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15 Minute Manifestation – Track 1 – Your Natural State

Welcome to the 15 Minute Manifestation – Track 1 – Your Natural State.

First, find a comfortable place where you won’t be interrupted for 15
minutes, and close your eyes lightly. Take in a deep breath… and then
slowly exhale, and allow your mind and body to steadily drift down into
relaxation. That’s great - you can just relax and let go now, because that’s
all you need to do – from here onward, this powerful and transformational
recording will do the rest. It will work with your subconscious mind’s inner
Editor to dissolve previous limiting beliefs which may have been holding
you back

These beliefs can create a ‘scarcity consciousness’ - which are

basically our own subconscious roadblocks. This is a type of self-
sabotage, which can prevent us from reaching our natural state of
abundance. For instance, some people simply do not feel truly
worthy of being wealthy. And so even though they desire abundance
on the conscious level, they also seem to repel it on a subconscious
level – such as applying for a great job but missing out, or money
coming in, but then going out just as quickly. Anything that has
regularly blocked you from opportunities to become abundant, is an
inner roadblock. And we are going to clear out these roadblocks
today, so you can move get onto the freeway to success.

Abundance is your own natural birthright. Though due to the limiting beliefs
that are quickly imposed upon us from a young age, most people never
truly experience this. This is why re-programming our Editor to restore our
natural settings is such a life-changing step, towards transforming your

Not only does this process allow you access to the vast abundance you’re
capable of accepting into your life – it also dramatically increases your
ability to create abundance as well. This is achieved because your senses
will be attuned to recognise the endless flow of opportunities all around
you. These opportunities have always been there, of course - but unless
you are tuned in to the correct frequency, you would never see them. But
this will all change – more on that shortly.

The false ‘scarcity’ settings that society fed us since we were born are now
in the process of being dissolved and erased from your mind, and your life,
forever. You will no longer believe you need to ‘work hard and strive’ in
order to create abundance in your life.

In their place, an abundance program is being installed within your Editor’s

inner software. This literally creates a new reality to open up for you, from
the inside, out. This new world will reveal the possibilities you never
previously had access to, or thought were possible for you. It is a world
where abundance, potentiality and opportunities naturally flow like a
moving smorgasbord of delights, waiting for you to make your delicious

This is a world you have never previously seen, but now, as your mind’s
Editor will now be set to the correct frequency for abundance, your capacity
to manifest your desires is now being increased.

Much like tuning in your television to the best channels, you are now
attuning yourself to the frequency of abundance. In some ways, it’s like
being given a pair of magical sunglasses - which blocks out scarcity, and
reveal the wonderful possibilities and secrets which have always existed in
the world around you.

This has always been available to those tuned into the right frequency -
and from today onward, you are a member of this abundance club. From
today, your life will continue to change positively in many ways. You will
increasingly realise that abundance is literally everywhere. You will open to
it, like a flower opening up to the sun, basking in its rays and allowing its
power to permeate your very molecules and DNA. It will become a
natural and inseparable part of who you are.

Unlike everything you had been told up until this point, abundance is a
perfectly natural state. Wealthy people have always known that abundance
does not require any form of striving or hard work, in order to achieve it.
This is because they it has always been there, and always will be.

Because, why would they strive to achieve something that’s already right
here for them? This can be a difficult concept to understand for those who
have never experienced a world of abundance and its unlimited resources.
This is one of the reasons why this program was created, to help you make
that quantum leap - into knowing, once and for all, that abundance is your
perfectly natural state, and birthright.
Abundance is molecular energy, and it moves like a wave, flowing back
and forth, like a ripple effect. It flows to you, opening up your awareness
into the vast possibilities all around you. And then it flows from you –
creating even more prosperity, as your Natural State of abundance
naturally opens up more opportunities. This, in turn, then flows back to
you again. As this process continues, your life becomes a naturally
dynamic flow of positive energy, which continues to build and strengthen,
and affects everything and everyone around you. But more on that later in
the program.

The ocean is an obvious metaphor when you think about how waves work.
Think how effortlessly ocean waves endlessly and effortlessly roll in and
out, to and from the beach. This is how the effortless waves of molecular
energy move, as well. And, just like the ocean, the state of abundance is
not something you need to create – it’s already here, and always has been.
It has just been waiting for you to recognize its power to transform your life.

And you do this by firstly shifting your attention to everything you want, and
moving your focus away from everything you don’t. Placing your attention
on the things you desire helps to magnetize them to you, to draws them in.
It focuses your thoughts in the same way a magnifying glass focuses the
sun’s rays. It creates a powerful ripple effect of molecular energy which is
designed to manifest the thoughts you focus your attention upon.

This is where it becomes obvious that you need to be extremely careful

about the thoughts you choose to focus upon, to be sure you manifest only
the things you desire. You do not want to be wasting your thoughts on
anything you do not want. This the trap that most of society make -
unknowingly manifesting all the things they hope will never happen, and
pushing away the very things they desire most!

Why do people do this? Because most of us have been conditioned into a

mindset of scarcity. We don’t believe the object of our desires is even
remotely possible for us to achieve. Nor do we feel truly worthy or
deserving of achieving it, either. This is why we don’t spend the necessary
time focusing our attention on what we truly want. And because of this,
people end up with everything they didn’t want. This only re-confirms their
belief in scarcity, instead of realizing that abundance is their true birthright.
When this experience repeats over and over again in someone’s life,
scarcity and working hard becomes part of the ‘story’ of their life. This is a
story they keep telling themselves over and over in their mind. Well, that
story is a lie. Because there are many people out there who are living in
the natural state of abundance.

And this is why, from today, your ‘story’ is about to change forever. It will
change from the old outdated stories of scarcity, - to new empowering
stories of freedom, abundance, inspiration and opportunity. And what do
we call this? Going back to your Natural State – the way you were when
you first began here on Earth, when you were born.

From today, you are tuning into the abundance frequency. You are taking
control of your thoughts, and where you are placing your attention. This is
vitally important. You must no longer spend any time thinking about what
you do not want.

You are now in the process of becoming more and more open to the
abundance that has always been around you, all along. You will look
around, and see wealth and prosperity everywhere. Because you are
surrounded by it, and you will realize this abundance is not separate from
you, but a part of you. The prosperity around you is made up of energy
molecules which are flowing through you, as well. They are a part of you.
In fact, they ARE you, and you are part of them. Which means.. purely
and simply - you are abundance.

Each day from now onward, whenever you look around and notice the vast
signs of wealth or abundance in our society. No matter whether they be
massive skyscrapers, expensive homes, flashy cars, amazing architecture,
whatever. Whenever you see them, you will now always remember that
these ‘things’ are all made up of the very same molecules and particles as
yourself. This is scientific fact. There IS no separation between you, and
the wealth and abundance all around you. You are a part of it, and it is a
part of you. It’s vitally important you understand this.

You are now becoming increasingly open to the idea of vast and endless
possibilities. You now know and believe that you are totally deserving of
anything you desire – because it is your natural birthright. The Editor in
your subconscious mind now knows this. You no longer have to work to
create it – because it’s already right here. You are now letting go and
dissolving all the limiting beliefs that had been pushing away and repelling
everything you desired. And from now on, you will allow yourself to reset
your mind to the newborn mindset. One that expects, magnetizes and
attracts everything you want, and believes in infinite possibilities. <slight

Now, I’m going to count from 1 to 3, and on the count of three, you will
open your eyes, be wide awake, fully alert, feeling great – and ready to
accept abundance into your life. One – moving up towards the surface,
energy coming into your arms and legs... Two, awareness coming right
back into the room, ready to wake up now.. and..three – open your eyes,
wide awake now, wide awake, feeling great. Take a moment to fully
awaken, and then you’re ready to move forward with your day.

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