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DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D.

Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018

 Rights and Remedies under the Tax Code
 Rights and Remedies of the Taxpayer
 Amend tax returns
 Administrative protest of an assessment

TAXATION LAW II  Judicial protest of an assessment

Martin Ignacio D. Mijares 1

Week Seven – 03/06/2018

 Rights and Remedies under the Tax Code
 Rights and Remedies of the Taxpayer
 Judicial appeal of collection proceedings
 Refund and/or tax credit of erroneously paid tax RIGHTS AND
 Request for ruling

Judicial Protest of an Assessment

DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018


 Issue: WON the FLD can be construed as a final  The case is an exception to the rule on exhaustion of
decision of the CIR appealable to the CTA administrative remedies
 Held:  A careful reading of the FLD-AN shows that the instant
 Section 7, RA 9282 expressly provides that the CTA case is an exception to the rule on exhaustion of
exercises exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by administrative remedies, i.e., estoppel on the part of the
appeal decisions of the CIR in cases involving disputed administrative agency concerned
assessments  The language used and the tenor of the demand letter
indicate that it is the final decision of the respondent on the
 In this case, Petitioner did not protest the final assessment
 The FLD-AN which was not administratively protested by the
 Instead, it filed a Petition for Review with the CTA
petitioner can be considered a final decision of the CIR
 Thus, if we strictly apply the rules, the dismissal of the Petition
appealable to the CTA because the words used, specifically
for Review by the CTA was proper.
the words "final decision" and "appeal", taken together led
petitioner to believe that the FLD-AN was in fact the final
decision of the CIR on the letter-protest it filed and that the
available remedy was to appeal the same to the CTA. 6


 Issue: WON PAGCOR timely filed its appeal to the  PAGCOR did not wait for the RD or the CIR's decision on
CTA its protest
 PAGCOR made separate and successive filings before the
RD and the CIR before it filed its petition with the CTA.
 The appeal to the CTA was premature
 A petition before the CTA may only be made after a
 A protesting taxpayer like PAGCOR had only three whole or partial denial of the protest by the CIR or the
options: CIR's AR
 If the protest is wholly or partially denied by the CIR or his
 When PAGCOR filed its petition before the CTA on 11 March
AR, then the taxpayer may appeal to the CTA within 30 days 2009, there was still no denial of PAGCOR's protest by either
from receipt of the whole or partial denial of the protest the RD or the CIR
 If the protest is wholly or partially denied by the CIR's AR,  Therefore, under the first option, PAGCOR's petition before the
then the taxpayer may appeal to the CIR within 30 days from CTA had no cause of action because it was prematurely filed
receipt of the whole or partial denial of the protest  The CIR made an unequivocal denial of PAGCOR's protest only
 If the CIR or his authorized representative failed to act upon on 18 July 2011, when the CIR sought to collect from PAGCOR
the protest within 180 days from submission of the required the amount of P46,589,507.65
supporting documents, then the taxpayer may appeal to the
7 8
CTA within 30 days from the lapse of the 180-day period

DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018


 CTA’s Jurisdiction on “Other Matters”
 The jurisdiction of the CTA is not limited to cases
involving the assessment of deficiency taxes
RIGHTS AND  The CTA also has the jurisdiction over other matters arising

REMEDIES OF from the Tax Code. Section 7, RA No. 1125, as amended by

RA No. 9282 (the “CTA Law”) provides that:

TAXPAYERS SECTION 7. Jurisdiction - The Court of Tax Appeals shall

exercise exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by appeal, as
herein provided —

(1) Decisions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue in cases

Judicial Appeal of Collection involving disputed assessment, refunds of internal revenue
taxes, fees or other charges, penalties in relation thereto, or
Proceedings other matters arising under the National Internal Revenue or
other law or part of law administered by the Bureau of Internal
Revenue. 10


 CTA’s Jurisdiction on “Other Matters”  In Philippine Journalists, the Supreme Court confirmed
 The law dictates that the appellate jurisdiction of the CTA that the CTA has jurisdiction to determine the validity of
is not limited to cases which involve disputed the collection proceedings initiated by the BIR
assessments  The appellate jurisdiction of the CTA is not limited to cases
which involve decisions of the Commissioner of Internal
 The second part also covers other cases that arise out of the
Revenue on matters relating to assessments or refunds.
NIRC or other related laws administered by the BIR
 The second part of the provision covers other cases that
 A tax assessment deals with how much taxes are due from a
arise out of the NIRC or related laws administered by the
taxpayer, while tax collection deals with the whole process of
Bureau of Internal Revenue
collecting the same from the taxpayers
 The wording of the provision is clear and simple
 Therefore, it can really happen that while there may no longer be
any dispute on the assessment as it has become final, there is  It gives the CTA the jurisdiction to determine if the warrant of
still an existing controversy pertaining to the right of the BIR to distraint and levy issued by the BIR is valid and to rule if the
legally collect the assessed taxes Waiver of Statute of Limitations was validly effected

 An appeal filed with the CTA challenging the collection

proceedings gives it an opportunity to revisit the and
examine the validity of the tax assessment 11 12

DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018


 An appeal filed with the CTA challenging the collection  Issue: WON the CTA had jurisdiction to rule on the
proceedings gives it an opportunity to revisit the and issue of prescription of the BIR’s right to collect
examine the validity of the tax assessment
 A void assessment bears no fruit and a warrant of distraint
and/or levy issued pursuant a void assessment is likewise  The appellate jurisdiction of the CTA is not limited to
null and void cases which involve decisions of the CIR on matters
 The CTA has jurisdiction to determine if the warrant of distraint
relating to assessments or refunds
and levy issued by the BIR is valid and to rule whether the  The second part of the provision covers other cases that
assessment has prescribed or if the notice requirement in the arise out of the NIRC or related laws administered by the
issuance of a deficiency tax assessment pursuant to Section
228, Tax Code was complied with
 The CTA is not precluded from determining compliance with the  In the case at bar, the issue at hand is whether or not the
requirements of due process laid down by the law and by the BIR's right to collect taxes had already prescribed and that is
BIR itself in the issuance of deficiency tax assessment to a subject matter falling under Section 223(c), 1986 NIRC
determine the validity of the warrant of distraint and levy  Thus, the issue of prescription of the BIR's right to collect taxes
may be considered as covered by the term "other matters" over
which the CTA has appellate jurisdiction
13 14


 The fact that an assessment has become final for failure  Issue: WON the BIR’s right to collect has prescribed
of the taxpayer to file a protest within the time allowed  Held:
only means that the validity or correctness of the
 Two requisites must concur before the period to enforce
assessment may no longer be questioned on appeal
collection may be suspended:
 However, the validity of the assessment itself is a separate
and distinct issue from the issue of whether the right of the  That the taxpayer requests for reinvestigation, and
CIR to collect the validly assessed tax has prescribed  That petitioner grants such request
 This issue of prescription, being a matter provided for by the  The mere filing of a protest letter which is not granted
NIRC, is well within the jurisdiction of the CTA to decide does not operate to suspend the running of the period to
collect taxes

15 16

DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018

 Issue: WON the CTA correctly assumed jurisdiction  A void assessment bears no fruit and a warrant of
and nullified the WDL issued against Alpha Rigging distraint and/or levy issued pursuant a void assessment
is likewise null and void
 The Court is not precluded from determining compliance with
 There is no issue on jurisdiction the requirements of due process laid down by the law and by
 The jurisdiction of the CTA over "other matters arising under the BIR itself in the issuance of deficiency tax assessment to
the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) or other laws or determine the validity of the warrant of distraint and levy
part of law administered by the Bureau of Internal Revenue”  In the case at bar, the petitioner's witness testified that FLD and
is not limited to the timeliness and validity of the collection FAN 59/2000 and 2001 PAN were mailed and received by
procedure itself respondent, however, CIR failed to mark, offer, identify and admit
 The second part of the provision covers other cases that arise as evidence any registry receipt and return card to prove the fact
out of the NIRC or related laws administered by the BIR of mailing and receipt
 It gives the CTA the jurisdiction to determine if the warrant of  Likewise we note in CIR's Answer to the petition before this
distraint and levy issued by the BIR is valid and to rule if the Court in Division on alleged registry receipt and return card to
Waiver of Statute of Limitations was validly effected prove the fact of mailing and receipt by the taxpayer, however,
no evidence was marked, offered, identified and admitted during
17 18


 Here, petitioner failed to prove that the 2000 FLD and
FAN No. 59/2000 were indeed served and received by
 As such, there is no assessment to begin with, and petitioner
cannot be considered a delinquent taxpayer
 Consequently, there is no basis for the issuance of WDL No.
 Thus, WDL No. 059-10-018 issued by respondent to petitioner, in
so far as it seeks to collect from petitioner deficiency taxes for
year 2000, is void
 Petitioner also failed to prove that the 2001 NIC and PAN
were served and received by respondent
 Such failure on the part of petitioner makes the 2001 FLD Refund of Erroneously Paid Tax
and FAN No. 59/2001 as well as the WDL No. 059-10-018

DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018


 Section 204(C), Tax Code  Section 229, Tax Code
 The CIR may credit or refund taxes erroneously or  No suit or proceeding shall be maintained in any court for
illegally received or penalties imposed without authority the recovery of:
 No credit or refund of taxes or penalties shall be allowed  Any national internal revenue tax hereafter alleged to have
unless the taxpayer files in writing with the CIR a claim for been erroneously or illegally assessed or collected, or
credit or refund within two (2) years after the payment of the  Any penalty claimed to have been collected without authority,
tax or penalty
 Any sum alleged to have been excessively or in any manner
wrongfully collected without authority
 Any sum alleged to have been excessively or in any manner
wrongfully collected
until a claim for refund or credit has been duly filed
with the CIR
 But such suit or proceeding may be maintained, whether or
not such tax, penalty, or sum has been paid under protest or
duress 22


 Erroneous Payment  Issue: WON the two-year prescriptive period for the
 What can be refunded or credited is a tax that is refund of erroneously or illegally collected tax applies
“erroneously, x x x illegally, x x x excessively or in any  Held:
manner wrongfully collected
 The term erroneous or illegal tax as one levied without
 There must be a wrongful payment because what is paid, or statutory authority
part of it, is not legally due
 Therefore, PNB's claim for tax credit did not proceed from, or
 Section 229 apply only to instances of erroneous payment of is a consequence of overpayment of tax erroneously or
illegal collection of internal revenue taxes illegally collected
 Erroneous or wrongful payment includes excessive  PNB issued to the BIR the check for P180 Million in the concept
payment because they all refer to payment of taxes not of tax payment in advance, thus there was no error or illegality in
legally due the payment.
 PNB merely sought the application of amounts advanced to the BIR to
future annual income tax liabilities, in view of its inability to carry-over
the remaining amount of such advance payment to the four (4)
succeeding taxable years, not having incurred income tax liability
during that period
23 24

DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018


 It would be improper to treat PNB’s advance payment as  An availment of a tax credit due for reasons other than
erroneous, wrongful or illegal payment of tax within the the erroneous or wrongful collection of taxes may have a
meaning of Section 230 (now 229), Tax Code different prescriptive period
 So that even if the respondent's inability to carry-over the  Absent any specific provision in the Tax Code or special
remaining amount of its advance payment to taxable years laws, that period would be ten (10) years under Article 1144,
1992 to 1996 resulted in excess credit, it would be Civil Code
inequitable to impose the two-year prescriptive period in  Even if the two-year prescriptive period, if applicable, had
Section 230 as to bar PNB's claim for tax credit to utilize the already lapsed, the same is not jurisdictional and may be
same for future tax liabilities suspended for reasons of equity and other special
 When the P180 million advance income tax payment was circumstances
tendered by PNB, no tax had been assessed or due, or
actually imposed and collected by the BIR
 Neither can such payment be considered as illegal having been
made in response to a call of patriotic duty to help the national

25 26


 Issue: WON the claim for refund filed within two years  When the tax sought to be refunded is illegally
from the grant of tax exemption was time barred or erroneously collected, the period of
 Held: prescription starts from the date the tax was
 The 2-year prescriptive period refers to taxes erroneously paid; but when the tax is legally collected, the
or illegally or in any manner wrongfully collected, or prescriptive period commences to run from the
penalties collected without authority date of occurrence of the supervening cause
 The basis of the claim for refund is the tax exemption
which gave rise to the right of refund
granted by the Board of Industries under Rep. Act No. 3127
 In this case, the supervening cause from which the right to
 Before the application for such exemption was approved there
was absolutely no basis for the Central to file a claim with the the tax credit applied for arose was the issuance of the
CIR or to commence a suit in court certificate of tax exemption by the Board of Industries on
October 5, 1965 and the Central filed its claim for tax credit
with the CIR on the following November 3, or well within the
two-year period, it is clear that the said claim had not yet
27 28

DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018


 General Rule  Exception:
 Section 229, Tax Code  Section 204(C), Tax Code proviso
 No suit or proceeding shall be maintained in any court for the  A return showing an overpayment shall be considered a
recovery of: written claim for credit or refund
 Any national internal revenue tax hereafter alleged to have been  Section 229, Tax Code proviso
erroneously or illegally assessed or collected, or
 The CIR may, even without a written claim therefor, refund or
 Any penalty claimed to have been collected without authority,
credit any tax, where on the face of the return upon which
 Any sum alleged to have been excessively or in any manner payment was made, such payment appears clearly to have
wrongfully collected without authority been erroneously paid
 Any sum alleged to have been excessively or in any manner
wrongfully collected
until a claim for refund or credit has been duly filed with the

29 30


 Issue: How should the two-year prescriptive period be  Issue: WON the 2-year period to filed a claim for
computed? refund of erroneously paid income tax be reckoned
 Held: from the quarterly income tax was paid or the date of
 Since there is incompatibility in the manner of computing
filing of the Final Adjustment Return (FAR)
legal periods under the Civil Code and the Administrative  Held:
Code, the SC held that Section 31, Chapter VIII, Book I  The most reasonable and logical application of the law
of the Administrative Code, being the more recent law, would be to compute the two-year prescriptive period at
governs the computation of legal periods the time of filing the FAR or the Annual ITR, when it can
 Thus, two years means 24 calendar months from the date of be finally ascertained if the taxpayer has still to pay
payment additional income tax or if he is entitled to a refund of
 The two-year prescriptive period consisted of 24 calendar overpaid income tax
 The payment of quarterly income tax should only be
 Respondent's petition (filed on April 14, 2000) was filed on the considered mere installments of the annual tax due
last day of the 24th calendar month from the day respondent
filed its final adjusted return well within the reglementary period
31 32

DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018


 Payment under Protest not Required  General Rule:
 Such suit or proceeding may be maintained, whether or  Taxes cannot be subject to compensation because the
not such tax, penalty, or sum has been paid under protest government and the taxpayer are not creditors and
or duress debtors of each other to trigger legal compensation under
 Time to File Article 1278, Civil Code
 In any case, no such suit or proceeding shall be filed  Exception:
after the expiration of 2 years from the date of payment of  Offsetting of taxes allowed where the determination of
the tax or penalty regardless of any supervening cause the taxpayer’s liability is intertwined with the resolution of
that may arise after payment the claim for refund or erroneously or illegally collected
taxes under Section 229, Tax Code

33 34


 Issue: WON there can be legal compensation between  Issue: WON TPC may be assessed deficiency VAT in
the amount due from the government and taxes due connection with its claim for refund of unutilized VAT
 As a rule, taxes cannot be subject to compensation
 By legal compensation, obligations of persons, who in
because the government and the taxpayer are not
their own right are reciprocally debtors and creditors of
each other, are extinguished (Article 1278, Civil Code) creditors and debtors of each other
 However, in several cases, the Court has allowed the
 Internal revenue taxes can not be the subject of set-off or
compensation determination of a taxpayer's liability in a refund case,
thereby allowing the offsetting of taxes
 A claim for taxes is not such a debt, demand, contract or
judgment as is allowed to be set-off under the statutes of set-
 Taxes are not in the nature of contracts between parties but
grow out of duty to the government

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DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018


 CIR v. CTA: offsetting of taxes was allowed in a tax refund case  But in all these cases, offsetting of taxes was allowed only
because there was an existing deficiency income and business because the determination of the taxpayer's liability is
tax assessment against the taxpayer intertwined with the resolution of the claim for tax refund of
 To award the refund despite the existence of that deficiency erroneously or illegally collected taxes under Section 229 of
assessment is an absurdity and a polarity in conceptual effects and
that to grant the refund without determination of the proper
the NIRC
assessment and the tax due would inevitably result in multiplicity of  A situation that is not present in the instant case
proceedings or suits  In this case, TPC filed a claim for tax refund or credit under Section
 South African Airways v. CIR: offsetting of taxes was permitted 112, NIRC, where the issue to be resolved is whether TPC is entitled
because the correctness of the return filed by the taxpayer was to a refund or credit of its unutilized input VAT for the taxable year
put in issue 2002
 And since it is not a claim for refund under Section 229,NIRC, the
 SMI-ED Philippines Technology, Inc. v. CIR: offsetting was
correctness of TPC's VAT returns is not an issue
allowed because there was a need for the court to determine if a
 Thus, there is no need for the court to determine whether TPC is
taxpayer claiming refund of erroneously paid taxes is more
liable for deficiency VAT
properly liable for taxes other than that paid.
 The determination of the proper category of tax that should have been
paid is not an assessment but is an incidental issue that must be
resolved in order to determine whether there should be a refund

37 38


 A taxpayer is entitled to a refund or tax credit either by  Issue: WON Acesite was entitled to the refund of VAT
authority of a statute expressly granting such right, it paid by mistake
privilege, or incentive in his favor, or under the  Held:
principle of solutio indebiti, requiring the return of taxes  Tax refunds are based on the principle of quasi-contract
erroneously or illegally collected or solutio indebiti
 The government should not be unjustly enriched at the  When money is paid to another under the influence of a
expense of the taxpayer mistake of fact, that is to say, on the mistaken supposition of
the existence of a specific fact, where it would not have been
known that the fact was otherwise, it may be recovered
 The ground upon which the right of recovery rests is that
money paid through misapprehension of facts belongs in
equity and in good conscience to the person who paid it
 The Government comes within the scope of solutio
indebiti principle
39 40

DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018


 Since an action for a tax refund partakes of the  In an action for refund or tax credit, the burden of proof
nature of an exemption, which cannot be is on the taxpayer to establish its right to the refund or
allowed unless granted in the most explicit and tax credit
categorical language, it is strictly construed  Failure to sustain the burden is fatal to the claim
against the claimant who must discharge such  Exemptions from taxation are highly disfavored in law
burden convincingly and he who claims exemption must be able to justify by
the clearest grant of organic or statutory law

41 42


 A Tax Credit Certificate validly issued may be applied  Forfeiture of Refund
against any internal revenue tax, excluding withholding  A refund check or warrant issued, which shall remain
taxes, for which the taxpayer is directly liable unclaimed or uncashed within 5 years from the date the
 Any request for conversion into refund of unutilized tax said warrant or check was mailed or delivered, shall be
credits may be allowed forfeited in favor of the Government and the amount
thereof shall revert to the general fund
 In no case shall a tax refund be given resulting from
 Forfeiture of Tax Credit
availment of incentives granted pursuant to special
laws for which no actual payment was made  A tax credit certificate issued, which shall remain
unutilized after 5 years from the date of issue, shall,
unless revalidated, be considered invalid, and shall not
be allowed as payment for internal revenue tax liabilities
of the taxpayer, and the amount covered by the certificate
shall revert to the general fund

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DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018


 Denial of Refund
 CTA has exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by appeal
 Decisions of the CIR in cases involving refunds of internal
revenue taxes, fees or other charges, penalties in relation
 Inaction by the CIR in cases involving refunds of internal
revenue taxes, fees or other charges, penalties in relation
thereto where the NIRC provides a specific period of action, in
which case the inaction shall be deemed a denial
 Both the administrative and judicial claims for refund have to be filed
within the two-year period
 Hence, if the BIR does not act on the administrative claim for refund
and the two-year period is about to end, a judicial claim for refund
will have to be filed without waiting for the CIR’s decision Request for Ruling
 Appeal to the CTA Division  CTA En Banc  SC



 RMO No. 9-2014 (February 16, 2014)  Revenue Bulletin No. 1-2003, as amended
 What are Tax Rulings?  No-Ruling Areas
 These are official positions of the BIR on inquiries of  Certain issues or subject matter as “No-Ruling Areas”, on
taxpayers, who request clarification on certain provisions of which the appropriate office of the BIR is hereby instructed
the NIRC, other tax laws, or their implementing regulations not to accept any request for rulings, such as:
 Rulings are based on particular facts and circumstances  Tax treatment of the sale or disposition of Principal Residence
presented and are interpretations of the law at a specific under Section 24(D)(2), Tax Code
point in time  Request for confirmation of tax privileges of Senior Citizens
under RA No. 7432
 The ruling function is limited to the determination of purely
legal issues, as opposed to questions of fact  Tax treatment of the monetized leave credits of government
officials and employees under EO No. 291
 The ruling function need not be exercised where the law, rule or
regulation is clear, thereby dispensing with the need for the  Tax treatment of the monetized value of unutilized vacation leave
interpretation thereof credits not in excess of 10 days
 Tax treatment of separation benefits under Section 32(B)(6)(b),
Tax Code

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DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018


 Revenue Bulletin No. 1-2003, as amended  Revenue Bulletin No. 1-2003, as amended
 No-Ruling Areas  No-Ruling Areas
 Determination of whether an expense is ordinary or necessary  The BIR does not give tax planning advice and does not
 Industry issues approve tax planning arrangements
 These are issues as may be determined by the Management  The BIR will not resolve an issue through a ruling if the
Committee from time to time as such, which may not or may be matter can be determined through another process
subject of a protest raised by a related or unrelated taxpayer
 The BIR will not issue a ruling in response to a request
 Request for rulings on issue/s or transactions based on
hypothetical situations where:
 “What if?” questions, or queries involving theoretical, speculative,  The taxpayer has directed a similar inquiry to another office of
conjectured, conjectural, notional, suppositional, supposed, or the BIR
assumed entities or transactions  The same issue involving the same taxpayer or a related
 A ruling will not be issued on alternative plans of proposed taxpayer is pending in a case in litigation
transactions or on supposed situations
 The same issue involving the same taxpayer is subject of a
pending investigation, on-going audit, administrative protest,
claim for refund or issuance of tax credit certificate or collection
49 50


 Letter Requests for Ruling  Letter Requests for Ruling
 A letter request is a sworn statement executed under  A letter request is a sworn statement executed under
oath by the individual taxpayer or by the authorized oath by the individual taxpayer or by the authorized
official/representative of the corporation, partnership, or official/representative of the corporation, partnership, or
entity containing the following: entity containing the following:
 Factual background  Affirmation stating that –
 issues/questions raised or conclusions sought to be  A similar inquiry has not been filed and it not pending in another
confirmed office of the BIR
 The legal grounds and relevant authority supporting the  There is no pending case in litigation involving the same issue/s
and the same taxpayer or related taxpayer
position of the taxpayer
 The issue/s subject of the request is not pending investigation,
 List of documents submitted
on-going audit, administrative protest, claim for refund, or
issuance of TCC, collection proceeding or judicial appeal
 The documents submitted are complete and that no other
documents will be submitted in connection with the request

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DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018


 Non- Retroactivity of Rulings  Issue: WON Revised Memo-Circular 4-71 should be
 Section 246, Tax Code given retroactive effect
 Any revocation, modification or reversal of any of the rules  Held:
and regulations promulgated by the CIR shall not be given  Rulings or circulars promulgated by the CIR have no
retroactive application if the revocation, modification or
retroactive application where to so apply them would be
reversal will be prejudicial to the taxpayers, except in the
following cases:
prejudicial to taxpayers
 Where the taxpayer deliberately misstates or omits material facts  The prejudice to petitioner of the retroactive application of
from his return or any document required of him by the BIR Memorandum Circular No. 4-71 is beyond question
 Where the facts subsequently gathered by the BIR are materially  It was issued only in 1971, or three years after 1968, the last
different from the facts on which the ruling is based year that petitioner had withheld taxes under General Circular
No. V-334
 Where the taxpayer acted in bad faith
 Petitioner was no longer in a position to withhold taxes due from
foreign corporations because it had already remitted all film
rentals and no longer had any control over them when the new
Circular was issued
53 54


 Effect and Validity of Issued Rulings  Revocation and Modification
 A taxpayer ordinarily may rely on a valid ruling received  A ruling may be revoked or modified for any number of
from the BIR pertaining to the transaction it was applied reasons such as when the facts as represented are
for discovered to be different from what was represented or
 For the ruling to be valid, the taxpayer must fully and not in accord with the current views of the CIR
accurately describe the transaction in the request
 Tax rulings cannot be cited as precedent by other
taxpayers but they can provide useful information on how
the BIR may treat a similar transaction
 The BIR ruling can only be used for purposes of internal
revenue taxes

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DLSU College of Law Atty. Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
Taxation Law II Second Semester, AY 2017-2018



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