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Simple Tenses: Present - Past - Future

There are a number of tenses in English grammar. However among them, there are some basic tenses
which can be developed into other tenses. They are Simple Present Tense, Simple Past Tense, and Simple
Future Tense. Since they involve sentences, the structure remains following the basic rule of a sentence
A. Simple Present Tense
 To demonstrate an event that used to happen or related to “Habitual Actions”
 Functions:
1. Permanent states
 is talking about things that are always, generally true.
- I live in Jember
2. General truth (facts)
- A week has seven days
- The sun rises in the east
- The sun shines by day, and the moon by night
3. Routines / habits
 is talking about things you do regularly, all the time.
- I go to school everyday
- He usually eats an egg for breakfast
 Time Signals (Adverb of Frequency)

Always : selalu
Generally : biasanya
Often : sering
Regularly : secaratetap
Seldom : jarang
Now & then : kadang-kadang
Once a week : sekaliseminggu
Normally : biasanya
Usually : biasanya
Sometimes : kadang-kadang
Frequently : sering
Everyday : setiaphari
Affirmative (Positive) Form (+)
Subject Verb Examples
I, You, We, They Infinitive I love you
He, She, It Infinitive s/es She learns her lessons

Negative Form (-)

Subject Verb Examples
I, You, We, They Do + not + infinitive I don’t believe you
He, She, It Does + not + infinitive It doesn’t work

Interrogative Form (?)

Subject Verb Examples
Do I, You, We, They Infinitive Do they need the book?
Does He, She, It Does she know who am I?

The spelling rules for He, She, and It

Verb Rule Examples
Most verbs Add s - The office opens at 8 o’clock
- The class starts at 9 a.m
Ends in a consonant + y Change y to ies - The baby cries very loudly
- The bird flies in the sky
Ends in ch, sh, s, x, z Add es - Mr. Diawarateaches English at Language
- She wishes to have a new car
Do and go Add es - My sister goes to school everyday
- Rinadoes all her homework
have has - She has dinner at 8 p.m
- She has brother and sister

B. Simple Past Tense

 To demonstrate a past event.
 Functions:
1. A finished single action in the past
- I got scholarship last year
- The movie started at 7.30 p.m
2. A finished state in the past
- Dian lived in a small town
- Bima had a bad score
3. A repeated action in the past
- Novi always studied English on Monday
- She went to school everyday
When we use the past simple, we often say the time of the action: in 1960, at 7.30, on Monday.
 Time Signals (Adverb of Frequency)
Yesterday : kemarin
Last night : semalam, tadimalam
Last week : minggu yang lalu
A few minutes ago : beberapamenit yang lalu
Two days ago : duahari yang lalu
A month ago : sebulan yang lalu
In 1976 : padatahun 1976
Affirmative (Positive) Form (+)
Subject Verb Examples
I, You, We, They Past Tense I saw the car of my brother
He, She, It

Negative Form (-)

Subject Verb Examples
I, You, We, They Did + not + infinitive We did not call him
He, She, It

Interrogative Form (?)

Subject Verb Examples
Did I, You, We, They Infinitive Did you see my cat?
He, She, It

Past Simple: Regular and Irregular Verb

1. Regular Verbs
Usually we add –d / ed to the verb
The spelling rules for d / ed
Verb Rule Examples
Ends in – e Add d - She lived in Jember
e.g: live
Ends in a consonant + vowel + Double the final - He stopped working at 5.30 p.m
consonant consonant
e.g: stop
Ends in consonant + y Change y to ied - I copied some articles
e.g : copy

2. Irregular Verbs
→ have no regular pattern
Many common verbs have an irregular past form:
 go went
 have had
 meet met
 get got
 feel felt
 eat ate

C. Simple Future Tense

 To demonstrate future actions.
 Functions:
1. A future actions
- He will post the letter
- I shall go to Malang tomorrow
2. A future appointment
- He will meet you by ten
- She will help you with your homework tomorrow
3. To show “a signal”
- Rani will give you a good dictionary if you go with him
 Time Signals (Adverb of Frequency)
Tomorrow : besok
Tonight : malamini
1. The time signals in present continuous can also be used in future tense
e.g: next month : bulandepan
2. Temporal conjunction (kata sambung yang bersifatsementara)
If : jika
When / while : ketika
Before : sebelum
After : sesudah
As soon as : segerasesudah
Till / untill : hingga, sampai
 after all of this temporal conjunctions the following sentence will be written without shall /

Affirmative (Positive Form) (+)

Subject Verb
I, we Will / shall + infinitive
You, They, He, She, It Will + infinitive

Negative Form (-)

Subject Verb
I, we Will / shall +not + infinitive
You, They, He, She, It Will +not(won’t)+ infinitive

Interrogative Form (?)

Subject Verb
Will / shall I, we Infinitive
will You, They, He, She, It

 Future intentions
 besides the formula above future tenses can use to be + going + to + infinitive
We use to be + going + to + infinitive when we are talking about our plans or intentions
- We are going to study English next summer.
- Alice is not going to have a party this year.
(+) I’m
(-) I’m not Going to Infinitive
(?) Am I

The Active and Passive voices

 Active Voice

In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb.

These examples show that the subject is doing the verb's action.

Example:The man must have eaten five hamburgers …>Theman(subject) is doing theeating(verb)

Example:Marylin mailed the letter …>TheMarylin(subject) is doing themailing(verb)

Example:Colorfull Parrots live in the forest …>TheParrots(subject) is doing theliving(verb)

Because the subject does or "acts upon" the verb in such sentences, the sentences are said to be in the
active voice.

 Passive Voice

One can change the normal word order of many active sentences (those with a direct object) so that the
subject is no longer active, but is, instead, being acted upon by the verb - or passive.

Note in these examples how the subject-verb relationship has changed.

Example:Five hamburgers must have been eaten by the man…>Hamburgers(subject) are


Example:The letter was mailed by Marylin…>Letter(subject) is beingmailed(verb)

Example:Colorfull Parrots live in the forest …>TheParrots(subject) is doing theliving(verb)

NOTE: Colorful parrots live in the rainforests cannot be changed to passive voice because the sentence
does not have a direct object.

To be + Past Participle (V3)


i. Make into the passive voice these following sentences

1_She sings a song

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2_She sang a song

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3_Dina can make tarts
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4_We give him a prize

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5_We gave him a prize

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6_They elect him as a president

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7_ They elected him as a president

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8_The electricians test the fire alarm.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9_The electricians tested the fire alarm.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10_The teacher closes the window.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

11_The teacher will close the window.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

12_The girls can play handball.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

13_ They develop a new type of washing machine.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

14_ They will develop a new type of washing machine.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

15_They can develop a new type of washing machine.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

16_Ridwan told Rizal to give up smoking

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

ii. Rewrite these sentences in ACTIVE voice

1_The telephone is invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2_The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3_Coffee is sold by Marie.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4_Coffee was sold by Marie.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5_The computer is used by Patrick.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6_The computer was used by Patrick.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7_ Letters are written by the students.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8_Letters were written by the students.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9_Lots of houses were destroyed

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10_Lots of houses will be destroyed

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

11_ Lots of houses are destroyed

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

12_We were expected to build the road

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

13_We will be expected to build the road

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

14_We are expected to build the road

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Adjectives are words that are used to modify (identify, describe or limit) a noun. Adverbs are words that
are used to modify the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
1) ADJECTIVES - used to describe the condition of subjects.
 The time they had together was short.
 He took all reasonable measures to mitigate the loss.
a) Comparison Adjectives – Though there are some unmodified adjectives that are used for
comparisons (i.e. best, better) many adjectives form the comparative of persons or things by
adding er or estto the word or by prefixing the adjective with words such as: more, most, less,
or least.
Comparison Adjective examples:

John is the best athlete on the team.

 Last year’s crop grew higher than this year’s.
 Her new car is better than that old one she drove.
 He was the greatest boss I ever had.
 My utilities are less expensive than yours.
 By far, he is the most successful salesperson in the company.

b) Proper Adjectives – are descriptive adjectives derived from proper nouns. Capitalize
proper adjectives.

American history
French cuisine

c) ‘Senses’ verbs need adjectives: (look, smell, taste, feel, sound) - these adjectives indicate
the quality or condition of the subject through the senses.

His eyes always look cheerful.

 This food tastes delicious.
 The flowers smell nice.

2) ADVERBS– are used to explain the actions of verbs.


The siren sounded loudly, waking the troops.

 She waited by the telephone patiently.
a) Placement of Adverbs – An adverb should be placed as near as possible to the word it
modifies as the position of it affects the meaning of the sentence.

John only nominated Bates for chairman. (...meaning he didn’t vote for him)
 John nominated only Bates for chairman (...meaning he didn’t nominate anyone else)
b) Unnecessary Adverbs – should be avoided.

He asked her to repeat it. (not ‘repeat it again’)

 They returned home. (not ‘returned back home’)
 We will divide the proceeds at the end. (not ‘divide up the proceeds’)
Some words have the same form whether they are used as adjectives or adverbs.

 (Adjective) - That is a fast speedboat.

 (Adverb) - He stood up so fast he knocked his chair over.
 (Adjective) - The ground was hard like a rock.
 (Adverb) - They all worked hard to meet the project deadline.
Some words have two forms and can be used as adjectives or adverbs.

 (Adjective) - His instructions were clear to us all.

 (Adverb) - She clearly understood the instructions.
 (Adjective) - She is a slow driver.
 (Adverb) - Please go slowly around that curve.
 (Adverb) - He drove slowly up the hill.
Prepositionis aword thatshows the connection between noun and pronoun with another word in one
sentence. The word could be adjective, noun, and verb. The following are frequently used preposition in
about above across after against
along among around at before
behind below beside besides between
by despite down during for
from in into like near
next to of off on out
over since through till to
toward(s) under until up upon
with within without

Here are some examples of prepositions in sentences:

About (tentang, kira-kira)

I tell him about my secret
She has gone about two years

For (untuk)
This book is for you
Maybe the present is for him

After (setelah,seperti)
I will come back after finishing this job
She is named after her grandmother

From (dari, mulai, sejak)

I come from Surabaya
He has built his house from April 7th

To (untuk, ke, kurang, hingga)

Happy birthday to you
I will go to market
It is seven to ten
We leave t six to six
Our room is from the right to the left corner

Into (kedalam, menjadi, sampai)

He translates English into Indonesia
I divide my rooms into five rooms
My father will go into town
With (dengan, serta, pakai, bersama)
I will shot the snake with my gun
I always go to school with Ani

By (oleh, dengan, dari)

The book is bought by Ali
I go to Surabaya by bus

Of (dari, kurang, akan, karena, untuk, tentang)

I leave the airport at a quarter to six
I have special hour of prayer
An article is a wordthat is used with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the
noun. Articles specify grammatical definiteness of the noun, in some languages extending to volume or
numerical scope. The articles in the English language are the and a/an, and (in certain contexts) some.
"An" and "a" are modern forms of the Old English "an", which in Anglian dialects was the number "one"as
an indefinite article.

Article is divided into two; definite and indefinite articles:

Definite Article:
A definite article indicates that its noun is a particular one which is identifiable to the listener. It may be
something that the speaker has already mentioned, or it may be something uniquely specified. The
definite article in English, for both singular and plural nouns, is the.
The children know the fastest way home.

The sentence above refers to specific children and a specific way home; it contrasts with the much more
general observation that:
Children know the fastest ways home.

The latter sentence refers to children in general and their specific ways home. Likewise,
Give me the book.
refers to a specific book whose identity is known or obvious to the listener; as such it has a markedly
different meaning from
Give me a book.
which uses an indefinite article, which does not specify what book is to be given.

The definite article can also be used in English to indicate a specific class among other classes:
The cabbage white butterfly lays its eggs on members of the Brassica genus.

Indefinite Article:
An indefinite article indicates that its noun is not a particular one (or ones) identifiable to the listener. It
may be something that the speaker is mentioning for the first time, or its precise identity may be
irrelevant or hypothetical, or the speaker may be making a general statement about any such thing.
English uses a/an, from the Old English forms of the number "one", as its primary indefinite article. The
form an is used before words that begin with a vowel sound (even if spelled with an initial consonant, as
in an hour), and a before words that begin with a consonant sound (even if spelled with a vowel, as in a
She had a house so large that an elephant would get lost without a map.
Smart Energy

The next few decades will see great changes in the way energy is supplied and used. In some major
oil producing nations, 'peak oil' has already been reached, and there are increasing fears of global
warming. Consequently, many countries are focusing on the switch to a low carbon economy. This
transition will lead to major changes in the supply and use of electricity. [A] Firstly, there will be an
increase in overall demand, as consumers switch from oil and gas to electricity to power their homes
and vehicles. [B]Secondly, there will be an increase in power generation, not only in terms of how
much is generated, but also how it is generated, as there is growing electricity generation from
renewable sources. [C] To meet these challenges, countries are investing in Smart Grid
technology. [D] This system aims to provide the electricity industry with a better understanding of
power generation and demand, and to use this information to create a more efficient power network.
Smart Grid technology basically involves the application of a computer system to the electricity
network. The computer system can be used to collect information about supply and demand and
improve engineer's ability to manage the system. With better information about electricity demand,
the network will be able to increase the amount of electricity delivered per unit generated, leading to
potential reductions in fuel needs and carbon emissions. Moreover, the computer system will assist in
reducing operational and maintenance costs.
Smart Grid technology offers benefits to the consumer too. They will be able to collect real-time
information on their energy use for each appliance. Varying tariffs throughout the day will give
customers the incentive to use appliances at times when supply greatly exceeds demand, leading to
great reductions in bills. For example, they may use their washing machines at night. Smart meters
can also be connected to the internet or telephone system, allowing customers to switch appliances on
or off remotely. Furthermore, if houses are fitted with the apparatus to generate their own power,
appliances can be set to run directly from the on-site power source, and any excess can be sold to the
With these changes comes a range of challenges. The first involves managing the supply and
demand. Sources of renewable energy, such as wind, wave and solar, are notoriously unpredictable,
and nuclear power, which is also set to increase as nations switch to alternative energy sources, is
inflexible. With oil and gas, it is relatively simple to increase the supply of energy to match the
increasing demand during peak times of the day or year. With alternative sources, this is far more
difficult, and may lead to blackouts or system collapse. Potential solutions include investigating new
and efficient ways to store energy and encouraging consumers to use electricity at off-peak times.
A second problem is the fact that many renewable power generation sources are located
in remote areas, such as windy uplands and coastal regions, where there is currently a lack of
electrical infrastructure. New infrastructures therefore must be built. Thankfully, with improved
smart technology, this can be done more efficiently by reducing the reinforcement or construction
Although Smart Technology is still in its infancy, pilot schemes to promote and test it are
alreadyunderway. Consumers are currently testing the new smart meters which can be used in their
homes to manage electricity use. There are also a number of demonstrations being planned to show
how the smart technology could practically work, and trials are in place to test the new electrical
infrastructure. It is likely that technology will be added in 'layers', starting with 'quick win' methods
which will provide initial carbon savings, to be followed by more advanced systems at a later date.
Cities are prime candidates for investment into smart energy, due to the high population density and
high energy use. It is here where Smart Technology is likely to be promoted first, utilising a range of
sustainable power sources, transport solutions and an infrastructure for charging electrically powered
vehicles. The infrastructure is already changing fast. By the year 2050, changes in the energy supply
will have transformed our homes, our roads and our behaviour.

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