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G10 IEEE Conference on Power Engineering and Renewable Energy 2012

3-5 July 2012, Bali, Indonesia

Single Phase Boost Inverter Using Hybrid Modelling

Tri Desmana Rachmildha, Yanuarsyah Haroen Anwar Muqorobin, Estiko Rijanto
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics
Institue of Technology Bandung Indonesia Institute of Science
Bandung, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract—Boost inverters provide the ac voltage from lower dc vo x2a x2b

voltage source without additional transistor switches compared to
the conventional inverters. Somecontrolshave already been
proposedtocontrolboostinverters, but mostcontrol
methodsarebased onsmall
signalanalysisandnonlinearmodelswhichmakecomputationcompli x
x2a 2b

catedandrequirefinetuning. Inthis paper, the authorsproposea

controlscheme based onthe hybridmodel. Themethod does x x
notrequirecomplicatedmathematicalformulasandallows 1a 1b

easiertuning. The simulation resultsshow that

theboostinvertercanachievea good performance using this control
Figure 1. Boost inverter.
Keywords–boost inverter, hybrid modelling.
Hybridsystemisa mathematicalmodelthat
Voltage source inverter known as a buck inverter is canrepresentcomplexsystemswithhierarchicalstructureand
commonly used to obtain ac voltage fromdc source. Inverters
are widely used in various applications such as UPS, motor may consistofcontinuousanddiscretesubsystemsthat
drives, and utility interfaces. One of the characteristics of this interactwith each other. The evolution
inverter is that the average output voltage is lower than the dc ofdiscretesubsystemsdependsonthe
input. If the required output voltage is greater than the input, it continuousinformation, and theevolution of
will need dc-dc boost converters. thecontinuoussubsystemdependson thediscrete information.
is a set of
Boost inverter has been introduced by [1], in order to obtain
acouput that is greater than the dcinput. It is obtained by using assign
two types of dc-dc boost converter as shown in figure , where:
Hybridsystemis expressedby
1. The use of inverter boost for uninterruptible power supply state spaces,

every discretestate
is continuous

(UPS) presented in [2], the use for photovoltaic given by [3] aninvariant

toaLipschitzcontinuous vector fieldon ,

[4], and the possibility of interconnection to the grid is given assign each

by [7]. i.e.thedynamicequation ,
set, is a collection
Control used by [1] is the sliding mode control. This ofdiscretetransitionsthat mayoccur, and
concept was developed by [5] which adopts the principle of guardsequationsforeach .

current control mode. Control method based on small signal

analysis has been proposed by [6]. The use of energy shaping- Power electroniccircuitsareincluded as part of
based control has also been published [7]. Development of thehybridsystem. The continuousstateisthe current and
more advanced control concept has been done by [8]. This voltagegeneratedbypassivecomponentssuch
concept uses sliding mode to control both dc-dc converters ascapacitorandinductor. The discrete stateis generatedby
simultaneously. theswitchingcomponentssuch asMOSFET, IGBT, anddiode.
Controlfor power electronicshybridmodel isguardsthat determine
In this study the authors propose boost inverter control thetransition ofa discretestate toanotherdiscretestate, toobtainthe
based on hybrid modelling, i.e. the min-projection control. desiredcontinuoussubsystemsresponse.
This control has been used in the boost converter [9] [10]
[11]. In contrast to some of the boost inverter controls There is no DCM (discontinuous conduction
explained above, the proposed control in this paper is simpler mode)condition because the current must flow bidirectional in
and easier in the tuning process. the boost inverter circuit.In contrast to[12] [13]
[14]whohaveDCM conditionon the hybrid model.

978-1-4673-2470-0/12/$31.00@2012 IEEE
The above equations can be presented in state space as:
2 2 2 2 :

1 3 3 8
1 9)* 8
q1 G q
12 2 45
2 45 7 02 7
1 2 02 + . 9 )* (2)
0 2 2 2 2 7 0 : 7
2 2 + 45 6
3 3

/ 45
/ 26
G G G x X
41 14 42 2. (Mode 01)

q G G q3
4 43 13

4 3

Figure 4. Mode 01.

q1 q
. 2 ( )*
# "
x f1(x(t)) x f2 (x(t))
x(t) I1 x(t) I2 (3a)
# + ,- # . ,- &
( )*
& +" & . "
q q (3c)
. 3
& . ,- # + ,-
. 4
& - &
x f4 (x(t)) x f3 (x(t)) (3d)
x(t) I4 x(t) I3
The above equations in state space is
1 2 2 2 2 8 1 9)* 8

Figure 2. Boost inverter hybrid model. 3 3 :

2 + 45 2 45
3 092 7 (4)
states, i.e. in . The 0 2 23 2
: 7

0 : 7

The boostinvertermodelis shown Figure2.The set 3 3

! '$ ! $
/ 2 45 5 + 45 6 / 2 6
ofdiscretestateis . There arefourcontinuous
"# %# "& %& ## & &
Lipshitzvector field for each are as follows: 3. (Mode 10)
1. (Mode 00)

Figure 5. Mode 10.

" Figure 3. Mode 00. +" . "

(1b) #- # ()*
# ()* (1a) + ,- . ,-
# # # &
+ ,- . ,- (5b)
# " # & &
(")* + ,-
& ()* (1c) ,-

& # &
+ ,- (5d)
& # & (1d)

The above equations in state space is:

12 +:3 2 <2 8 1 9:)* 8 D @A &B C (10e)
3 3 3
+ 45 2 45
. 2 (6) #
9 )*
2 <<23 <2 23 0 : 7

/ 2 45 <2 +45 6 /2 6 E @A & BC (10f)

4. (Mode 11) #
? D @A &B C (10g)

D @A & (10h)

E D @A & (10i)
" Figure 6. Mode 11.
+" # . &
# ()* (7a) #

- # + ,- # . ,- & ? E @A & (10j)
+" &. &
& ()* (7c) #

- & . ,- # + ,- & BC
E @A & (10k)
& (7d)

The above equations can be written in state space representation as: #

12 + :3 2 2 8 1 9)* 8 D E @A & (10l)
3 3
2 3 45
: (8)

05 + 45 3 7
0 92 7

0 2 2 2 ; : 7 . 0 :)* 7
0 3 3 3 7
2 / 6
/ 45 5
+ 45 6
The set of discrete transition is: CONTROL)
> +
A controllershould be designed to minimize
= thecosinebetween F and ' using the
The guardequationsare: G' HIJ KLM' N S ; PSSQ) S
O ; P Q) R (11)
Where + F . Since S + F Sdoes not dependon!, it is ignored in
? @A & (10a)
the control computation.
# Illustration ofthe above algorithmis shownin Figure7.
D ? @A & (10b) By selecting theminimumvalue ofcosinebetween
thevectors and + F , it will makecloser to
thedesired .

E ? @A & (10c)

? @A & (10d)
ua = 1; ub = 1;
f1a4 = (Vin - x2a)/L;
f2a4 = -(x2a - x2b)/(R*C) +
x1a/C; f1b4 = (Vin - x2b)/L;
f2b4 = (x2a - x2b)/(R*C) + x1b/C;
f4mag = sqrt(f1a4*f1a4 + f2a4*f2a4 + f1b4*f1b4
+ f2b4*f2b4);

deltaia = x1a - iLaref;

deltaib = x1b - iLbref;
deltava = x2a - varef;
deltavb = x2b - vbref;

delta1 = (deltaia*f1a1 + deltava*f2a1 +

deltaib*f1b1 +deltavb*f2b1)/f1mag;
delta2 = (deltaia*f1a2 + deltava*f2a2 +
deltaib*f1b2 +deltavb*f2b2)/f2mag;
delta3 = (deltaia*f1a3 + deltava*f2a3 +
deltaib*f1b3 +deltavb*f2b3)/f3mag;
delta4 = (deltaia*f1a4 + deltava*f2a4 +
Figure 7. Control algorithm illustration. deltaib*f1b4 +deltavb*f2b4)/f4mag;
if (delta1<delta2 && delta1<delta3 && delta1<delta4)
Simulationshave been made using PSIM9withthe {
followingspecifications. out[0] = 0;
Tabel 1. Boost inverter specification. out[1] = 0;
Input voltage 5V ......
Output voltage T ULM ?22 V
Figure 8. Algorithm of the program
Inductance 150 uH
The simulation resultsare shown in Figure9and 10. It can
Capacitance 110 uF be seenthat theboostinvertercanachievea stable condition. The
use ofgreater voltagereferencecausesan offseterror ineach
Load Resistor 6 Ohm
dcconverteroutput. Because thecontrol algorithmis tunedbased
onthe systemmodel, the selection of componentvaluesmust be
consideredtogetbetter controlresponse.
Voltage reference signals have been obtained using
values in table 1 based on [1]. Whereas current reference
signal have been derived based on some formulas in [15].
The voltage and
current references are:
2. $#VWQ X Y . D Y<ULM< ?22
1. $&VWQ X Y + D Y<ULM< ?22

3. ([\
!"#VWQ Z%# + Z%& ,()*

4. ([]

!"&VWQ Z%& + Z%# ,()*

Figure 8 exposessome of control algorithm program lines.
(b) (c)
^ + D Y<ULM< ?22 ! "# $ ^ . D Y<ULM< ?22 $ $%
, (b)
Figure10. The simulation results when #VWQ and &VWQ
: (a) current voltage , and (c) output voltage .
Boost inverter control based on hybrid model has been
simulated. The result showed a stable response, but an offset
error still appears. Further researchis needed todeterminethe
more appropriate values ofcomponents andsensitivity
againtsparametervaluesvariation.The authorsare planningto
conduct experiments toprove the validity of the simulation
(c) X Y . D Y<ULM< ?22 $ REFERENCES
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