High School Classified as Implementing Unit . 64 D-4b School(s) into an Integrated Schoo! D-4b.1. Thru Expansion of an Existing Elementary or Secondary School . . 66 D-4b.2 Thru Merging or Combination of Existing Elementary and secondary Schools..... 71 D-4c High School to a Science High Schoo! beteeeeeeeeeeeee 76 D-4d_High School to a Technical-Vocational School . . 80 Samples of Memorandum of Agreement E-1 Between LGU and SDS, on Establishment of SchOOIS....... ss eseeeveeeee sees 85 E-2._ Between the School Head of Mother School and OIC/TIC of its School Annex, on Separation of the Latter from the Former . bev eeeee ee potent teeereeeeees 89 E-3__ Between the Schools Division Superintendent and the School Heads/OICs/TICs of Existing Schools of the Same Level, on Merging of Schools - 8 E-4_ Between the School Head and OIC of Existing Elementary and secondary School, ‘on Conversion to Integrated Schoo! ” Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations... 666.6. eeeeeee eee seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee seeeees 101

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