SLM Quality Assurance

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Self Learning Material – Quality Assurance

Dr. Sunil Dutt

Professor & Head
Education and Educational Management Department,
National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Sector-26, Chandigarh (India)

Objectives of the Module:

After reading the learning material, you will be able to:

 Know the need for Quality Assurance of Self Learning Material

 Understand the Quality Assurance Methodology
 Know the Instruments of Quality Assurance & Evaluation

Learning Outcomes:
After reading the learning material, you will be able to:

 Explain the concept and need for Quality Assurance of Self Learning Material
 Describe the components for Assuring Quality in Self Learning Material
 Describe the timing of Quality Assurance Assessments of Self Learning Material
 Develop the instrument for evaluation of Self Learning Material by Subject Matter
Expert and the Learner

Pre-requisite Knowledge:
It is assumed that the learner is quite familiar with the systematic approach to instructional design. The
learner has also understood the advantages of Self learning material over conventional mode of teaching
as well as text books.


Dear learners, as you know that conventional mode of teaching suffers from various shortcomings like,
teachers’ failure to meet the diverse needs of the learners; failure to gain the attention of the learners;
failure to integrate instructional media; and, failure to assess the performance of the learners and provide
them feedback and more. Thus, there is a need to develop Self learning material to supplement learning
on the part of learners. In addition, you have also planned for developing Self learning material in a
subject area and that you have also understood the guidelines of organizing and presenting the content in
the Self learning material. Now there is a need to review the Self learning material by the subject matter
experts before it is used by the learner. In addition, it is also advisable that the learner should review it
after he/she has studied it for further improvement.

This learning material will enable learners understand the need for Quality Assurance and its
Methodology for developing quality Self Learning Material.

Self Learning Material – Quality Assurance

Need for Quality Assurance

Quality is not only for manufacturers, it is also an essential requirement of higher education, be it
teaching learning & evaluation in classroom, laboratory & workshop, developing instructional
material, design & development of curriculum, conducting research & development studies etc.
Since quality of education plays a significant role in the process of development of nations, thus,
quality concerns in education are national priorities for all nations. The dimensions of quality in
education include achieving pre-determined targets and objectives and thereby, meeting the
expectations of the potential learners. In India, the National Assessment and Accreditation
Council (1994) of the University Grants Commission accredits institutions in general higher
education. Quality is multiple perspectives and is not a unitary concept (Newton 2007, p.14).

Quality has been defined differently by different experts. For an academic institution it may
mean ‘perfection in developing intelligence, creativity and skills in students’, and for the
employer ‘a degree of an employee’s preparation for the realization of professional tasks’
(O’Sullivan, 2001).

Where did quality come from?

The concept of quality is actually not new: it has always been and will remain part of the
academic tradition. It is the outside world that now emphasizes the need for attention to quality.
It is the relationship between higher education and society which has changed (Vroeijenstijn,

Quality assurance provides means to an institution to satisfy itself that the standards and the
quality of its educational programmes can be maintained and enhanced. For our purposes, quality
assurance can be defined as the process of ensuring the quality of learning materials at different
stages of their development, from conception to their use by the intended learner population.

Quality assurance has gradually become an integrated part of higher education. From being a
novelty a couple of decades ago with much emphasis on how to design and set up quality
assurance systems and procedures (Neave 1988), we then witnessed more interests in
methodological issues before our attention was more drawn to the human factor (Neave 1996);
how interest in quality may be stimulated by leadership, and the ways to stimulate staff and
student involvement and ownership (Brennan & Shah 2000). Dimensions of quality include
performance/effectiveness, features, reliability, conformance, durability, aesthetics, serviceability

Quality Assurance is different from Quality Control which focusses on reviewing the self
learning material after its development. Quality assurance emphasizes the maintenance of
standards during all stages of design and development of self learning material. In quality
assurance, focus is on development of appropriate criteria for all stages. No matter how much
care/effort the author has exercised in design/development of self learning material, no one can

be certain of its true educational effectiveness until it is reviewed by subject matter experts,
teachers teaching the subject and used by learners & teachers.

Quality learning materials must meet the expectations and needs of the target learner population.
It will benefit the material developers in the subject area by providing ongoing feedback about
the effectiveness of their products. While quality assurance undoubtedly requires additional time
and effort, it is a worthwhile investment in order to avoid the costs of producing the sub-standard
learning materials.

Components for Assuring Quality in Self Learning Material

Below are given the components of assuring quality in Self Learning Material:

 Relevance
 Coverage of course of study
 Matching of contents in SLM with LOs
 Language/interactive tone
 Logical presentation of content and up-to-date
 Assuring pre-requisites
 Appropriateness of Illustrations
 Font type and size; spacing between lines; Formatting
 Quality and difficulty level of Practice questions and feedback

Quality Assurance Methodology

A variety of quality assurance methodologies have been described within the literature many of
which are quite detailed and time consuming. Generally, teachers and subject matter experts
review the draft learning materials. In addition, draft Self learning material is tested on a single
learner, a small group of learners and/or a large group of learners. After each review by teachers
and subject matter experts, and after each test with learners, the learning materials are revised.
Definitely, these quality assurance procedures assist tremendously in producing high-quality
learning materials. However, because these procedures are so time-consuming, can also slow the
production and distribution of learning materials to an unacceptable degree. The following
guidelines can provide a workable solution:

o Assigning development of SLM to an author with subject matter expertise and knowledge of
instructional design
o Training of the author
o Development of first draft
o Review by other experts
o Development of second draft

Timing of Quality Assurance Assessments

Now the question arises about the timing of Quality Assurance assessments. The subject matter
experts review the self learning material before it is used by the learner. In contrast, learner
reviews it after he/she has studied it. Ideally, learners would be asked to review the material
while it is under development. It means that a group of learners test the learning material before
it is made available to potential customers/learners for purchase. The input from the learners is
very vital. The input from these reviews will be used to revise the self learning material.

Instruments of Quality Assurance & Evaluation

The instrument may consist of three sections:

 Section I containing Open-ended questions. These questions require more thinking and
more than a simple one-word answer – few sentences/paragraphs.

 Section II containing a Rating scale which requires the raters to assign a value, may be
a numeric to threated object as a measure of some rated dimensions. It may contain items
pertaining to:

o Relevance
o Coverage
o Treatment and
o Presentation of content in the Self Learning Material

 Section II containing a Checklist which may include a list of attributes/dimensions to be

checked/or done. A check list seeks information concerning the Formatting and technical
aspects of Self Learning Material.

 Evaluation by subject matter expert/teacher, learner

As you know that quality assurance emphasizes the maintenance of standards during all stages of
design and development. No matter how much care/effort the author has exercised in
design/development of self learning material, no one can be certain of its true educational
effectiveness until it is reviewed by subject matter experts, teachers teaching the subject
and used by learners & teachers.

Now let us learn about the format for Evaluation of Self Learning Material by the Subject
Matter Expert and the Learner.

Format for Evaluation of Self Learning Material by Subject Matter Expert
We have developed a Self Learning Material and we wish to improve upon the same. As an
expert in the subject area, we request you to review the Learning Material and offer your
valuable comments/suggestions for improvement in the following questionnaire:
Self Learning Material on:
Target Users:
Name of Subject Matter Expert(s):

Section I
This section consists of open-ended questions regarding the relevance and coverage of the
content in the Learning Material. Please answer the questions in the space provided. If the space
provided is insufficient, please attach a sheet with your answers numbered.

1. Is SLM relevant to the purpose of the programme? Yes No

If not, list irrelevant topics

2. Are all topics of course of study covered in SLM? Yes No

If not, identify topics not covered

3. Do the contents in SLM reflect same emphasis as stated in LOs? Yes No

If not, enlist content areas not given due emphasis in the Learning Material:

4. Does SLM explain technical terms adequately? Yes No

If not, list the technical terms that need further explanation:

5. Are there factual mistakes in the Learning Material? Yes No

If yes, list them giving reference to page numbers:

6. Do the illustrations have adequate explanation in the text? Yes No

If no, give details giving reference to page numbers:

7. Are there vague questions in the practice exercises? Yes No

If yes, identify questions by giving reference to page numbers:

8. List three strong points of SLM

9. List three major points needing improvement

10. Give any general remarks, which you consider to be appropriate

Section II
This section contains a Rating Scale for Evaluation of the Self Learning Material. Please place a
tick mark (√) in the appropriate column for each of the qualities listed below, where:
4 for Highly Satisfactory 3 for Satisfactory
2 for Unsatisfactory 1 for Highly Unsatisfactory

S. Quality Parameters Rating

1. SLM meets a clearly defined need. 1 2 3 4
2. The purpose of SLM has been made clear to all users in beginning. 1 2 3 4
3. The Introduction/overview gives a clear account of scope. 1 2 3 4
4. The Entry behaviour of the potential learner/user has been carefully described 1 2 3 4
by means of list of Knowledge & Skills required.
5. The Learning Outcomes are clearly stated for each module. 1 2 3 4
6. All content is directly linked to Learning Outcomes. 1 2 3 4
7. The content is presented in a logical learning sequence. 1 2 3 4
8. The content presented helps in attaining all the LOs specified for module. 1 2 3 4
9. The content is up-to-date. 1 2 3 4
10. Presentation of content takes into account learner’s previous knowledge. 1 2 3 4
11. Illustrations (graphs, diagrams etc.) are used appropriately. 1 2 3 4
12. Practice exercises have been included at appropriate stages. 1 2 3 4
13. Feedback for all practice exercises has been given clearly. 1 2 3 4
14. The Language used in the Learning Material is simple. 1 2 3 4
15. The technical terms are explained adequately. 1 2 3 4
16. The reading of Learning Material arouses interest for further study. 1 2 3 4
17. End-of-module test is representative of the content of Learning Material. 1 2 3 4
18. The feedback to all the questions of end-of-module test is adequately given. 1 2 3 4
19. Learning Material concludes with a comprehensive summary. 1 2 3 4
20. Learning Material promotes critical thinking and problem solving skills. 1 2 3 4

Section III

This section contains a Checklist for Evaluation of the Self Learning Material. Please place a
tick mark (√) in the appropriate column for each of the qualities listed below regarding
formatting and technical aspects:
S. Quality Parameters Yes/No
1. Recommended paper and column size used throughout SLM. Yes No
2. Spacing between lines as specified. Yes No
3 Left hand justifications used throughout the SLM. Yes No
4. Margins provided appropriately (LH of left page and RH of right page). Yes No
5. Header used appropriately throughout the SLM. Yes No
6. Footer used appropriately throughout the SLM. Yes No
7 Uniformity in using recommended Font type, Font size, Icons. Yes No
8. Paragraphing indicated clearly by space or by paragraph indent. Yes No
9 Decimal classification used correctly in the SLM. Yes No
10. Pagination done as per instructions. Yes No

Format for Evaluation of Self Learning Material by Learner
As you have just completed the study of the Self Learning Material, we wish to improve the quality of our
learning material. Hence, we request you to give your response to the following items on the Learning
Material. Your responses will not be used to evaluate your performance as a learner. Your responses will
be kept confidential. Section I contains open ended questions and Section II is a rating inventory.
Title of Self Learning Material: Year/Semester:
Name of Learner: Name of Institution:

Section I
Please answer the questions in the space provided. If the space provided is insufficient, please
attach a sheet with your answers numbered.
1. Are all the curricular topics of course study covered in the LM? Yes No
If not, mention the topics not covered:

2. Do the contents in SLM reflect same emphasis as stated in LOs? Yes No

If not, enlist the topics for which content is not adequate:

3. Are the technical terms used explained adequately? Yes No

If not, list the technical terms explained inadequately:

4. Enlist the vague questions, if any, in the practice task & end-of-module test:

Section II
This section contains a Rating Scale for Evaluation of the Self Learning Material. Please place a tick
mark (√) in the appropriate column for each of the qualities listed below, where:
5 for Strongly Agree 4 for Agree 3 for No Comments
2 for Disagree 1 for Strongly Disagree
S. Quality Parameters Rating
1. I understood the Learning Outcomes. 1 2 3 4 5
2. The presentation of content was good for me. 1 2 3 4 5
3. The content matter given in SLM was self-sufficient. 1 2 3 4 5
4. The language used was easy to understand. 1 2 3 4 5
5. The illustrations (graphs, diagrams) were easy to understand. 1 2 3 4 5
6. I could follow the topic of SLM even if I missed it in the class. 1 2 3 4 5
7. The exercises given in the practice tasks were useful for learning. 1 2 3 4 5
8. The feedback given for practice tasks was adequate and like 1 2 3 4 5
9. The items of end-of-module test represented all the sub-topics covered 1 2 3 4 5
in the module.
10. The feedback in terms of end-of-module test was clear and adequate. 1 2 3 4 5
11. The Support resources given were quite interesting. 1 2 3 4 5
12. The References given at the end were useful. 1 2 3 4 5
13. The font size/type used for the text was easy to read. 1 2 3 4 5
14. The learning material maintained my interest and motivated. 1 2 3 4 5
15. I would recommend this Self Learning Material to other learners. 1 2 3 4 5


To conclude, quality assurance is the process of ensuring the quality of learning materials at
different stages of their development, from conception to their use by the intended learner
population. It will benefit the material developers in the subject area by providing ongoing
feedback about the effectiveness of their products. After each review by teachers and subject
matter experts, and after each test with learners, the learning materials are revised.
Questionnaires containing Open-ended questions, a Rating scale and a Checklist can be
developed in this regard.

Practice Task

1. List the components for Assuring Quality in Self Learning Material.

2. At what time Quality Assurance Assessments should be carried out?
3. Name the Instruments of Quality Assurance & Evaluation.

Feedback/Self-evaluation to Practice task

1. The components for assuring quality of Learning Material are given below:
 Relevance
 Coverage of course of study
 Matching of contents in SLM with LOs
 Language/interactive tone
 Logical presentation of content and up-to-date
 Assuring pre-requisites
 Appropriateness of Illustrations
 Font type and size; spacing between lines; Formatting
 Quality and difficulty level of Practice questions and feedback

2. The subject matter experts review the Self learning material before it is used by the
learner. In contrast, learner reviews it after he/she has studied it.

3. Questionnaires containing Open-ended questions, a Rating scale and a Checklist can be

developed in this regard.

Brennan J & Shah T (2000). ’Quality assessment and institutional change: Experiences from 14
countries’, Higher Education, 40, pp. 331-349.
Brennan, J & Shah, T (2000). Managing Quality in Higher Education. An international perspective on
institutional assessment and change (Buckingham, OECD/SRHE/Open University Press).
Cole, PG & Chan, LKG (1987). Teaching Principles and Practice. New York, Prentice Hall, 210-240p.
Filebeck, R (1974). Systems in Teaching and Learning. Nebraska, Lincoln: Professional Educators
Publishing Inc., 137pp.
Gagne, RM & Briggs, LJ (1974). Principles of instructional design. New York: Holt, Rinehart &
Winston, Inc., 270pp.
Kemp, JE (1977). Instructional Design. California: Fearon Pitman Publishers Inc., 162pp.
Malhotra, MM (2010). Teaching Learning Presentation in NITTTR, Chandigarh. Unpublished.
Neave, G (1988). ‘On the Cultivation of Quality, Efficiency and Enterprise: An overview of recent trends
in higher education in Western Europe’, European Journal of Education, 23, pp. 7-23.
Newton, J (2007) What is quality? In Bollart, F. et al. (Eds.) Embedding Quality: Culture in Higher
Education (A Selection of Papers from the 1st European Forum for Quality Assurance),14-20.
European University Association, Brussels.
O’Sullivan, G; K, Sitarska, B; Tkachuk, C; Daniluk, A; & Horsetail, J (2001). A flexible system of study
and ECTS as a system conducive to improving the quality of education, in Jankowski, Siedlce
University of Podlasie Publishing.
Percival, F and Ellington, H (1984). A Handbook of Educational Technology. London: Kogan page, 9 –
Romiszowski, AJ (1984). Designing Instructional Systems. London: Kogan Page, 415pp.
Sodhi, GS & Dutt, Sunil (1995). Teaching learning – A Process Approach. Chandigarh: Samir Publishers.
Vroeijenstijn, AI (1995). Improvement and accountability: navigating between Scylla and chaybdis.
London: Jessica Kinsgsley.
Wilson, Bob (1987). The systematic design of Training Courses. Vol. 1, USA: Parthenon Publishing.

Support Learning Resources:

 Video film on ‘Self Learning Material – Quality Assurance’ developed/recorded by Professor (Dr.)
Sunil Dutt, NITTTR, Chandigarh.
 Video film on ‘Self Learning Material – Quality Assurance Instruments’ developed/recorded by
Professor (Dr.) Sunil Dutt, NITTTR, Chandigarh.
 Batulan, Giselle (2014). Systematic Approach to Teaching.
 Designing & Developing Curriculum with Technology - Tools: Content and Resource
 Educational Technology: Systematic Approach to Teaching.
 Filep, RT (2008). A Systematic Approach to Instruction: Innovative and Sensitive.
 Systematic Approach to Teaching (2008).
 Systematic Approach to Teaching.

 Veniegas, OP. Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology (INNOTECH),
Philippines. Ensuring the Effectiveness and Quality of Learning Materials: How to Use and Evaluate
Literacy/ CE Materials.
 Visconti, Maria Nina (1984). The systematic approach to instruction: an effective
instructional strategy for learning; Modified on 23rd May, 2017.


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