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Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Expressing Offering Help

Example 1:
A: Could I help you on your new project?
(bisakah saya menolongmu pada proyek barumu?)
B: I have a need for help with writing and with the computer work. Which would you prefer?
(saya butuh bantuan nih untuk menulis dan juga dengan pekerjaan komputer. mana yang
kamu pilih?)
A: I want to help with both.
(saya ingin membantu dua-duanya)
B: That would be wonderful. Sometimes we will be working together and sometimes
independently. Would that be OK?
(wow, keren. Kadang kita akan bekerja bersama dan kadang sendiri-sendiri. gpp kan?)
A: Most of the time that is what I prefer.
(kalau saya sih pilih semuanya)
B: We start on Monday. Can you be there?
(kita mulai senin. bisakah kamu di sana?)
A: I am not sure yet.
(saya belum yakin juga)
B: I need your background information before the meeting.
(saya butuh informasi latarbelakangmu sebelum pertemuan)
A: I will do that.
(saya akan mengerjakannya)
B: I’ll enjoy working with you. Have a great day!
(Saya akan senang bekerja dengan anda. semoga harimu menyenangkan)
Example 2:
A: Would you like me to help you on your new project?
B: I would love the help! Would you prefer helping with the writing part or is programming
more your thing?
A: I would enjoy helping with the writing portion.
B: Perfect! You’ll be working alone on that portion. Do you like to work alone?
A: That is OK sometimes.
B: Our first meeting is next Monday. Could you meet with us at that time?
A: No, I can’t be there.
B: Please send me your background information before the meeting so I can look at it.
A: I can send that information to you.
B: OK. I look forward to working with you. Enjoy your week!
Example 3
Dalam dialog berikut diberikan beberapa contoh ungkapan ketika kita akan menawarkan sesuatu
kepada orang lain.

A: Here. Have a cookie. (Ini, silakan dimakan kuenya)

B: Thanks

A: Would you like some cake? (Anda mau makan kue)

B: No thank you. It looks delicious though (Tidak terima kasih. Kelihatannya enak juga)

A: How about a glass of coffee? (Bagaimana dengan segelas kopi?)

B: Thanks, but I don’t drink coffee. (Terima kasih, tapi saya tidak minum kopi)

A: What will you have (to drink)? (Kamu mau minum apa?)

B: Manggo juice will be fine. (Jus mangga saja)

A: Would you like some more pie? (Kamu mau makan kue lagi?)

B: Sure. It’s really good. Did you bake it yourself? (Tentu, sangat enak. Apakah kamu yang
membuatnya sendiri?)

A: Can I get you some milk or something? (Bisa saya buatkan susu atau sesuatu)

B: Well, a glass of water would be okay. (Baiklah, segelas air putih juga tidak apa-apa).

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