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Composition of detergent water:

Sodium Sulphate: 37%

Sodium Silicate: 5%

Phosphate: 20%

Active matter: 18%

Sodium Carbonate: 10%

Moisture: 10%

ASB 108

Chemical formula: NR4Cl

Molecular Weight: 108 g/mol

Density: 1120 kg/m3

Stoichiometric Calculation:
Basis for 1 Batch: 60gm detergent per 40 liter water

Concentration of detergent= 60/40= 1500mg/L

Concentration of Sodium Sulphate= 0.37 x 1500= 555mg/L

Efficiency of resin= 90%


2NR4Cl + Na2SO4 → 2NaCl + (NR4)2SO4

Weight of Na2SO4 = 555 x 40/1000 = 22.2 gm = W1

Moles = 22.2/142 = 0.156

Moles of NR4Cl required = 2 X Moles of Na2SO4 = 0.312

But the resin is 90% efficient.

Hence actual moles of NR4Cl required= 0.312/0.9 = 0.347

Weight of NR4Cl required = 108 x 0.347 = 37.52 gm

Weight of NaCl produced = 0.156 x 2 x 58.5 = 18.252 gm

Weight of (NR4)2SO4 produced = 0.156 x 241 = 37.596 gm

Calculations for Packed Bed:
Dimensions of Packed bed:

Diameter (D)= 5cm = 0.05 m

Height = 90 cm = 0.9 m

Resin is filled upto a height of 80 cm


Volume of resin = πD2L/4 = 0.00157 m3

Weight of resin = Volume x Density = 1.759 kg

Velocity of fluid through the resin bed at recommended operating condition= 25m/hr = 0.00694 m/s

Volumetric flow rate of fluid (Q) = A x v= πD2/4 x v= 1.36 x 10-5 m3/s

Volume of storage tank = 40 lit= 0.04 m3

Time required to treat 40 lit water = V/Q= 2941.17 seconds = 49.01 minutes.

Hence treatment time required for 1 batch = 49.01 minutes

Number of Batches :
Weight of NR4Cl required per batch = 37.52 gm

Weight of resin present in column = 1.759 Kg

Therefore, number of batches that can be treated= 1759/37.52= 46.88

To safer on the safer side, let us assume that number of batches that can be treated = 45

According to stoichiometric calculation,

Weight of (NR4)2SO4 produced per batch= 37.596 gm

Therefore weight produced after 45 batches = 1691.82 gm

Moles = 1691.82/241= 7.02


(NR4)2SO4 + 2NaCl → 2NR4Cl + Na2SO4

Moles of NaCl required for regeneration = 2 x moles of (NR4)2SO4 = 14.04

From stoichiometric calculation we found that moles of NaCl produced per batch= 0.312

Moles of NaCl produced after 45 batches = 45 x 0.312 = 14.04

We find that amount of NaCl produced in the purification is exactly equal to amount of NaCl required for
regeneration. Hence, we can install an evaporator in series with the packed bed column to collect the
NaCl. The NaCl used for regeneration is in the form of brine (conc. 26.43 wt%, 20⁰C).

The NaCl accumulated in the evaporator can then be converted into brine by it sending to a small stirred
tank, where it will be mixed with the required amount of water at 20⁰C. This solution will then be used
for regeneration of packed bed.

But some amount of NaCl may get wasted during evaporation process. Hence to be on the safer side, let
us assume that after evaporation we obtain 12 moles of NaCl.

Calculation for Stirred Tank:

Moles of NaCl from evaporator= 12

Weight= 12 x 58.5= 702 gm

Moles required for regeneration = 14.04

Weight = 821.34 gm

Hence extra NaCl to be added in the tank = 119.34 gm = 120 gm

Required concentration of brine= 26.34 wt.%

Hence, weight of solution = 119.34/0.2643= 451.53 gm

Hence weight of water required= 451.53 – 119.34 = 332.19 gm

Hence it is desirable to keep install a stirred tank of volume 0.5 lit.

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