Acid Fracturing

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Acid Fracturing

Acid Fracturing


This topic will consider the comparison with hydraulic fracturing, fracture
propagation and design.


Acid Fracturing is a stimulation process in which acid, usually HCL, is injected into the
formation at a pressure above the fracture formation pressure. As the acid flows along
the fracture, portions of the fracture face are dissolved. Since flowing acid tends to etch
in a non-uniform manner, conductive channels are created which usually remain when
the fracture closes. The effective length of the fracture is determined by the volume of
the acid used, its reaction rate and the acid fluid loss from the fracture into the formation.
The effectiveness of the acid fracturing treatment is largely determined by the length of
the etched fracture.

Acid Fracturing v. Propped Fracturing

The basic principles and objectives of acid fracturing are the same as for propped
fracturing treatments. In both cases the goal is to produce a conductive fracture with
sufficient length to allow more effective drainage of the reservoir. The major difference is
in how the conductivity is achieved.
In propped fracture treatments, sand or another propping agent is placed in the
fracture to prevent closure when injection ceases and pressure is released. Acid
fracturing does not normally employ a propping agent, but relies on the acid etching of
the fracture walls to provide the required conductivity. As a result, acid fracturing is
normally limited to limestone or dolomite formations, and is rarely used in sandstones
because the acid is ineffective in etching these formations.
Operationally, acid fracturing is less complicated because no proppant agent is
required, however acid is more expensive than most non-reactive treatment fluids.
However the major barrier to effective fracture penetration by acid is the excessive fluid

Factors Affecting Acid Fracture Treatment Effectiveness

The two major factors affecting the effectiveness of an acid fracture treatment are:
• resulting fracture length;
• conductivity.

The effective fracture length is controlled by the acid fluid loss characteristics, the acid
reaction rate and the acid flow rate in the fracture. Conductivity is affected by reaction of
the acid with the fracture faces and dissolution of the formation minerals.

Acid Fluid Loss

Control of fluid loss during acid fracturing of carbonate formations presents problems
unique to reactive fluids. Acids usually require special acid stable additives. To further

© IIT Madras 2011 1

Acid Fracturing

complicate things, acids tend to selectively enlarge certain large pores and hairline
fractures, resulting in wormholes and channels perpendicular to the fracture, and it is
this phenomenon is believed to contribute to the high fluid loss during acid fracturing

Acid Spending

Another major factor that limits the penetration of live acid along the fractures is
spending of the acid. During its travel down the fracture, the acid reacts constantly with
the fracture surfaces and decreases in strength. Once acid drops below approximately
10% of its original concentration it is considered to be no longer capable of providing
sufficient etching.


Because temperature accelerates the reaction of acid on carbonate, it significantly

affects the depth of penetration. An increase from 100 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit
decreases the penetration of 15% HCl in limestone from 120 ft to 82 ft (about 30%). In
dolomite formations the effects of temperature are even more pronounced, with a 60%
reduction in penetration for the same acid concentration over the same temperature
differential. This is because the acid reaction in limestone is mass-transfer limited,
whereas in dolomite the reaction rate is affected by reaction kinetics.

Acid Fracture Design

When designing an acid fracture treatment, all factors affecting the success of the
treatment must be considered. In low to moderate temperature wells, acid fluid loss
control may be the most important consideration. For high temperature wells, retarded
acids should be considered to ensure adequate penetration.

Acid Fluid Loss Control

Various additives have been developed to control acid fluid loss and include:
• Karaya gum;
• Silica flour;
• Oil soluble resins.

However, most of these additives, although effective are limited in high temperature
wells and are often economically unviable. As a result, the most common solution is to
use a viscous pad preceding the acid. The pad is used to initiate the fracture and
deposit a filter cake, which will act as a barrier to acid leakoff. It also helps to cool the
acid, thereby reducing the acid reaction rate, and increasing penetration.
Efficiency, using viscous pads has also been improved by pumping alternating pad
and acid treatments, and this process is now widely used in acid fracturing treatments.

Acid Reaction Rate Control

The need to reduce the reaction rate of acid to achieve increased fracture penetration
often is considered an important problem, particularly in high temperature wells. One of
the most common methods of extending live acid penetration is by injecting a viscous
pad prior to the acid treatment as has already been discussed. Other means include the
addition of retarders such as alkyl amine, which reduce the reaction rate by forming
hydrophobic film on the carbonate surfaces. These retarders act in much the same way
as acid corrosion inhibitors protect steel surfaces. Another means of reducing the

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Acid Fracturing

reaction rate is to prepare an emulsion using kerosene or diesel as the oil phase, and
hydrochloric acid as the aqueous phase.

Improving Fracture Conductivity

For an acid fracturing treatment to be effective, the walls of the fracture must be etched
sufficiently that conductive channels remain after the treatment. If the fracture faces are
etched uniformly, the conductivity after fracture closure will be very low. At high flow
rates, the rate of acid reaction is greatly affected by the acid flow velocity – the reaction
is faster and more material is removed. This phenomenon results in the erosion of the
fracture faces in areas of more rapid acid flow and creates erosion patterns. This not
only promotes fracture conductivity, but also increases live acid penetration, by reducing
the amount of reactive surface to which the acid is exposed. Acid etching typically
occurs on only about 40% of the fracture surface.

© IIT Madras 2011 3

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