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(Lecturer: Ma’am Ivo Selvia Agusti, SE, M.Si)

Disusun oleh:

 Ryo Putra Simamora (7181143009)

 Dewi Sartika Tampubolon (7182143002)
 Rezky Trinanda Simarmata (7182143011)
 Welly Sinaga (7182143009)
 Bestin Juita Ziliwu (7182143012)
 Elsa Jernih Lumban Toruan (7183343011)
 Mayang Sartika Iskandar (7181143011)


In simple terms self-esteem can be defined as people's feelings about themselves related
with the importance of achievement, positive interpersonal relationships, and psychological well-
being (Vohs & Baumeister, 2016). Self-esteem is formed through the interaction of individuals with
the environment (Sandha, Hartati, & Fauziah, 2012), if the relationship provides something pleasant
then self-esteem becomes positive, but if the environment gives something unpleasant then self-
esteem will become negative. Low self-esteem has been shown to be associated with many negative
phenomena, including increased teen pregnancy, drug abuse, violence, depression, social anxiety,
and suicide. Factors such as gender, race, economic level, sexual orientation, immigrant status, and
more seem to be influenced by the level of self-esteem (Guindon, 2009). Besides that, with low
self-esteem, of course this will inhibit students from achieving. The higher a person's self-esteem
can help the student to excel in learning, and vice versa, the lower a person's self-esteem will be
inhibit students from achieving (Adila, 2010; Irawati & Hajat, 2012). Definition of Self-esteem
According to Nathaniel Branden self-esteem is (1) confidence in the ability to act and face the
challenges of this life. (2) confidence in our right to be happy, a feeling of worth, worthy, make it
possible to affirm our needs and desires and enjoy fruit from the results of our hard work (Branden,
Self-esteem is one of the individual success factors in his life, because of development self-
esteem in a teenager will determine success and failure in the future. As self-assessment, then the
development of self-esteem becomes an important part of education because expected to be able to
process the discovery of positive self-concept in the soul of the child. Self-esteem is the evaluation
of individuals to change or to develop social, physical skills and academics (Lawrence, 2006). For
school-age children self-esteem continues to be affected mainly by people who are important in
their lives. The process of developing self-esteem starts with relationships interpersonal in the
family that is gradually affected from school and the influence of the community more broadly
where individuals choose to live and work which ends in their potential to the extent where
individuals become self-determination (Nikmarijal, 2014).
According to Maslow, self-esteem as a need that must be fulfilled by humans (Rohmah,
2012). The need for this sense of self-esteem by Maslow is divided into two parts, namely: (1)
respect or self-esteem that includes a desire to gain competence, confidence, strength personal,
adequacy, independence and freedom. Individuals want to know or believe that they are valuable as
well able to overcome all challenges in his life. (2) Awards from others, including achievements. In
this matter the individual needs appreciation for what he does (Sri Mendari, 2013). Self-esteem
affects motivation, functional behavior, and life satisfaction, and is significantly related for life-long
well-being. It is possible that behavior is intended to maintain and increase the positive sense of the
universal self, that self-esteem is a basic human need (Guindon, 2009). So it can be concluded that
self-esteem is; (1) a person's general assessment of him itself, both in the form of negative
judgments and positive judgments that ultimately produce feelings worth or self-use in living life.
(2) the ability to understand what can be done and what has been done, (3) setting goals and
direction of life itself, (4) ability to believe in your own abilities, and do not feel jealous of the
achievements of others.
Educational learning builds hard skills and soft skills as a whole. Learning the educator,
namely the process of transforming knowledge and skills which are simultaneously accompanied
character development, hard work, honesty, and quality care, accompanied by evaluations that build
objectivity and honesty. The learning process is implicitly worship (Dahlan, Refnadi, & Zufriani,
2017), so that must be done in a good and right way. Results of mapping access and quality of
education in 2013 and 2014 by The Learning Curve - Pearson of 40 The country places Indonesia at
the last position, even according to UNESCO in 2012 the interest in reading people Indonesia is
only 0.001%, meaning that only 1 in 1,000 people have serious reading interest (Baswedan, 2014).
Thing this indicates that learning in Indonesia is still not optimal. In an effort to achieve results
optimal, the process is the most important thing. But in reality, to obtain achievements, many are
still carried out in ways that are not good, for example with a jockey case, because Nepotism, and
cheating (Besar & Somad, 2012; Kartadinata, 2009; Pasaribu, 2011; Sujana & Wulan, 1994). Of
course things like this will reduce the meaning of the achievements, besides honesty in achieving
achievements must be part of the achievement itself (Kartadinata, 2009).
In learning activities various problems can arise both for students, for example the
arrangement of study time, choosing how to learn, using textbooks, group learning, learning
motivation (Fitri, E., Ifdil, I., & Neviyarni, S., 2016), preparing for the exam, choosing suitable
subjects, etc. (Yusuf & Nurihsan, 2006). Another problem that arises in adolescents is lack of
interest in education, low achievement motivation (Zola, N., Ilyas, A., & Yusri, Y., 2017) even
hate school (Al-Mighwar, 2006). First, teens whose parents have unrealistic high ideals for
academic achievement or social achievements that continue to urge to achieve the desired goals.
Second, teenagers who are lacking accepted by classmates, who did not experience the excitement
of classmates in various ways activities. Third, teenagers who mature more physically are much
bigger than friends in his class, because his appearance was older than his real age, often he was
expected to achieve better than his ability. The three types of teenagers who are less interested in
education are usually show the characteristics of his displeasure. For example, low achievers, work
under their abilities every subject or in a subject he doesn't like, skipping. Symptoms like this often
seen in those who have low self-esteem. To deal with educational problems, it is important for
students to have high self-esteem. With Having high self-esteem can prevent students from doing
negative things in achieving achievements learn.
High self-esteem will make someone feel valuable, respect themselves, look at them he is
equal to others and always wants to move forward and develop. While self-esteem is low make
people face various social and psychological problems because of people with self-esteem low is
considered more vulnerable to negative influences from the social and psychological environment.
People who are self ??? Low esteem will also seek status and recognition in deviant activities
(Owens, Stryker, & Goodman, 2006).

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