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French Cricket Pairs Cricket

4 French Cricket is an ideal starter game and can be played
indoors and outdoors. The game can be played with a
minimum of three people. The game involves batting,
throwing and catching.
5 Pairs Cricket is an excellent modified game which brings players
one step closer to hardball cricket. The game involves bowling,
batting, fielding and wicket keeping. The game itself helps player
development from both a technical and tactical point of view. Games
• Batter bats for a set period of • Divide players into pairs
time or until they are out Bt • Pair ‘A’ bat together, starting with C
• Batter is out by fielders bowling 20 runs ...
F Bt1
the ball (underarm) against their • Pair ‘B’ bowl six balls each. The F
leg, below the knee, or by being partner who isn’t bowling takes
caught F F the position of wicket keeper
• Fielders can either bowl the ball • The other pairs spread evenly F
F around as fielders, and after the
to the batter, or pass it to another Bw
fielder for them to bowl 12 good balls, all pairs rotate to F
F new roles Bt2
• The batter should remain in a F
C ...
• If a ball is bowled out of reach of
fixed stance for their entire
the batter, this is called a wide. F
innings F
The batter receives one run and
an extra ball is bowled
G • Batters lose three runs every time
ICATI ONS they are bowled, caught or run out
• Chang • Winner are the pair with the most
e th
the ball e size and weig runs when every pair has batted G
• Batter
s can be
one- ha caught • Introd
bounce ed when the ba uce
and sixe boundaries (fo
s once ll s) urs
• Batter • Street
s can ch Cric
every ti ange sta played in ket (Pairs Cric
me nce
hit the b they successfu environ
the stre
ets or u t
all lly ments) rban
• Decre • Chang
ase or in
of the p cre
laying a ase the size
e the pit
ch size
and Play Cricket –
• Use dif
• Award
ferent b
bonus p
alls (size
oints fo
, weight) Anyone,
r one
GAME Diamond Cricket GAME Cricket Baseball GAME Continuous Cricket

1 Diamond Cricket is a fast and interactive game that is ideal for

all ages and abilities. Diamond Cricket can be played indoors
or outdoors and can be played in large and small spaces.
This modified game is a great way to develop skills.
2 Cricket Baseball involves striking, fielding, catching and
throwing. The game itself is a fast and interactive game that
involves baseball and cricket skills. This game is a great way to
introduce cricket to new people.
3 Continuous Cricket is a fast and action packed game that
involves bowling, batting and fielding. This is a quick and easy
game to set up and can be played both indoors and outdoors.
All ages and abilities can play this game.


• The bowler stands in the middle
F • Split the group into teams • Bowler bowls underarm (minimum
of the diamond and can bowl at • The bowler is required to bowl distance 10 metres)
Bt F
any of the four sets of stumps underarm ... • Batter has to run, even if they miss
• Four batters go to the four • Batter hits the ball and runs ‘right’ Bt the ball ...
allocated sets of stumps – all to the first base (or further) • Batter runs around a cone Cn Bt Cn
batters need to be ready to hit (one cone set up either side of

F Bt Bw Bt F • If the batter misses the ball (and the
the ball balls does not hit the stumps), the the stumps) F F
• All batters must run after every batter gets a free run to first base F Bs Bw Bs • Fielders throw the ball back to
delivery (if they hit or miss the • Next batter steps up the bowler, who then bowls at the
ball). Safety Point: Batters need
F Bt F stumps as soon as they receive F
... • To complete a run, the batter
to run to their ‘right’ must reach fourth base
the ball ...
F F Bs F • Fielders are required to be at a safe Bw
• If a batter is caught out, the • Batters who reach the fourth base F
distance when the batter hits the ball F
wicket keeper becomes the batter can re-join the batting queue F
• Batters can be caught, bowled or
G • Batters can be out bowled,
• If the batter is bowled out, the MODIF AME caught or run out
hit wicket
wicket keeper becomes the batter ICATI O
• Introd NS • Bowler has six deliveries before
uce diffe • An innings can be timed, or until
ren G swapping with a fielder
to the g MODIF AME
ame (siz t types of balls the whole team is out
• Introd e, colou ICATI MODIF AME
uce r, weigh ONS
make th two or more ba t)
e game lls to ifferent
• Get th quicker weight size and • Chang
e fie of ball e th
to keep lders to jog on • Decre of the b e size and weig
them ac the spo ase all ht
• Chang tive t distanc or increase the • Increa
se or de
e the bo e betwe cre
en base distanc
• Add a
w le r after 6
• Add m
ore bas s e of the ase the
‘pentag er set of stump • Award e s • Bowle
r to bow
on crick s bonus r l overar
large nu et’ to he • Develo uns • Add a m
mbers lp with p target nother
• Take a • Add th s e t of stum
set of s hitting a zones a e LBW R ps
tum reas nd
play ‘Tr ule
iangle C ps away and
• Chang ricket’
e the siz
area (sh e of the p
orter or laying


F Fielder Bw Bowler Bt Batsmen Bs Base Cn Cone Stumps C Team (in Euro Pairs)

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