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International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016)

Human Power Using Bicycle Mechanism as an Alternative

Energy Source: A Critical Review
M. P. Mohurle1,D.S. Deshmukh2,P. D. Patil3
Student of Master of Engineering, SSBT`s COET, Bambhori, Jalgaon, M.S., India.
Prof. & HOD of Mechanical Engineering Dept., SSBT`s COET, Bambhori, Jalgaon, M. S., India.
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, SSBT`s COET, Bambhori, Jalgaon, M.S., India.

Abstract: In this paper importance of human power • Global Warming/Climate changes

as an alternative energy source is investigated, • New applications in modern, high-tech settings –
since beginning to present state and its future e.g., wearable computing and portable consumer
scope. Natural fuel use is increased due to electronics
industrial development and these sources oil, coal While in developed countries the energy problem is
and natural gas reservoirs are limited. Energy one of short-term scarcity or optimum use, an
crises need to search for alternate source of energy estimated 40% of the world’s population – or, 2
that is specifically renewable energy. Human billion people mainly in the less developed
power credit is more because of health benefit as a countries – do not have even have access to
source of energy. More effective use of human electricity. Moreover, this number is expected to
power could be achieved through properly double by the year 2050.
designed mechanisms. Human power as prime
mover used to operate working unit is termed as The reasons for this limited access to electricity in
human powered machine. Design considerations developing countries are the lack of energy sources
for bicycle mechanism are discussed in this paper. such as coal, oil, or nuclear energy, and – even
Owing to appropriate and most effective where such sources exist – the lack of expensive
technology to use human power efficiently is capital to exploit existing resources. While the
bicycle technology. In bicycle technology operator costs of renewable energy sources such as solar and
uses mostly pedal to operate machine and transmits wind energy are falling gradually, these
power through crank, chain and freewheels to the technologies are still far too expensive for
working unit. This machine is widely used to developing countries, where about half the
generate electric power, to operate various home population has incomes of less than two dollars a
appliances, to drive water pump, harvesting day.
activities in agriculture sector and simultaneously
useful for physical fitness of operator. In recent years, there have been many interesting
developments in the field of human power
Keywords: Human Power machine, Bicycle conversion. In the present paper, a method of
Technology, Dinapod, Flywheel. harnessing the power of children's play in
playgrounds and public places, on devices such as
I. INTRODUCTION the seesaw, merry-go-round, and swing is
Energy is the driving force of modern societies, and
generation and utilization of energy are essential Data for 24 people, aged from 16 to 61 years old,
for socioeconomic development. Per-capita energy riding a bicycle for 17 km (10 miles) were recorded
consumption levels are often considered a good and analyzed. During data logging procedure the
measure of economic development. In recent years, average power of a biker varied between 215W to
energy scarcity has become a serious problem due 375W. The graph in Fig. 1.1 shows the maximum
to depletion of non-renewable energy sources, duration of human effort for different levels of
increasing population, globalization of energy power. From this graph one can observe that
intensive economic development, environmental ―healthy humans‖ can sustain approximately 75W
pollution, and global warming [3]. (0.1hp) for a full 8-hour period, while ―first class
athletes‖ can sustain approximately 300W (0.4hp).
In this context, the field of renewable energy And that is for a single (stationary) bike; they are
represents a new frontier for the academic and 20 times larger for a medium-sized gym with 20
research community, due to the following factors: bikes. We believe these numbers are promising and
• Depletion or unreliability of non-renewable justify an attempt to harvest (part of) this energy
energy sources, e.g., oil efficiently [1].
• Environmental pollution, e.g., due to coal use
• Needs of increasing population, especially in
resource-scarce developing countries

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International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016)



Interest in human power conversion declined in the

early 20th century due to several technological
Availability of cheap, abundant electrical
Use of compact, powerful, and versatile
electricmotors and lights
Availability of cheap, disposable batteries
forportable use

Fig. 1.1: Human effort time Vs Sustained power; the maximum In recent years, human power conversion is making
duration of human effort for different levels of power (Glaskin, a comeback due to a variety of economic,
2013) environmental, and technological factors:
Applications in less-developed countries
II. POWER LEVELS and remotelocations of developed
countries (e.g., camping)
The power levels that a human being can produce Use in portable computing, where
through pedaling depend on how strong the peddler progress inbattery technology lags behind
is and on how long he or she to pedal. If the task to developments inlaptop PCs
be powered will continue for hours at a time, 75
Use in wearable computing and
watts mechanical power is generally considered the
communicationdevices, where absence of
limit for large, healthy no-athlete. A healthy
batteries or usable energy in remote
athletic person of the same build might produce up
locations such as battle fieldshinders their
to twice this amount. A person who is smaller and
continuous use
less well nourished, but not till, would produce
Energy shortage and high cost of
less; the estimate for such a person should probably
solar/wind power
be 50 watt for the same kind of power production
over an extended period. The graph in fig. 2.1 Use in emergency situations, e.g.,
shows various record limits for pedaling under earthquakes andhurricanes
optimum condition. The meaning of these curves is Energy conservation – e.g., to minimize
that any point on a curve indicated the maximum energyrequirements in power assist
time that the appropriate class of person could devices for elderly and disabled
maintain the given average power level [2]. Environment friendly – batteries are
energy intensive to produce and are non-
Advances in actuators, materials, and
energy storagetechniques
Technological challenges – e.g., human-
poweredflight, with spin-off benefits


These are the human power magnification units

driven manually, the units may be driven by hand
or foot. Thus, the human powered machines can be
categorized as:
Fig.2.1 Human Power Output Pedaling
1. Hand Operated Human Powered Machines:
These machines are operated by hand and are
Power levels are also directly related to the
available in the following forms
environment of the person doing the pedaling. To
be able to continue pedaling over an extended i. Hand Crank with Gear Transmission
period, a person must be able to keep cool whether Unit: Rotary motion of crank is transmitted through
because the ambient temperature is low enough or gear train. Gear train may be used to rise speed
because there is adequate breeze. and/or torque, e.g. Sugarcane Juice extractor.
ii. Hand Crank with Chain Drive: Rotary
motion of crank is transmitted through crank and

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International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016)

chain drive as in bicycle, e.g. Tri-cycle for

orthopedically handicapped person.

2. Foot Operated Human Powered Machines: These

machines are operated by foot and following two
basic forms of foot operated human powered
machines are available
i. Treadle Powered Unit: To drive treadle
powered unit operator uses one foot to pedal the
machine. These machines are available with
following mechanical arrangements,
Treadle Powered Unit with Crank, Connecting Fig.4.1: Base (Home Trainer) attached to bike
Rod: The oscillating motion of pedal is converted
in to rotary motion through crank and connecting Testing shows that the back wheel can turn freely
rod and then is transmitted to processing unit. without any obstacles in the way.
Chain and crank or belt and pulley may be used for
further transmission, e.g. Sewing Machine Attach the motor i.e. Generator to the base and
ii. Bicycle Technology: The rotary motion calculate the gear ratios to figure out what size
of foot pedal is transmitted through crank, chain pulley would be most suitable for the application.
and sprocket to the processing unit.
In this paper we are mainly focusing on the single
bicycle electricity generation.



The intention of this paper is to build a straight

forward human powered generator from a used
bicycle and to use it to power light bulbs, blenders,
cell phones, laptops, and other small appliances.
Following is the general design procedure of the
single bike electricity generator. Fig. 4.2: Motor or Generator

Parts Tools:
-Wood screws or nails
- Battery
- Hammer or Screwdriver
- Inverter
- Tape Measure
- Wire
- Screwdriver Fig. 4.3: Base with motor.
- Motor (12-V or higher)
- Perforated plumbers steel For more efficient production a flywheel should be
Design a base which lifts the rear tire off the placed on the motor (like in the picture) or if an
ground. The base should also support a motor with exercise bike is used the wheel should already be a
the shaft facing the wheel. flywheel.

To measure the rpm and the speed attach a

tachometer/speedometer to the bike.

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International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016)

equipped with front and rear derailleurs

was used for the experiments. The front
derailleur moves the chain across two
chain rings having c1 = 47 and c2 = 52
teeth respectively. The rear derailleur
moves the chain across six sprockets
which have s1 = 14, s2 = 17, s3 = 20, s4 =
22, s5 = 24 and s6 = 26 teeth respectively.

2. Home trainer: supports the weight of the

bicycle and the user and also plays the role
of a multiplicative system. The rear wheel
of the bicycle connects to the cylinder of
the trainer, which has a diameter dc = 3
cm, multiplying the cylinder speed with a
Fig. 4.4: Bike set up.
factor of 23. This multiplication is needed
Attach the Volt meter and the ammeter to be able due to the generator requirements.
to take measurements. Movement (rotation) is transferred
between the wheel and the cylinder only
The main goal was to develop a simple and based on the friction between them. The
modular system that can be used both in gyms and home trainer can be used with virtually
at home without special mechanical or electrical any type of bicycle extending the latter's
skills. The basic idea is to connect a bicycle to a functionality (from road bicycle to indoor
static system capable of transforming the rotation fitness bicycle) so the user will no longer
of the pedals into electric energy. The system that need two different equipment’s this way
converts mechanical energy into electric energy saving both money and depositing space.
consists of two blocks:
A. Mechanical Block – has the role to
transfer the rotation movement of the pedals and 3. Transmission module: a pulley was
adapt it to the generator requirements. installed on the cylinder of the trainer,
B. Electric Block – has the role to convert which is connected with the pulley of the
the energy provided by the mechanical block into generator through a transmission belt. The
electric energy. diameters of the pulleys are the same and
the transmission ratio is 1.
A. Mechanical block

The mechanical block was designed starting from

the following assumptions:
1. Use available components that should not
change their functionality. In other words,
every part of the mechanical block is an
independent device that can be further
replaced with better or cheaper versions.
2. Use recycled and refurbished components.
The "age" of the components does not
matter as long as their initial functionality
is not altered or damaged.
3. Use low-budget equipment. Assuming
that the system will be replicated for many Figure 4.5: Bike-powered electricity generator; scavenging
system – mechanical block and electric block
fitness devices, its cost should be as low
as possible. 4. 4. B. Electric block diagram
4. Individual components must allow fast
and safe connectivity and operation
The electric block diagram is presented in fig.4.6.
In Fig. 4.5 the physical system is presented. The
mechanical block consists of:

1. Fitness bicycle: a regular road bicycle

with dr = 71 cm (28 inch) wheels and

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The equation that calculates the generator

pulley speed, as a result of pedals rotation
movement is:
N(t) = Nped(t) ∙ m1 ∙ m2 ∙ m3……………
Fig. 4.6: Electric block diagram
m1 = ci / sj; m2 = dr / dc; m3 = dpt / dg
Where: N – generator pulley speed [RPM]
Where: Nped – Pedals speed [RPM]
G – Generator ci – Chain ring dimension [teeth]
B – Group of lead–acid rechargeable batteries sj – Sprocket dimension [teeth]
I – Inverter dr – Rear wheel diameter [cm]
A – Ammeter dc – Home trainer cylinder diameter [cm]
V – Voltmeter dpt – Pulley home trainer diameter [cm]
K – Switch dg – Pulley generator diameter [cm]

There were three options for choosing the Table 5.1 presents the "theoretical" values of the
generator: car alternator with an integrated voltage generator speed and the values of the output
regulator, car alternator with an external voltage current, considering the output voltage rather
regulator and a permanent magnet alternator. The constant and the mechanical block power much
three criteria used in choosing the generator were: bigger than the generator power. The output current
1. The generator output voltage should values Ig were taken from the alternator
comply with the battery charging conditions. For characteristic Ig = f(N) (Delco Remy, 2008).
this reason, the output voltage should be between
14.2V and 14.8V. [1] Table 5.1:Theoretical values of the generator speed and the
2. The connections between the values of the output current
components should be very simple.
3. Embedded regulator into alternator m1 m2 Nped N Ig
chassis would be preferred since it may help save c1 / s6 = 46 / 2441 50
space, reduce wiring demands and the system 26
would be less susceptible to mechanical damages c1 / s5 = 46 / 2645 54
due to error in handling or even during regular use. 24
c1 / s4 = 46 / 2885 60
The generator (G) that meets all above
requirements is the automotive alternator with 22
integrated voltage regulator. The availability on the c1 / s3 = 46 / 3174 64
market, the variety of shapes, sizes and outputs 20
have been other advantages that have been taken c1 / s2 = 46 / 3734 71
into consideration when choosing this unit for 17
prototype implementation. Furthermore, the c1 / s1 = 46 / 4534 76
working principle was validated, over many years, 14
by the automotive industry, where more severe 23 60
c2 / s6 = 52 / 2760 56
challenges (extreme temperatures, humidity, high
revs) are met. To temporarily store the harvested
energy a group of 12V lead – acid batteries (B) was c2 / s5 = 52 / 2990 61
used. In order to deliver the stored energy into the 24
(local or regional) power network we also use a c2 / s4 = 52 / 3261 65
300W, 12Vcc/220Vca inverter (I). The voltmeter 22
(V) and the ammeter (A) have a double c2 / s3 = 52 / 3588 70
significance: they are used during the experimental 20
stage but they are replaced with transducers for the c2 / s2 = 52 / 4221 74
batteries management in the final solution.
c2 / s1 = 52 / 5125 77

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LITERATURE : Nalternator – Actual generator pulley speed [RPM]
N – Calculated generator pulley speed [RPM]
The main goal of this study is to demonstrate that Ig – Generated current [A]
the energy from stationary bikes is worth
scavenging by showing that the energy produced is
not negligible. Therefore, to determine the
Actual System
characteristic of generated energy versus generator
speed (determined by pedals speed) as a functional 7
characteristic of the system. Owing to the linear
dependence of energy with Ig (considering the

voltage Vg rather constant), the generated current
(Ig) can be used as a measure of the energy 4
produced by the system. The measuring process
consists of two indirect procedures: calculus of the 3
generator speed and evaluation of the produced 2
energy. We calculate the generator speed using 1
equation (1), starting from the speed of the rear
wheel measured with a bike computer. The 0
produced energy is evaluated using a set of bulbs 1084 1134 1184 1234
(having different powers - 8W, 15W, 25W, 40W,
75W) as the generator load.[1] We have used an Generator Pulley Speed[RPM]
increasing load, determining the values of speed
corresponding to each load value: we increase the Fig.6.1: Actual system characteristic
speed until p bulbs (totalizing P watts) light up, and
we log the data point as the speed necessary to VII. CONCLUSION
generate P watt.
In conclusion human power there is vast scope in
Further analyzing the data, we could still determine economical use of Bicycle mechanism as an
the system functional characteristic starting from alternative energy Source thereby renewable
the generated current values, knowing that energy generation as well as exercising for good
theoretical characteristic of the generator is unique. health cause.
Therefore, we built the pairs (Ig, Nalternator) presented In this paper an energy scavenging system built
in Table 6.1; the resulting characteristic is with recycled, independent components and
presented in Fig. 6.1. targeted at energy consumed while exercising is
Overall, our results show that the designed system presented. The amount of harvested energy is more
is capable to scavenge (some of) the energy than sufficient to motivate us not to let it be wasted
produced by the biker on a stationary bike but the into heat or other forms of un-useful energy. While
collected energy heavily depends on the losses in building the scavenging system authors observed a
the system before reaching the collection point. couple of problems related to both interconnections
Some of these losses do not appear in professional between mechanical and electrical systems, as well
gym equipment but need to be addressed for home- as interconnection between the scavenging system
use systems like the one proposed in this paper. and the electrical network. Solutions for these
Minor improvements at the mechanical block (as problems are reviewed. Economical perspective
indicated above) should increase the generator's shows vital utility due to the recycled components,
speed and, consequently, the output current. the system is affordable. All the components can
still be used separately.
Table 6.1: Experimental values
N NAlternator Ig
2111 1084 0.65 Authors are thankful to the SSBT`s, College of
2322 1097 1.25 Engineering and Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon
2856 1122 2.08 for providing library facility. The authors would
2980 1129 2.75 like to thank the staff and colleagues for useful
3187 1386 3.35 discussions.
3676 1146 4.58
4160 1180 5.41
4901 1213 6.25

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