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lightroom shortcuts
Tab ........................................... Hide panels
lightroom shorcuts
Shift + Tab . .............................. Hide all panels
Command + / ........................... Go to previous module
Utilize this list of keyboard shorcuts to speed up your
Command + Control + A ......... Show Activity Window
worflow. Many commands work irrespective of the mod-
ule you are in.

Command + Return ................. Play Slideshow
~................................................ Toggle Grid and Loupe
P ............................................... Pause Slideshow
Esc............................................ Return to previous view
Esc . .......................................... End Slideshow
Return ...................................... Enter Loupe or 1:1 view
Tab ........................................... Hide side panels
Space ....................................... Toggle Loupe and Zoom
Shift + Tab . .............................. Hide all panels
E ............................................... Enter Loupe view
Command + / ........................... Go to previous module
C ............................................... Enter Compare mode
Command + Shift + H ............. Show Guides
G ............................................... Enter Grid Mode
Command + Shift + A ............. Show/Hide Activity
Command + Return ................. Quick Slideshow
F . .............................................. Cycle screen modes
F . .............................................. Cycle to next Screen
Command + Shift + F .............. Go to normal screen
Command + Shift + F .............. Normal Screen Mode
L . .............................................. Cycle Lights Out modes
L . .............................................. Lights Out modes
Command + Shift + L .............. Go to Lights Dim mode
Command + Shift + H ............. Turn cell extras on and off
Command + B . ........................ Show quick collection
Tab ........................................... Show/Hide the side pan-
Command + Shift + B ............. Clear quick collection
Shift + Tab . .............................. Hide/Show all the panels
Command + F .......................... Activate the search field
Command + Option + A .......... Show/Hide Activity win-
Command + P .......................... Print
Command + Shift + P . ............ Page Setup
1-5 . ........................................... Set ratings
Command + Left Arrow . ......... Go to first page
0 . .............................................. Reset ratings to none
Left Arrow ................................ Go to previous page
] , [ ............................................ Increase/Decrease rating
Command + Right Arrow ........ Go to last page
Command + Shift + I ............... Import images
Right Arrow . ............................ Go to next page
Command + [ , ] ....................... Rotate left and right
Command + Shift + H ............. Show all page extras
Command + E .......................... Edit in Photoshop
Command + Shift + M ............. Show Page Bleed
Command + - , = ...................... Zoom in and out
Command + Shift + T .............. Show Gutters
Z ............................................... Zoom to 100%
Command + R . ........................ Show Rulers
H . ............................................. Hide image
Command + R . ........................ Reveal in finder
Delete........................................ Remove from Library
F . .............................................. Cycle screen modes
Ctrl + ‘....................................... Create Virtual Copy
Command + Shift + F .............. Go to normal screen
Command + /............................ List shortcuts for current
L . .............................................. Cycle Lights Out modes
Command + Delete ................. Move image to OS Trash
Command + Shift + L .............. Go to Lights Dim mode
Command + Shift + C ............. Copy Raw Adjustments
Command + B . ........................ Show quick collection
Command + Shift + V .............. Paste Raw Adjustments
Command + Shift + B ............. Clear quick collection
Command + Right/Left Arrow .Next/Previous image
Command + Shift + E .............. Export Image
B ............................................... Add to Quick Collection
Command + B . ........................ Show the Quick Collec-
Tab ........................................... Hide side panels
Shift + Tab . .............................. Hide all panels
Command+Shift+B ................. Clear Quick Collection
Command + / ........................... Go to Previous Module
Command + Option + A .......... Show/Hide Activity
F . .............................................. Cycle screen modes
Command + Shift + F .............. Go to normal screen
Command + E .......................... Edit in Photoshop
Command + [ , ] ....................... Rotate left and right
L . .............................................. Cycle Lights Out modes
1-5 . ........................................... Set Ratings
Command + Shift + L .............. Go to Ligh ts Dim mode
Command + Shift + C.............. Copy Raw Adjustments
Command + B . ........................ Show quick collection
Command + Shift + V .............. Paste Raw Adjustments
Command + Shift + B ............. Clear quick collection
Command + Return.................. Quick slideshow
Command + P .......................... Print selected images This document is provided ‘as is’ without any warranties. x= expressly disclaims any
warranties or representations as to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this
Command + Shift + P . ............ Page Setup document and any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. The contents are not suitable for use in all situations, and any use by you of
Command + Left Arrow . ......... Previous Photo
the contents is at your own risk. x= will not be liable for damages of any kind, including
Command + Right Arrow ........ Next Photo direct, consequential (including loss of profits, business, or data) or special damages,
which may arise out of or result from reliance on or use of the information.

x = photography + consulting 1

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