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Noah Canales

2nd Hour Chemistry

Mr. Lowes

Nuclear Power: Our Future or Failure?

As time as progressed, America has been using Nuclear Power as a source of electricity more
and more, due to its claimed efficiency and cleanliness. The seemingly endless debate on if this process
should be used more or less intensifies with the growing popularity and use of it too. The process is
simple enough; it operates on nuclear fission, which is a nuclear reaction in which a heavy nucleus splits
spontaneously on impact with another particle, with the release of energy. It’s also very similar to the
processes of a fossil fueled power plant, where water is turned into steam that drives the turbine
engines to produce electricity. The difference, of course, the source of energy creating the heat for
steam. This is where the nuclear fission comes in (4). After looking into the various pros and cons of
nuclear energy compared to other sources (specifically in Michigan), I was able to come to the
conclusion that, from a scientific perspective, we should expand the use of nuclear power plants among
the state of Michigan.

It has been shown that there are countless positive effects that the use of nuclear power plants has on
Michigan as of now. Currently, nuclear power plants supply a combined 30% of the state’s electricity
which already proves that it can and has been used as a reliable source (1). In addition, nuclear energy
has the least amount of environmental impact in comparison to all of the other major energy sources
we use today like coal, natural gas fossil fuel and other various resources. This is due to the fact that
nuclear energy causes no greenhouse gases to be produced, making it the least harmful source of
energy being used right now. In fact, it supplies 64% of the nation’s non-emission energy (4). Another
major positive point is the how the business of nuclear energy boosts Michigan’s economy. When it
comes to the required workforce of the nuclear power plants, more than 2,900 employees skilled in
working with nuclear energy have been hired for their skilled trade in these plants among Michigan.
About $40 million a year is distributed for income among these workers a year. Furthermore, the
average facility generates about $470 million on an annual basis in total output for the local community.
Another way that nuclear power plants contribute to the economy if Michigan is through the yearly
$117 million that they spend on resources from over 1,500 Michigan companies on average (1).

Even with all the benefits of nuclear energy, there are a few drawbacks. For example, nuclear waste is a
major threat when not disposed of safely and properly. When not properly disposed of, the waste can
be a source of radiation from tens to hundreds of years because of the massive half-lives of the radio
isotopes that the waste contains. Another place where people could be exposed to this harmful
radiation is at the plant itself. Radiation leaks have effects such as fatigue, vomiting and nausea. Anyone
working at or living by these plants could be at risk (3). Another problem is the initial economic burden.
The plants are very expensive to build this costly source along with the timely process to get legal
permission and construction to finish the facility (2).
Based on the given information from both sides on the debate of both expanding and stopping nuclear
power plants the positive points outweigh the bad in my opinion. Even though it is a more expensive
resource, we don’t need as much of it as we do with others due to its amazing energy output which is
already much larger than other major resources. Another fact is that even though the effects of
radiation leaks are dangerous, there are strict protocols making sure that all employees have proper
protection while operating in the facilities to reduce the risks near to nothing. As for the high initial
cost(s), the profit of the plants quickly compensate for the heavy investments and then some when
planned and executed properly. In the end, the expansion of nuclear power plants in Michigan will be an
overall benefit for our economy, environment, and life as consumers of energy.

Works Cited

"Advantages Of Nuclear Energy." ConserveEnergyFuture. N.p., 20 Jan. 2013. Web. 08 Nov. 2015.

"The Cost of Nuclear Power." Union of Concerned Scientists. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2015.

"How Do Nuclear Plants Work?" -Duke Energy. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2015.

"Nuclear Energy in Michigan." CASEnergy Coalition. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2015.

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