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Presented By:: Guided By::

Zaveri Nainesh - Ms Vidhi Mankadiya

(Approved by AICTE Affiliated to GTU,Gujarat)
Virda-Vajdi, Klawad Road,Rajkot



This is to certify that seminar entitled “ANDROID” is submitted by

NAINESH ZAVERI bearing roll no. 08IT041 is partial fulfillment of
requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY from V.V.P Engineering College,
Rajkot for academic year 2010-2011.

Date of Submission::-

Staff H.O.D. IT
Sign Sign

Google's Android operating system is an open-source platform that's currently available on a wide

variety of smartphones. Android has its advantages -- it's highly customizable, for one -- but it's also somewhat
geeky software that can seem intimidating to smartphone newbies.
Android is available on a variety of handsets, including Google's Nexus One (which is manufactured by HTC)
and Verizon'sMotorola Droid. The open nature of the Android platform allows handset manufacturers to
customize the software for use on their handsets. As a result, the Android software can look and feel very
different on different handsets.

Android's open nature means that almost anyone can create an application to run on it. And you will
find a growing selection of titles available in the Android Market, the platform's answer to Apple's App Store.
Android supports multi-tasking, too, so you can run multiple apps at once. This means you can open a Web
page, for example, and as it loads, check for incoming e-mail. It's handy.

Android also has the benefit of being closely tied to Google; the company offers lots of excellent
mobile apps. Some, like Google Maps, are available on different mobile platforms, but others, like the
excellent Google Maps Navigation (beta), are only available on Android phones.

The Android OS lacks the elegance of its chief rivals, Apple's iPhone OS and Palm's webOS, and the
fact that it's available in so many versions can be very confusing. But it has the benefit of being available on a
variety of handsets, and offers customization its rivals can't touch. If you're willing to put in the time to learn all
about Android and how to use it, you're likely to find that this mobile platform is powerful.


We are very much thankful to all who were helpful to us during the development of the
project “ANDROID”. It was a tough effort from us but we have done successfully. We are
thankful to our internal project guide Ms. Vidhi Mankadiya whose presence has been highly
beneficial to us in times of difficulties pertaining to the project and without whose guidance there
was little chance that we could have completed our project.

We would also like to thank our HOD, Mrs. AVANI VASANT ( I.T. Dept.) for helping
us in every possible way, right from the very start.

Last, but not the least, we would like to thank the technical team and the rest of the staff
at the V.V.P College of Engg. & Tech,especially the laboratory in-charges, to whom we are
indebted for providing us with a good environment to work in and co-operating with us.

-Zaveri Nainesh


SR.NO Topics PG.NO

1. Introduction 6

2. Android Architecture 9

3. Android SDK Structure 14

4. Features 19

5. Why Android? 21

6. Android Cell phones 24

7. Future MDIs 26

8. Market Research 29
9. Browsing Test 32

10. Windows VS IPhone VS Android 33

11. Recent Activities 34

12. Bibliography 35



Google's Android operating system is an open-source platform that's currently

available on a wide variety of smartphones. 

 Google defines Android as a "software stack" for mobile phones.

A software stack is made up of the operating system (the platform on which

everything runs), the middleware (the programming that allows applications to talk
to a network and to one another), and the applications (the actual programs that the
phones will run). In short, the Android software stack is all the software that will
make an Android phone an Android phone.

First off, it's an open platform, which means that anyone can download a software
development kit and write an application for Android. That means that--
eventually--you should have plenty of Android apps that you can download to your

Google has a very good reputation when it comes to creating software. The
company's Gmail service, its online suite of applications, and its Chrome
browser have, for the most part, been favorably received. Google is known for
creating simple, straightforward applications that are inherently usable. If the
company can translate that success to the Android platform, users should be
pleased with what they see.
While the software will come from Google--and anyone who chooses to write
applications for Android--you will have some choice in both hardware and cellular
carrier. This is where Android differs sharply from the iPhone. The iPhone
hardware is made by Apple, and your cellular carrier is AT&T (unless you
jailbreak your phone, and therefore void any warranty). An Android phone can be
made by anyone and made to run on any network. T-Mobile is launching the first
Android phone.

Android is based on the Linux operating system, and all of its applications will be
written using Java. Google says Android will "ship with a set of core applications


including an email client, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser, contacts," and


Open Handset Alliace

It is developed by Google and later the Open Handset Alliance (OHA). Unveiling
of the Android platform was announced on 5 November 2007 with the founding of
OHA. It is based on the Linux kernel. It allows writing managed code in the Java
language. Possibility to write applications in other languages and compiling it to
ARM native code exists.

HTC was First to deliver ANDROID


Open Handset Alliance (OHA)

→ It's a consortium of several companies


• Devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices

• Develop technologies that will significantly lower the cost of

developing and distributing mobile devices and services

• Developed by Google and later the Open Handset Alliance (OHA)



Android is a complete software stack for mobile devices such as cell phones, PDAs
and high end MP3 players. The software stack is split into four layers:

 The application layer

 The application framework
 The libraries and runtime
 The kernel

Cell phone users obviously work with applications in the application layer.
Android developers write those applications using the application framework.
Unlike many embedded operating environments, Android applications are all equal
-- that is, the applications that come with the phone are no different than those that
any developer writes. 

The framework is supported by numerous open source libraries such as open ssl,
sqlite and libc. It is also supported by the Android core libraries -- more on that in
a second. At the bottom of the stack sits the Linux 2.6 kernel, providing the low
level hardware interfaces that we all expect from a kernel. This is a Unix based
system -- that is, the Unix C APIs are available -- but don't expect to drop to a shell
and start executing shell scripts with your old friends grep and awk. Most of the
Unix utilities are simply not there. Instead Android supplies a well thought out API
for writing applications -- in Java using the Android core libraries. 

That's right, Android applications are almost exclusively written in Java. The
Android core library is a big .jar file that is supported by the Dalvik Virtual
Machine -- a fast and efficient JVM work-alike that enables java-coded
applications to work on the Android cell phone. This is similar to, but not the same
as using Sun's JVM directly. 




Android will ship with a set of core applications including an email client, SMS
program, calendar, maps, browser, contacts, and others. All applications are
written using the Java programming language.


By providing an open development platform, Android offers developers the ability

to build extremely rich and innovative applications. Developers are free to take
advantage of the device hardware, access location information, run background
services, set alarms, add notifications to the status bar, and much, much more.

Developers have full access to the same framework APIs used by the core
applications. The application architecture is designed to simplify the reuse of
components; any application can publish its capabilities and any other application
may then make use of those capabilities (subject to security constraints enforced by
the framework). 

Underlying all applications is a set of services and systems, including:

 A rich and extensible set of Views that can be used to build an application,

including lists, grids, text boxes, buttons, and even an embeddable web browser
 Content Providers that enable applications to access data from other
applications (such as Contacts), or to share their own data
 A Resource Manager, providing access to non-code resources such as
localized strings, graphics, and layout files
 A Notification Manager that enables all applications to display custom alerts
in the status bar


 An Activity Manager that manages the lifecycle of applications and provides

a common navigation backstack.


Some of the core libraries are listed below:

 System C library 
o a BSD-derived implementation of the standard C system library (libc),
tuned for embedded Linux-based devices

 Media Libraries 
 based on Packet Video's Open CORE; the libraries support
playback and recording of many popular audio and video
formats, as well as static image files, including MPEG4, H.264,

 Surface Manager 
o manages access to the display subsystem and seamlessly composites
2D and 3D graphic layers from multiple applications

 LibWebCore 
o a modern web browser engine which powers both the Android
browser and an embeddable web view

 SGL 
o the underlying 2D graphics engine

 3D libraries 
o an implementation based on OpenGL ES 1.0 APIs; the libraries use
either hardware 3D acceleration (where available) or the included,
highly optimized 3D software pasteurizer

 FreeType 
o bitmap and vector font rendering


 SQLite 
o a powerful and lightweight relational database engine available to all


Android includes a set of core libraries that provides most of the functionality
available in the core libraries of the Java programming language.

Every Android application runs in its own process, with its own instance of the
Dalvik virtual machine. Dalvik has been written so that a device can run multiple
VMs efficiently. The Dalvik VM executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex)
format which is optimized for minimal memory footprint.

 The VM is register-based, and runs classes compiled by a Java language compiler

that have been transformed into the .dex format by the included "dx" tool.

The Dalvik VM relies on the Linux kernel for underlying functionality such as
threading and low-level memory management.


Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security,
memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. The


kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the
software stack.

Android Structure of SDK


QEMU Simulator

Structure of SDK



Binary code in this release; source code released within 2008??

Debugging Linux on QEMU(ARM)


File System


Native shared libraries; *.so files



Android is a multi-process system, in which each application (and parts of the
system) runs in its own process. Most security between applications and the system
is enforced at the process level through standard Linux facilities, such as user and
group IDs that are assigned to applications.

Additional finer-grained security features are provided through a "permission"

mechanism that enforces restrictions on the specific operations that a particular
process can perform, and per-URI permissions for granting ad-hoc access to
specific pieces of data.


 Application framework enabling reuse and replacement of components

 Dalvik virtual machine optimized for mobile devices

 Integrated browser based on the open source Web Kit engine

 Optimized graphics powered by a custom 2D graphics library; 3D

graphics based on the OpenGL ES 1.0 specification (hardware acceleration


 SQLite for structured data storage

 Media support for common audio, video, and still image formats (MPEG4,
H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, PNG, GIF)

 GSM Telephony (hardware dependent)

 Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, and WiFi (hardware dependent)


 Camera, GPS, compass, and accelerometer (hardware dependent)

 Rich development environment including a device emulator, tools for

debugging, memory and performance profiling, and a plugin for the Eclipse IDE

 Multi touch: Android supports multi touch technology

 Multi tasking: It is available by Android.

 Nice-to-haves: Android automatically checks and repairs the file system on

SD cards and allows third-party apps to indicate to the Android system what
hardware features they require in order to function properly. Android checks these
requirements when you download the app from the Android Market, allowing the
installation only if the required hardware is present. 

Anatomy of Android Application

• There are four building blocks for an Android application:

• Activity

– a single screen

• Intent Receiver

– to execute in reaction to an external event(Phone Ring)

• Service


– code that is long-lived and runs without a UI(Media Player)

• Content Provider

– an application's data to be shared with other applications



In some ways, this is a vote for the potential of Layer as much as the practical application.
Walking around with your phone and seeing Wikipedia subjects, apartments for sale, and what
Twitter users have raved about through your phone is a pretty neat thing, and potentially helpful
when you're looking for things to do in a new city. But as Layer continues to add new layers, and
as camera and mobile processing power continue to improve. If you don't like the 3-D camera
view, or like the looks of yourself while using it, Layer can just show you points of interest on a
Google-type map


Until the latest upgrade, we couldn't have really called Listen a king among podcast apps—it had
a few irksome bugs, one of them being the loss of episodes and, sometimes, subscriptions. Now,
however, Google's own app does a great job not only of finding audio content, but it exports your


subscriptions to be managed in Google Reader, ensuring a full feed backup and easier retrieval of
past episodes you want to head back and hear. If you need more fine-grained podcast control,
try ACast, but Listen will work for most.


You can drop a lot of neat things on your Android home screen, but you can't quite get one-click
access to everything in your phone's settings and extras. AnyCut doesn't have a great interface,
and it might take some trial and error before you get to exactly what you're looking for. Soon
enough, though, you'll have access to the deepest guts of your settings, so switching 3G on and
off, enabling location services, and other tricks are easy to pull off. 

TasKiller Free

The downside to Android's multi-tasking is that sometimes, some apps can become unexpectedly
become memory or bandwidth hogs, or bring your phone down with them when they crash. Few
apps provide a direct, easy "Quit" option, though, and sometimes you can't get to the app to close
it. Enter TasKiller, a free app-killing utility that works from its standard icon, or as one of a
number of widgets you can add to your home screen for one-click system rescuing. The free


version serves up ads and lacks a few advanced features, but generally serves the needs of
anyone who's sick of needing to actually reset their phone just to clear up space for, you know,
phone calls and such. Note: This app should be used as more of a last resort than regular
maintenance tool—killing processes and apps willy-nilly can turn off alarms, kill background
syncing, and have other unintended consequences.

ASTRO File Manager

This is one of those apps you hope gets some attention, if only to be bought by Google or
otherwise integrated into the basic phone software.ASTRO File Manager does a great job of
letting you navigate files on your SD card and accessible internal memory, sure, but it also has
its own built-in task killer, backs up applications, can send files as email attachments (not all that
easy or intuitive from the mail client, for some reason), and much more. It's the Leatherman of
Android utilities, and a must-have on any serious geek's phone.


You use your Android smartphone differently than your desktop computer. You don't work with
files and shortcuts, so much as you check in on the streams of data you care about—email, text
messages, Facebook and Twitter, chat, and the like. SlideScreen replaces, or just augments, if


you'd like, your phone's home screen, creating row after row of messages and feeds. Slide the
center info bar up and down to look at more or less of your items, swipe to the right to dismiss
items as read, and revel in having all your data on hand at once. SlideScreen also replaces the
standard application tray, giving you 8 slots to put your most frequently accessed apps, and
tucking all the others into a rolling deck below. It's a total makeover for your phone, in other
words—one that might just make you fall in love all over again with the concept of mobile data.


Android is available on a variety of handsets, including Google's Nexus
One (which is manufactured by HTC) and Verizon'sMotorola Droid. The open
nature of the Android platform allows handset manufacturers to customize the
software for use on their handsets. As a result, the Android software can look and
feel very different on different handsets.

multi-touch -- which allows a phone's touch screen to register more than one touch
at a time so you can do things like pinch and spread a screen to zoom in and out --
is available on some Android phones but not others.

At present, there are at least two Android-centric phones — T-Mobile’s G1,

available in the United States, and a phone called “Magic” made by HTC and
available in Europe

Customizable Interface

All Android smartphones are touch-screen devices; some -- but not all -- have
hardware keyboards, too. All come with a desktop that is made up of a certain
number of screens (some Android phones have 3, others have 5, while still others
have 7) that you can customize to your liking. You can populate screens with
shortcuts to apps or widgets that display news headlines, search boxes, or more.
The customization is certainly a bonus; no other smartphone platform offers as
much flexibility in setting up your desktop screens to your liking.

In addition to using shortcuts on your various screens for accessing apps and files,
Android also offers a comprehensive menu. You access the menu in different ways
on different phones, but none of them make it difficult to find. From the menu, you
can click on the small but neatly organized icons to access apps and features like
the Android Market.

The Android interface will vary slightly from phone to phone, but, in general, the
software itself has become more polished looking over time. 


Cellphones Using Android OS

Google-Android-phone-prototype HKC-pearl-pda-phone-wm6

Sciphone_N19_Google with WIFI Samsung-galaxy-vs-htc-magic



Google’s Android OS for future MIDs

 It’s reported today on DigiTimes that Intel is in talks with Google to utilize
its Android-based operating system on future Moorestown- or generic Atom-
powered MIDs (Mobile Internet Devices).
 Intel reportedly commented that their goals are to create a platform and
ecosystem to support all operating systems in all types of devices. These
Intel-powered devices from the low-end to the high-end would benefit not
only the end-users, but also the industry and vendors.
 This is arguably Intel’s third recent, public effort to directly support a Linux-
powered operating system running on their hardware (and not just by
creating drivers). The first comes from their long effort with Moblin for low-
end netbooks and other such portable devices with a powerful GUI interface.
 The second comes from a recent announcement following the revelation
that Nokia signed Intel for their future devices (thereby bypassing ARM).
And this one with Google’s Android OS today would be the third.
 In support of that endeavor for small form factor handhelds, Nokia has
chosen to continue pursuing its Maemo operating system (a Debian Linux
off-shoot) by announcing they will use Qt as the foundational GUI toolkit
two generations out .
 Intel is making enormous strides toward the low-end parts as they clearly see
that as their long-term future, as the lower-end parts will become more and
more powerful, especially when multiple chips are running side-by-side in a

 Google, the developer of Android, says there are eight or nine mobile phone
manufacturers that are planning to release 18 to 20 Android-based models by
the end of the year.


The different versions of Android stack up:

Google may be racing to release new versions of its open source Android operating
system, but most mobile devices that use it are still running older versions.

About 70 percent of existing Android devices use either Android 1.5, aka Cupcake,
or Android 1.6, aka Donut, among the earliest versions of the OS.

Android 2.1, nicknamed Eclair, is catching up.  About 27 percent of Android

devices use Eclair, according to data from the Android developers community.
Eclair is the version included with Google’s Nexus One as well as Motorola’s


The latest data on the market share of the different Android OS versions is based
on the number of Android devices that have accessed the app store, Android
Market, in the two weeks ending April 12, say Android developers.

In the 16 months since the first Android phone hit the market, Google has made
four major upgrades to the operating system. Meanwhile, it can take more than a
year to develop a new smartphone. So most new cellphones launch with older
versions of Android, depriving users of access to nifty features such as turn-by-turn
navigation and a better user interface. For developers, all the different OS versions
mean they have to spend additional resources creating apps that are compatible
with all.

Handsets aren’t automatically compatible with the newest versions of Android,

because the manufacturers generally must update the firmware on their devices to
support the latest versions.

Earlier this week, Motorola bumped up the Droid, which launched with Android
2.0, to Android 2.1. The company says it is working on a schedule that will update
its other phones, too, such as the Backflip and Cliq.

Motorola published a schedule in its community forums that indicates an upgrade

to Android version 2.1 for the Cliq is planned for the second quarter, while the
Backflip will be upgraded to version 2.1 in the third quarter. The company says it
is still evaluating if the Motorola Devour on Verizon will get the newest version of
the Android OS.  Devour currently runs version 1.6 of the Android OS


Market Research
According to NPD Group, not only are Android-powered devices now outselling
iPhone (as another report indicated earlier this week), but they’re also now besting
BlackBerry, making Android the top selling mobile OS during the second quarter
in the U.S.

 It's not a stunning surprise, but the Android OS has knocked Apple out of
the number 2 slot and slid just behind RIM.
  NPD says first quarter sales give   Android has 28% while Apple has 21%.

NPD has the race at Android – 33%, RIM – 28%, and Apple – 22% for the period,
noting that it’s the first time since Q4 2007 that the BlackBerry maker hasn’t been
number one. RIM is pinning much of its hopes on getting back on top with its new
BlackBerry 6 operating system and the BlackBerry Torch smartphone, the latter of
which was revealed yesterday.


Android OS Popularity Grows by Leaps and Bounds

Google’s Android mobile operating system has been out on the streets for more
than a year and has changed the smart phone market! ChangeWave’s December of
4,068 consumers found that the Android operating system causing a stir in the
smart phone market with the Motorola Droid as the biggest and most immediate
Among those who currently own a smart phone, ChangeWave found that 4% say
they’re currently using Google’s Android operating system, which is  a 3pt jump
since their survey in September. They also discovered that 21% of those planning
to buy a smart phone in the next 90 days say they would rather have the Android
OS on their new phone, which is a gigantic 15pt jump in just three months.

Three months ago, Android OS was tied for last place in consumer’s preferences
among all the major mobile operating systems. However, since then it has


exploded into second place just behind the iPhone OS X. The iPhone OS X
remains the number one choice for operating systems but has fallen 4pts.

The Motorola Droid stands out as the biggest and the beneficiary of the growing
demand for the Android OS. Motorola is showing an enormous 12pt jump in future
buying, which is the first increase for Motorola in a ChangeWave consumer smart
phone survey.


Browser speed test: iPhone OS 4 versus Android 2.2

It’s official, Android 2.2 code-named Froyo claims the crown of the speediest web browsing
software out there – for now, because we have yet to see how mobile Safari performs on the
upcoming iPhone HD hardware.

Google claims that Android 2.2 features the fastest web browser of any other smartphone

Mobile geeks over at PocketNow have taken the claim with a grain of salt and decided to run a
real-life browser test pitting a Froyo device against the iPhone 3GS running iPhone OS 4 with
mobile Safari and the HD2 running Opera Mobile 10.

The test included Flash sites and a series of simultaneous page loads rather than raw Javascript
tests that tell little about a browser’s performance in real-life scenarios. As you can see from the
video included below, Android 2.2’s web browser is pretty fast.Safari

The iPhone 3GS did load the Pocketnow site ahead of other browsers, but that’s because it didn’t
have to retrieve and render Flash parts. Although other browsers rendered Flash sections with
ease, scrolling around became a “really choppy” experience as a result. However, the same test
but without Flash 10.1 Beta installed on Android 2.2 shows Android’s clear lead in page loading
and rendering speed over the Iphones 3Gs.Check it out in the below video.


Google unveiled Android 2.2 at their annual developer conference dubbed Google I/O that ran
last week. The software comes with Chrome’s speedy Javascript engine dubbed V8, resulting in
up to three times performance boost in Android 2.2’s Javascript performance over the previous
Android version, according to Google.


Due to its Open Source nature, anyone (who knows how to do it) can create apps for Android. It
is being taught at Harvard now. Google has introduced its own apps, too e.g. Google Voice,
Google Goggles and Google Shopper etc. Third party apps are also in the list,
like Twitter, Facebook etc.

You can download apps and games by visiting Android’s app market. Find your required apps by
browsing categories, top rated and featured apps. There are a lot of different kinds of apps that
can attract you including games, sports, media, news, health and entertainment.

Some must have apps include Swype, AppMonster, Seesmic, Job Centre Plus, AppBrain Market
Sync, Google Sky Map, Google Goggles, Task Manager, Skyfire 2.0 and RAC Traffic. There are
certain games that you should download in your Android phone like Bebbled, The Red Stone,
Sketch Online, Newton, Gem Miner, Replica Island and Titres.


iPhone OS 4 vs Android 2.2 vs Windows Phone 7 – The

Inevitable Comparison
Google today has unveiled the much awaited Android 2.2 OS at the I/O 2010 conference held in
San Francisco.  Android 2.2 edges out bothiPhone OS 4 and Windows Phone 7. 


Recent activities


Google Maps Navigation delivers spoken turn-by-turn driving directions through

your phone, just like apps made by GPS manufacturers TomTom and Magellan. It
also incorporates Google's search features and Google Map features like Street

Yahoo releases BANDWAGON application for Andoid Phones.

IMDB releases official Android Applications.

In addition to the Software Development Kit (SDK), which was released a couple
months ago, the Android team has also released a "Native Development Kit"
(NDK). The SDK allows developers to write software for Android devices in Java.
The system is designed for platform independence, so that no or little adjustments
are required to run the same applications on different devices. The NDK on the
other hand enables Android developers to access native code, which in general is
not platform independent, but may be more efficient in some cases.

There is a trend found in analysts opinion, and that is the believe that Android OS
will past Blackberry OS; and it will compete with the Symbian OS for the world’s
main smartphone OS.

The latest analysis came from Gartner, and they also added that by
2014 Android OS will closely rivaling with Symbian. They predicted that in
2014 Symbian will have 30.2% of the market while Android will follow at 29.6%.

Thus it aims to be as easy to build for as the web.

Google Android is stepping into the next level of Mobile Internet.




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