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n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
2001–present: Islamic Republic of
1992–2001: Islamic State of
Afghanistan (UN-supported occupation by
United States in 2001)
1978–92: Democratic Republic of
Afghanistan (occupied by Soviet
Union 1979-89)
1973–78: Republic of Afghanistan
1926–29; 1929–73: Kingdom of
1823–1926; 1929: Emirate of
Afghanistan (Treaty of Rawalpindi granted
sovereignty from United Kingdom in 1919)
1747–1826: Durrani Empire
1736–1796: Part of Afsharid Empire.
1709–1736: Hotaki Empire
1526–1709: Part of Mughal Empire.
1370–1526: Part of Timurid Kingdom.
1256–1335: Part of Ilkhanate.
1294–1370: Part of Chagatai Khanate.
1. 1219–1294 Part of Mongol Empire.
Af 1077–1219: Part of Khwarazemid
gh Empire
ani Durrani 1037–1077: Part of the Great Seljuq
Asia Apr 1709 1823
sta Empire Empire.
n 963–1187: Part of Ghaznavid Empire.
861–963: Part of Saffarid Emirate.
821–861: Part of various territories
governed by the Tahirids.
750–821: Part of the Abbasid
708–750: Part of the Umayyad
632–708: Yagbu of Tukhara.
224–632; Part of the Sassanid
227 BCE–224: Part of the Parthian
312 BCE–227 BCE: Part of
the Seleucid Empire.
336 BCE–312 BCE: Part of
the Macedonian Empire.
549 BCE–336 BCE: Part of
the Achaemenid Empire.
678 BCE–545 BCE: Part of
the Median Empire.
Before 678 BCE various Indo-Iranian
tribes and early Iranian city-states.
1992–present: Republic of Albania
Europe Nov 28, 1912 Nov 1944[50] 1944–92: People's Socialist Republic
Albania Germany
of Albania
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
1928–44: Albanian Kingdom (de
facto protectorate of Italy 1928-
1939; occupied by Italy 1939-43; occupied by
Germany 1943-44)
1925–28: Albanian Republic (de
facto protectorate of Italy)
1914–25: Principality of
Albania (via Albanian Declaration of
1912–14: Provisional Government of
1479–1912: Part of Ottoman Empire
1444–79: League of Lezhë
1190–1444: Various Albanian
Before 1190: Part of Byzantine Empire
1962–present: People's Democratic
Republic of Algeria (via Évian Accords)
1830–1962: integral part of
Africa Jul 3, 1962[51] Jul 3, 1962 France
Algeria France (as French Algeria)
1556–1830: part of the Ottoman
Empire (as the Eyalet of Algiers)
1278–present: Principality of
Sep 7, Andorra (via Paréage of Andorra; occupied
Europe Nov 1944 [54]
Andorra 1278[52][53] by France 1812-13, 1870, 1914, 1936, 1939,

1992–present: Republic of Angola

Nov 11, Nov 11, 1975–1992: People's Republic of
Africa Angola (via the Alvor Agreement)
Angola 1975[55] 1975 Portugal
1575–1975: Portuguese Angola (colony
of Portugal)

1981–present: Antigua and Barbuda

1632–1981: Colony of England/Great
Antigua The Nov 1, Nov 1, United Britain/United Kingdom (ruled by France
and Americas 1981[56] 1981 Kingdom in 1666)
Barbuda Before 1632: Inhabited by indigenous
peoples of the Americas
1861–present: Argentine Republic
1831–1861: Argentine Confederation
1810–1831: Part of the United
Provinces of the River Plate (via
the May Revolution; on 9 July 1816,
theCongress of Tucumán issued
The May 25, July 9, formal Declaration of Independence)
Argentina Americas 1810 1816[57] Spain 1776–1810: Viceroyalty of the Río de
la Plata (colony of Spain)
1542–1824: Part of Viceroyalty of
Peru (colony of Spain)
1528–1542: Part of Spanish colony
Before 1528: Inhabited by indigenous
peoples of the Americas, including
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
the Inca Empire
1991–present: Republic of Armenia
1920–1991: Armenian Soviet Socialist
1918–1920: Democratic Republic of
1829–1918: Part of Russian empire
nental - Sep 23, Soviet
Armenia 190 BC Before 1829: Part of Ottoman Empire
Asia/Europ 1991[58] Union
321 BC–AD 428: First independent
as Kingdom of Armenia
549 BC–331 BC: Part of Achaemenid
860 BC–590 BC: Kingdom of Ararat
2492 BC: Traditional foundation
1901–present: Commonwealth of
Australia (via Constitution of Australia[59])
Australia Oceania Jan 1, 1901 Oct 9, 1942 1788–1901: Part of British empire
Before 1788: Inhabited by Indigenous
1955–present: Republic of
Austria (via Austrian State Treaty)
1945–55: Allied-occupied Austria
1938–45: Occupied by Nazi Germany
1934–38: Federal State of
Austria (client state of Italy)
World War 1919–34: First Republic of
II Austria (via Treaty of Saint Germain)
Nov 12, May 15, Allies 1918–19: Republic of German-
Austria 1918[60] 1955[61] (Allied- Austria (via Proclamation of Charles I)
occupied 1867–1918: Austria-
Austria) Hungary (via Austro-Hungarian
Compromise of 1867)
1804–67: Austrian Empire
1457–1804: Archduchy of
Austria (state of the Holy Roman Empire)
1156–1457: Duchy of Austria (state of
the Holy Roman Empire)

1995–present: Republic of
Azerbaijan (independence from Soviet
Union declared 1991; constitution adopted

nental - May 28, Aug 30, Soviet
Azerbaijan 1920-1995: Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist
Asia/Europ 1918 1991 Union
1918-1920: Azerbaijan Democratic
1824-1918: Part of Russian Empire
1796–1824: Part of Qajar Empire
1747–1796: Part of Afsharid Dynasty
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
(1760–1794): Part of Zand Dynasty
1736–1747: Part of Afsharid Empire
(1722–1729): Part of Hotaki Dynasty
1501–1736: Part of Safavid Empire
1468–1508: Part of Agh Qoyunlu
1405–1507: Part of Timurid Dynasty
1406–1468: Part of Qara Qoyunlu
1370–1405: Part of Timurid Empire
1337–1376: Part of Sarbadars
1336–1432: Part of Jalayirid Dynasty
1335–1393: Part of Muzaffarid
1335–1357: Part of Chobanid Dynasty
1256–1335: Part of Ilkhanate Empire
1077–1231: Part of Khwarazmian
1037–1194: Part of Great Seljuq
963–1186: Part of Ghaznavid Empire
875–999: Part of Samanid Dynasty
934–1055: Part of Buyid Dynasty
867–1002: Part of Saffarid Dynasty
928–1043: Part of Ziyarid Dynasty
750–1258: Part of Abbasid Caliphate
661–750: Part of Umayyad Caliphate
(642–759/760): Part of Dabuyid
224–651: Part of Sassanid Empire
247 BCE – 224 CE: Part of Parthian
312–63 BCE: Part of Seleucid Empire
550–330 BCE: Part of Achaemenid
(652–625 BCE): Part of Scythian
678–550 BCE: Part of Median Empire
850–616 BCE: Part of Mannaeans
2700–539 BCE: Part of Elam
3200–2700 BCE: Part of Proto-

1973–present: Commonwealth of the

Bahamas(Self-government gained from
the United Kingdom in 1964; independence
gained on 10 July 1973)
The July 10, July 10, United 1718-1973: Part of the British West
Bahamas Americas 1973[62] 1973 Kingdom Indies
1492-1718: Part of the Spanish
500to 800-1492: Inhabited by
the Lucayans
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
1971–present: Kingdom of Bahrain
1861–1971: Protectorate of the British
Empire by way of the Perpetual Truce
of Peace and Friendship
1783–1861: Ruled by the Bani Utbah
1717–1783: Ruled by Oman after
a successful invasion
1602–1717: Part of Persia under
the Safavid dynasty
1521–1602: Part of the Portuguese
Mid-1400s–1521: Ruled by the Jabrid
1253-mid–1400s: Ruled by the usfurid
Dec 16, United
Asia Dec 16, 1971 dynasty
Bahrain 1971 Kingdom
1076–1235: Ruled by the Uyunid
976–1076: Ruled as part of
the Abbasid Caliphate
899–976: Ruled by the Qarmatians
3rd Century CE–899: Ruled by
the Sassanids of Persia
130 BCE–3rd Century BCE: Ruled by
the Parthians
6th Century BCE–3rd Century BCE:
Part of the Persian Empire under
the Achaemenids
4th millennium BCE–6th century
BCE: Dilmun civilization
1972–present: People's Republic of
1971–1972: Provisional Government
of the People's Republic of
1955–1971: East Pakistan (Part
of Pakistan)
1947–1955: East Bengal (Part
of Pakistan)
1858–1947: Part of the British Raj
Mar 26, Dec 16, 1717–1880: Ruled by
Banglades Asia
1971[63] 1971 Pakistan the Nawabs (Lost ruling power after
the Battle of Plassey)
1576–1717: Part of the Mughal
1556–1576: Ruled by
the Karrani Dynasty
1540–1556: Ruled by the Sur dynasty
1538–1540: Part of the Mughal
1494–1538: Ruled by the Hussain
Shahi Dynasty
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
1414–1494: Ruled by the Ganesha
1342–1487: Shamsuddin lliyas
Shah ruled an independent city-state
within modern Bangladesh
The Nov 30, United
Nov 30, 1966
Barbados Americas 1966 Kingdom
1990-present: Republic of Belarus

1943–1990: Byelorussian Soviet

Socialist Republic
1941–1943: Occupation by Nazi
1922–1941: Byelorussian SSR as part
of Soviet Union (USSR)
1920–1922: Byelorussian Soviet
Aug 25, Soviet Socialist Republic
Belarus Europe Jul 27, 1990
1991 Union 1919–1919: Lithuanian–Byelorussian
Soviet Socialist Republic
1795–1919: Part of the Russian
Empire as Belarusian People's
1569–1795: Polish–Lithuanian
1236–1569: Part of Grand Duchy of
987: Principality of Polotsk

1830–present: Kingdom of Belgium

1813–1830: Part of the Netherlands
Europe Oct 4, 1830 1945 1795–1813: Ruled by France
Belgium Germany
1713–1795: Austrian Netherlands
1581–1714: Spanish Netherlands
The Sep 21, Sep 21, United
Belize Americas 1981[64] 1981 Kingdom
1990–present: Republic of Benin
1975–1990: People's Republic of

Aug 1, Aug 1, 1958–1975: Republic of

Benin Africa France Dahomey (French self-governing
1960[65] 1960
1904–1958: French Dahomey (as part
of French West Africa)
1894–1904: Kingdom of
Dahomey (French Protectorate)
1904–c.1600: Kingdom of
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
Dahomey (African kingdom)

Autonomous since at least the 10th

century.[66] Unified 1634, after
the Battle of Five Lamas. Early history
Asia 1634 1634 (none) is sketchy, but may have been part
of Kamarupa kingdom, and may have
been occupied by Tibetan-
Mongol forces ca. 10th century.[67]
1836–39 as dominant partner in Peru–
The Aug 6,
Bolivia Aug 6, 1825 Spain Bolivian Confederation, governed
Americas 1825
from Tacna, Peru.
1997–present: Bosnia and

1992–1997: Republic of Bosnia and

1945–1992: Part of Independent State
Mar 3, of Croatia (Nazi Germany invasion)
and Europe 1377
1992 Yugoslavia 1918–1941: Part of Kingdom of
1878–1918: Part of Austria-Hungary
1463–1878: Part of Ottoman Empire
1377–1463: Kingdom of Bosnia
1154-1377: Banate of Bosnia (subject
to Kingdom of Hungary)

Sep 30, Sep 30, United

Botswana 1966[68] 1966 Kingdom
Kingdom of
The Sep 7, Sep 7, Portugal,
Brazil Americas 1822[69] 1822 Brazil and
Brunei Asia Jan 1, 1984 Jan 1, 1984 Previously occupied by Japan
Occupied by Byzantine Empire 1018–
Europe 681[70] Oct 5, 1908 Ottoman 1185 and Ottoman Empire 1393–
Empire 1908.

Aug 5, Aug 5,
Burkina Africa France
1960[71] 1960
July 1,
Africa July 1, 1962
Burundi 1962 Belgium
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
Nov 9, Khmer Empire founded 802 according
Asia 802 France
Cambodia 1953[72] to Sdok Kok Thom Inscription
French Cameroons gained
Africa Jan 1, 1960 Oct 1, 1961 independence in 1960; added
Cameroon Kingdom
British Southern Cameroons in 1961.
The Dec 11, United Dominion status 1867, Statute of
Canada July 1, 1867
Americas 1931 Kingdom Westminster 1931.[73]
Cape July 5,
Africa July 5, 1975
Verde 1975[74] Portugal

Central Aug 13,

Africa Aug 13, 1960 France
African 1960
Aug 11,
Chad Africa Aug 11, 1960 France
The Feb 12,
Chile Sep 18, 1810 Spain
Americas 1818

c. 8500–c. 2070 BC: Neolithic

c. 2070–c. 1600 BC: Xia dynasty
c. 1600–c. 1046 BC: Shang dynasty
c. 1046–256 BC: Zhou dynasty
221–206 BC: Qin dynasty
206 BC–220 AD: Han dynasty
220–280: Three Kingdoms
265–420: Jin dynasty
420–589: Northern and Southern
581–618: Sui dynasty
618–907: Tang dynasty
907–1125: Five Dynasties and Ten
Kingdoms / Liao dynasty
People's Oct 1, 1949
China 960–1279: Song dynasty
Republic of Asia Oct 10, 1911 Oct 25,
Japan 1271–1368: Yuan dynasty
China, 1945
1368–1644: Ming dynasty
Republic of 1624–1662: Dutch Formosa / Spanish
1644–1912: Qing dynasty
1895: Republic of Formosa
1895–1945: Japanese Taiwan
1912–present: Republic of
China (1912-49) Republic of
1949–present: People's
Republic of China
Note: Although the Mongol's Yuan
Dynasty and the Manchu's Qing
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
Dynasty were considered foreign by
many Han Chinese in their
times, current Chinese official
position considers these two dynasties
as Chinese, as they were established
by Chinese ethnic minorities and had
their capitals in present-day Beijing.
The PRC government considers itself
the successor of the Republic of

1886–present: Republic of Colombia

1863–1886: United States of

1858–1863: Granadine Confederation
1831–1858: Republic of New Granada
1819–1831: Gran Colombia
The Aug 7, 1810–1816: United Provinces of New
Jul 20, 1810 Spain
Colombia Americas 1819 Granada
1739–1819: Viceroyalty of New
1723–1739: New Kingdom of Granada
1717–1723: Viceroyalty of New
1550–1717: New Kingdom of Granada

Africa Jul 6, 1975 Jul 6, 1975 France

1885 Berlin
Congo, Conference established Congo Free
Democratic Jun 30,
Africa 1885 State as sovereign entity (private
Republic of 1960 Belgium
domain of King Leopold of Belgium);
the annexed to Belgium 1908–1960.

Congo, Aug 15,

Africa Aug 15, 1960 France
Republic of 1960

Costa The Previously part of Mexico 1822–23
Sep 15, 1821 1838 Republic of
Rica Americas and a colony of Spain before 1821.
Côte Aug 7,
Africa Aug 7, 1960 France
d'Ivoire 1960
1991–present: Republic of Croatia
May 21, 1945–1991: Socialist Federal Republic
Croatia Europe Oct 8, 1991 Yugoslavia
879[75] of Yugoslavia
1941–1945: Part of Independent State
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
of Croatia (Nazi Germany invasion)
1918–1941: Part of the Kingdom of
Yugoslavia (Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and
1868–1918: Kingdom of Croatia-
1527–1868: Kingdom of Croatia (in the
union with Kingdom of Hungary within
Habsburg Monarchy, Austrian Empire and
1102–1526: Kingdom of Croatia (in the
union with Kingdom of Hungary)
925–1102: Kingdom of Croatia
A colony of Spain until 1898, then
The May 20, May 20, United
Cuba occupied but not annexed by United
Americas 1902 1902 States
States 1899–1902.
Aug 16, United
Europe Aug 16, 1960
Cyprus 1960 Kingdom
Duchy of Bohemia first independent
from Great Moravia ca. 870; unified
with Moravia and Silesia under Bolesl
aus I, Duke of Bohemia, who acceded
to the throne in 935. Later part
Czech Europe 870 Jan 1, 1993 Czechoslov of Austria-Hungary until 1918
Republic akia independence
as Czechoslovakia. Occupied by
Germany in 1938, by WWII Allies in
1945, and by Warsaw Pact armies in
May 5,
Europe 980 Unified ca 980 by Harald Bluetooth.
Denmark 1945 Germany
Jun 27,
Africa Jun 27, 1977 France
Djibouti 1977
The Nov 3, United
Dominica Nov 3, 1978
Americas 1978 Kingdom
1821 (
The Republic of Feb 27, Previously occupied by Spain, France,
Dominican Haiti
Americas Spanish 1844 and Haiti
The May 24, May 13, Gran Previously a colony of Spain
Ecuador Americas 1822 1830 Colombia
Unified in 3100 BC by
Pharaoh Menes or probably Narmer,
Feb 28, United founder of the First Dynasty.
Egypt nental - 3100 BC
1922 Kingdom Conquered at various times
by Achaemenid, Macedonian, Roman,
Arab/Islamic, Ottoman,
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
and Napoleonic Empires.

Previously a part of the Federal

El The Nov 21, Republic of Central America 1823–38,
Sep 15, 1821 Republic of
Salvador Americas 1898 Mexico 1822–23, and a colony of
Spain before 1821.

Oct 12,
Equatorial Africa Oct 12, 1968 Spain
Independent 1137–1889 as Medri
May 24, Bahri kingdom. Occupied 1889 by
Eritrea Africa 1137 Ethiopia
1993 Italy, 1941 by Britain. Ruled 1952-
1993 by Ethiopia.
Previously ruled by Sweden and
Feb 24, Aug 20, Soviet
Europe occupied by Denmark, Poland,
Estonia 1918[76] 1991 Union
Russia, and Germany.
Aksumite Empire founded ca 50.
May 5, Occupied 1936–1941 by Italy. on 5
Ethiopia Africa 50 Italy
1941 May 1941 the ousted Emperor of
Ethiopia restored its power.[77]
Oct 10, United
Fiji Oceania Oct 10, 1970
1970 Kingdom

Europe Dec 6, 1917 Jan 4, 1918 Russia Previously ruled by Sweden.

843 Treaty of
Verdun established West
Europe 843 1944
France Germany Francia. Occupied by Germany in
Aug 17,
Gabon Africa Aug 17, 1960 France
Feb 18, United
Africa Feb 18, 1965
Gambia 1965 Kingdom
1991–Present: Republic of Georgia
1921–1991: Georgian Soviet Socialist
1918–1921 : Democratic Republic of
Transconti 1801–1918: Part Of Russian Empire
nental - Soviet 1490–1801 Fragmentized into three
1300 BC Apr 8, 1991
Georgia Asia/Europ Union independent kingdoms –
e Kartli, Kakheti, and Imereti and five
semi-independent principalities –
(Mingrelia), Guria, Abkhazia, Svaneti,
and Samtskhe
978–1490: Kingdom of Georgia
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
West Unified in 1871. Occupied 1945–1955
Germany until ratification of Bonn–Paris
March 15, East conventions. Become fully sovereign
Europe Jan 18, 1871
Germany 1991 Germany on 15 March 1991 after the Treaty on
West the Final Settlement with Respect to
Berlin Germany came into effect.

Mar 6, United
Africa Mar 6, 1957
Ghana 1957 Kingdom
Previously occupied jointly by Italy,
Europe 800 BC 1822 Ottoman Germany and Bulgaria; before 1821
Empire by Ottoman Empire.
The Feb 7, United
Feb 7, 1974
Grenada Americas 1974 Kingdom
Republic of Guatemala: 1838–
Federal Federal Republic of Central
Sep 15, 1821 1838 Republic of America: 1823–1838
Guatemala Americas
Central First Mexican Empire: 1821–
America 1823
Spanish Empire: 1519–1821

Africa Oct 2, 1958 Oct 2, 1958 France


Guinea- Sep 10,

Africa Sep 24, 1973
Bissau 1974 Portugal

The May 26, May 26, United

Previously colonized by Dutch
Guyana Americas 1966 1966 Kingdom
Haiti Jan 1, 1804 Jan 1, 1804 France Previously a colony of France.
Occupied several times by United
States.[citation needed] Previously a part of
Greater the Greater Republic of Central
Honduras Sep 15, 1821 1838 Republic of America 1896–98, the Federal
Central Republic of Central America 1823–38,
America Mexico 1822–23 and a colony of
Spain before 1821.
Principality of Hungary founded 895.
Hungary Europe 895 1918 Austria- Ruled by Austria 1526/1699–1867,
Hungary part of Austria-Hungary 1867–1918.
Icelandic Commonwealth formed
930. Ceded to Norway 1262; Kingdom
Dec 1, of Iceland (1918–1944) with a
Europe 930
Iceland 1918 Denmark Personal union with
Denmark, Republic of Iceland founded
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
India's local name Bhārat derives from
the scriptural Bharata, held by tradition
as the first emperor to unite India in
2000 BC. Modern Indian subcontinent
was united by Mahajanapadas in 600
BC. Political unity in verified
Aug 15, United historiography was first achieved
India Asia 2000 BC
1947 Kingdom by Chandragupta Maurya's founding
of the Mauryan Empire in 322 BC,
followed by the Gupta Empire of 320
AD and Maratha Empire in 1674
before era of the Mughals and
then British Raj from 1857 to
Independence in 1947.
1949–present: Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)

1945–1949: Indonesian Struggle for

1942–1945: Part of Japan in World
War II
1816–1942: Part of Dutch East Indies
1812–1816: Part of British
India (following Dutch-French defeat in
the Napoleonic War)
1802–1812: Part of Batavian
Republic (Client State of the Napoleon
1619–1802: Under Administration
of VOC
Dec 27, 15th–17th Century: Various Islamic
Asia Aug 17, 1945
Indonesia 1949 Netherlands Kingdoms, most
notably Mataram, Demak,
and Banten in Java; Malaka, Johor-
Riau, Minang and Aceh in
Sumatra; Brunei and Banjarmasin in
Kalimantan, Makassar in Sulawesi,
and Ternate and Tidore in Moluccas
1292–1478: Majapahit Empire, united
Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and
parts of Philippines under the reign
of Hayam Wuruk
4th Century–13th Century:
Various Hindu-Buddhist Kingdoms,
most notably Srivijaya in 8th–10th
Century AD
4th Century: First Hindu Kingdom
of Kutai in Kalimantan
2nd Century: Alleged Indian Kingdom
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of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
of Salakanagara in Java

1980–present: Part of Islamic


1979–1980: Part of Interim

1925–1979: Part of Pahlavi
Dynasty (Anglo-Soviet
occupation 1941-1946)
1796–1925: Part of Qajar Empire
1747–1796: Part of Afsharid Dynasty
(1760–1794): Part of Zand Dynasty
1736–1747: Part of Afsharid Empire
(1722–1729): Part of Hotaki Dynasty
1501–1736: Part of Safavid Empire
1468–1508: Part of Agh Qoyunlu
1405–1507: Part of Timurid Dynasty
1406–1468: Part of Qara Qoyunlu
1370–1405: Part of Timurid Empire
1337–1376: Part of Sarbadars
1336–1432: Part of Jalayirid Dynasty
1335–1393: Part of Muzaffarid
Qajar 1335–1357: Part of Chobanid Dynasty
Iran Asia 3200 BC 1789 1256–1335: Part of Ilkhanate Empire
1077–1231: Part of Khwarazmian
1037–1194: Part of Great Seljuq
963–1186: Part of Ghaznavid Empire
875–999: Part of Samanid Dynasty
934–1055: Part of Buyid Dynasty
867–1002: Part of Saffarid Dynasty
928–1043: Part of Ziyarid Dynasty
750–1258: Part of Abbasid Caliphate
661–750: Part of Umayyad Caliphate
(642–759/760): Part of Dabuyid
224–651: Part of Sassanid Empire
247 BCE – 224 CE: Part of Parthian
312–63 BCE: Part of Seleucid Empire
550–330 BCE: Part of Achaemenid
(652–625 BCE): Part of Scythian
678–550 BCE: Part of Median Empire
850–616 BCE: Part of Mannaeans
2700–539 BCE: Part of Elam
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ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
3200–2700 BCE: Part of Proto-

founded in 4000 BC by Sumer

Civilization (the first Civilization on the
world), and then unified under Sargon
of Akkad the founder of Akkadian
Apr 26,
Iraq Asia Apr 26, 1926 Ottoman Empire, but Iraq was part of Persian
Empire Empire (Iran), and Ottoman
Empire (until 1922). see History of
Iraq. Occupied by United
States 2003–2004[78]
declared 1919, Dominion status
Dec 11, United
Ireland Europe Oct 18, 1171 1922, Statute of
1931 Kingdom
Westminster 1931, declared a
republic 1948.
Kingdom of Israel unified under
King Saul, c. 1020 BC, divided into
separate kingdoms of Israel and
Judea, which fall to Neo-
Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian empires
in 722 and 586 BC, respectively. In
the 2nd century BC, Judea re-gains
May 14, May 14, United as Hasmonean kingdom after revolt
Israel Asia
1948 1948 Kingdom against the Hellenist Seleucid Empire.
Conquered by Pompey of the Roman
Empire in 63 BC, and subsequently
to Byzantine, Umayyad, Abbasid, Crus
ader, Mamluk, Ottoman Turkish,
and British rule, before regaining
independence as the State of Israel in

Mar 17, Lombardy–
Italy Europe Mar 17, 1861 Unified in 1861.
1861 Venetia
The Aug 6, United
Jamaica Aug 6, 1962 Previously a Spanish colony
Americas 1962 Kingdom
Founded 660 BC by Emperor
Allied Jimmu according to legend. Unified
April 28,
Japan Asia 400 occupation state emerged during the Kofun
of Japan period c. 400 AD. 1952 Treaty of San
Francisco ended postwar occupation.
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of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
Part of Arab Federation Feb–Aug
1958 governed from Baghdad, Iraq.
May 25, Aug 2, Arab
Jordan Asia Previously ruled by Persian, Roman,
1946 1958 Federation
Islamic, and Ottoman Empires; UK,
Russian Empire
Ottoman Empire
Kazakhsta nental - Dec 16, Soviet
Dec 16, 1991 Timurid dynasty
n Asia/Europ 1991 Union
Mongol Empire
Various Turkic tribes.
Dec 12, United
Kenya Africa Dec 12, 1963 Various nomadic tribes.
1963 Kingdom
Jul 12, United
Kiribati Oceania Jul 12, 1979
1979 Kingdom
Previously ruled by Ottoman Empire
Kuwait Asia Jun 19, 1961 Feb 1991 Iraq and United Kingdom.
Aug 31, Soviet
Asia Aug 31, 1991
Kyrgyzstan 1991 Union
Oct 22, Occupied by Japan during World War
Laos Asia 1354 France
1953 II
Nov 18, May 4, Soviet Previously ruled by Lithuania,
Latvia Europe
1918[79] 1990 Union Sweden, and Russia
Dec 31,
Asia Nov 8, 1943 France Previously ruled by Ottoman Empire
Lebanon 1946
Africa 1822 Oct 4, 1966
Lesotho Kingdom
Jul 26, Settled but not claimed by United
Liberia Africa Jul 26, 1847 Colonization
1847 States[80]

Dec 24, Emirate Previously occupied by Italy and by
Libya Africa Dec 24, 1951
1951 France Ottoman Empire
Previously subject to
the Confederation of the Rhine.
Jan 23, Schellenber
Liechtenst Europe Jan 23, 1719 Formed 1719
1719 g
ein from Vaduz and Schellenberg, but
under the Holy Roman Empire.
of) Vaduz
Mar 11, Soviet Kingdom of Lithuania; Act of the Re-
Europe 1253[81]
Lithuania 1990 Union Establishment of the State of Lithuania
Europe 1815 1945 Independent from France 1815 but
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
Luxembou Germany in personal union with Netherlands
rg until 1890
Sep 8,
Macedonia Europe Sep 8, 1991 Yugoslavia

Jun 26,
Madagasc Africa 1787 France
Africa Jul 6, 1964 Jul 6, 1964
Malawi Kingdom
The Federation of Malaya gained
independence in 1957; in 1963 it
added territories
Aug 31, Aug 31, United
Malaysia Asia of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore,
1957[14] 1957 Kingdom
and changed its name
to Malaysia.[12] Singapore became
independent in 1965.
Unified according to legend by
Jul 26, United King Koimala (1117–1141).
Asia 1140
Maldives 1965 Kingdom Independent sultanate until 1887,
when it became a British protectorate.
Mali Empire ca. 1230. A colony of
Sep 22, France 1890–1960, then part of Mali
Mali Africa 1230 France
1960 Federation governed from Dakar,
1974–present: Republic of Malta

1964-1974: State of Malta

1813-1964: Crown Colony of Malta
1800-1813: Protectorate of Malta
1798-1800: French occupation of
Malta, the insurrection and
independent Gozo
1530-1798: Order of Saint John
Sep 21, United 1130-1530: part of the Kingdom of
Malta Europe Sep 21, 1964 Sicily
1964 Kingdom
1091-1130: part of the County of Sicily
909-1091: part of the Fatimid
870-909: part of the Abbasid Caliphate
395-870: part of the Byzantine Empire
218 BC-395 AD: part of Roman Sicilia
480 BC-218 BC: part of
the Carthaginian Empire
800 BC-480 BC: part of
the Phoenician Empire

Oceania Oct 21, 1986 Oct 21, United Compact of Free Association
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
Marshall 1986 States
Nov 28,
Africa Nov 28, 1960 France
Mauritania 1960
Previously controlled by
Mar 12, United
Africa Mar 12, 1968 the Netherlands and France.
Mauritius 1968 Kingdom
Various Tuareg and Berber tribes.
Mexico: 1867–present
Second Mexican Empire: 1864–
Second Federal Republic of
Mexico: 1846–1863
Centralist Republic of Mexico:
First Mexican Republic: 1824–
The 1835
Sep 16, 1810 1864 Spain
Mexico Americas Provisional Government of
Mexico: 1823–1824
First Mexican Empire: 1821–
Spanish Empire: 1519–1821
Aztec Empire: 1421-1521
Teotihuacan: 100-700 AD
Zapotec Empire: 1300 BCE-1521 AD
Olmec: 1300-1100 BCE

Micronesia Nov 3, United

, Federated Oceania Nov 3, 1986 Compact of Free Association
1986 States
States of
Aug 27, Soviet
Moldova Europe Aug 27, 1991
1991 Union
Previously occupied by Italy and
Europe 1297 1945 France. Subject to Sardinia 1815–
Monaco Germany
Xiongnu Empire formed 209 BC;

Mar 13, Various nomadic Mongol states;

Mongolia Asia 209 BC Republic of
1921 occupied by the Qing Dynasty (1699–
1911) and the Republic of
China (1919–1921)

2006–present: Montenegro
Serbia 2003–2006: Part of the union
Montenegr May 21,
Europe 1042 and of Serbia and Montenegro
o 2006
Montenegro 1992–2003: Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (with Serbia)
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
1945–1991: Part of Socialist Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia
1943–1945: Occupied by the Nazi
1941–1943: Occupied by the Kingdom
of Italy
1918–1941: Part of the Kingdom of
Yugoslavia (Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and
1910–1918: Kingdom of Montenegro
1852–1910: Principality of Montenegro
1696–1852: Prince-Bishopric of
1498–1514: Part of the Ottoman
1431–1498: Principality of Zeta
1346–1431: Part of the Serbian
1217–1346: Part of Kingdom of Serbia
625–1217: Duklja (vassal state of the
Byzantine Empire)

February 5, 789 : Induction of Idris I[82]

789-974 : Idrisid dynasty
974-1060 : Disputed between
the Fatimid Caliphate and
the Caliphate of Córdoba, divided into
several Zenata principalities
1061-1147 : Almoravid dynasty
February 5, France/ 1147-1244 : Almohad dynasty
Africa Apr 7, 1956
Morocco 789 1244-1465 : Marinid dynasty
Spain 1465-1472 : Idrisid dynasty, Joutey
1472-1554 : Wattasid dynasty
1554-1659 : Saadi dynasty
1664–present: Alaouite dynasty
Under French and Spanish protectorat
e (1912–1956).

Jun 25,
Mozambiq Africa Jun 25, 1975 Portuguese colony from 1498
1975 Portugal
United Pagan Kingdom founded
Asia 849 Jan 4, 1948
Myanmar Kingdom 849. Occupied by Japan 1942–1945
Mar 21, South German colony from 1884; governed
Africa Mar 21, 1990
Namibia 1990 Africa by South Africa 1915-1990

Australia/ Previously occupied

Jan 31, New
Nauru Oceania Jan 31, 1968 by Germany 1888, Australia
1968 Zealand/ 1914, Japan 1942-45
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
Territory of
Autonomous throughout its recorded
history, and certainly since its
1768 unification.[83] The
Nepal Asia 1768 1768 (none)
ancient Maurya Empire occupied
southern Nepal, but not the core
Kathmandu valley.[citation needed]

Independent from Spain in 1581;

Netherland Europe Jul 26, 1581 1945 Spain occupied by France under Napoleon.
Dominion status 1907, Statute of
New Sep 25, United
Oceania Sep 25, 1907 Westminster Adoption Act 1947.[84]
Zealand 1907 Kingdom
Maori tribesmen (iwi)
Previously a part of the Greater
Federal Republic of Central America 1896–98,
The Sep 15,
Sep 15, 1821 Republic of the Federal Republic of Central
Nicaragua Americas 1821
Central America 1823–38, Mexico 1822–23,
America and a colony of Spain before 1821.
Aug 3,
Niger Africa Aug 3, 1960 France
Nigeria Africa Oct 1, 1960 Oct 1, 1960
Gojoseon founded 2333 BC
by Dangun according to legend.
North Sep 9, Soviet Modern state established 1946
Asia 2333 BC
Korea 1948 Union after Soviet Civil Administration since
1945. Previously occupied by
Japan (1910–1945)..
Unified ca 872 at Battle of Hafrsfjord.
For a long time in unions with
Europe 872 1814 Denmark– Denmark and with Sweden (until
Norway 1905). Occupied by Germany 1940–
Previously occupied by Great Seljuq
Oman Asia 751 1743 Persia Empire, Ottoman Empire, Portugal
(1508–1650), etc.
Previously a colony of the British
Mar 23, United Empire.
Asia Aug 14, 1947
Pakistan 1956 Kingdom British Raj
Mughal Empire
United Previously ruled by Spain, Germany,
Palau Oceania Oct 1, 1994 Oct 1, 1994
States Japan.
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
A colony of Spain until 1821, then
The Nov 28, a dependency of Colombia until
Nov 28, 1821 Spain
Panama Americas 1821 1903. Occupied by United
States 1989–90.
Papua Sep 16, Papuan, Polynesians,
New Oceania Sep 16, 1975 Australia
1975 and Melanesians before then.
Occupied 1870–1876 by Brazil,
The May 14, in Triple Alliance with Argentina and
1876 Brazil
Paraguay Americas 1811 Uruguay.[85] Colony of Spain before
Independent from Spain 1821; part
of Peru–Bolivian Confederation 1836-
The Aug 25, Peru
Peru July 28, 1821 39.
Americas 1839 South New Spain
Peru Inca Empire
1986–present: Fifth Philippine
1981 - 1986: Fourth Philippine
1973 - 1981: Philippines in the Martial
1946 - 1972: Third Philippine Republic
1942 - 1943: A puppet state of
the Japanese Empire ( Second
Philippine Republic ) .
1898 - 1942, 1943 - 1946: Part of the
United States
1535 - 1898: A colony of Spain
July 4, United Pre-1535: The Philippine Islands had
Philippines Asia 1402
1946[86] States a numerous sinified states, Indianized
kingdoms and Muslim states.
In Luzon , there were the Ivatan
people, the Society of Cordillera, the
Kingdoms of Pangasinan and Ma-i,
Kota Selurong and the Tondo
Dynasty. The Confederation of the
Madyas and the Rajahnate of Cebu
were in Visayas. Lastly, in Mindanao ,
there were the Sultanate of
Maguindanao , Butuan Rajahnate and
the Sultanate of Sulu. The Bruneian
Empire occupied Palawan_(island) an
d parts of Mindanao too.
Unified ca 960 by Mieszko I. Rise of
power in the 16th century. Occupied
Europe 960 1945 Polish tribes
Poland by Germany and the USSR during
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
Between 1580 and 1640 Portugal and
July 25, County
Europe July 25, 1139 Spain had the same King, Filipe I in
Portugal 1139 of Portugal Portugal and Filipe II in Spain.
Ottoman Empire
Abassid Caliphate
Sep 3, United Umayyad Caliphate
Qatar Asia Sep 3, 1971
1971 Kingdom Rashidun Caliphate
Various nomadic Arab tribesmen
before that.
United 1944–1958.
Jul 13,
Europe Jul 13, 1878 Principalitie Ottoman Empire
Romania 1878
s Wallachia

Rurik Dynasty founded ca 860. Great

stand on the Ugra river in 1480
marked end of Mongol/Tatar rule.
Kievan Rus'
1721-1917: Russian Empire
1917-1918: Soviet Russian
Transconti Dec 26, Republic
nental - 1991 Soviet 1918-1936: Russian Socialist
860 Federative Soviet Republic
Russia Asia/Europ Dec 12, Union
e 1993 1922-1991: Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics
1936-1991: Russian Soviet
Federative Socialist Republic
1991-1993: Russian
Federation (with the 1978 constitution)
1993–present: Russian

July 1,
Africa July 1, 1962
Rwanda 1962 Belgium
Saint The Sep 19, United
Kitts and Sep 19, 1983
Americas 1983 Kingdom
Saint The Feb 22, United
Feb 22, 1979
Lucia Americas 1979 Kingdom
Vincent The Oct 27, United
Oct 27, 1979
and the Americas 1979 Kingdom
German colony 1900 to 1914;
occupied by New Zealand 1914; Trust
Samoa Oceania Jan 1, 1962 Jan 1, 1962 Samoa Territory first of the League of Nations,
then of the United Nations and
administered by New Zealand, 1920 to
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
Previously part of the Roman Empire,
San Roman
Europe Sep 3, 301 Sep 3, 301 and briefly by Rimini (1503),
Marino Empire
and Papal States (1739).
Jul 12,
Tomé and Africa Jul 12, 1975
1975 Portugal
First Saudi State independent 1744–
1818; last Ottoman troops evicted
Saudi from Medina by Kingdom of
Asia 1744 Jan 1919 Ottoman
Arabia Hejaz 1919; Hejaz incorporated 1926
into Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd,
precursor to Saudi Arabia
Independent first as Mali
Jun 20, Federation with capital in Dakar.
Africa Jun 20, 1960 France
Senegal 1960 Previously part
of Ghana, Mali and Songhai Empires.
2006–present: Republic of Serbia
2003–2006: Part of the union
of Serbia and Montenegro
1992–2003: Part of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia
1946–1992: Part of the Socialist
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
1943–1946: Part of the Democratic
Federal Yugoslavia
1929–1943: Part of the Kingdom of
Serbia 1918–1929: Kingdom of Serbs, Croats
June 3, and Slovenes
Serbia Europe 768 and
2006 1882–1918: Kingdom of Serbia
1815–1882: Principality of Serbia
1804–1813: Revolutionary Serbia (as
independent movement inside the Ottoman
1459–1817: Part of the Ottoman
1402–1459: Serbian Despotate
1371–1402: Moravian Serbia
1346–1371: Serbian Empire
1217–1346: Kingdom of Serbia
768–1217: Principality of Serbia
520s–768: Serbian Sklavinia
Jun 29, United
Seychelles Africa Jun 29, 1976 Perhaps sovereign 1790–1794
1976 Kingdom
Sierra Apr 27, United
Africa Apr 27, 1961
Leone 1961 Kingdom
Asia Aug 31, Aug 9, British colony 1824–1963; occupied by
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
Singapore 1963[87] 1965 Malaysia Japan 1942–1945; declared
independence, then merged with
Malaysia[12][18] from 1963 until 1965.[15][17]

Europe Mar 14, 1939 Jan 1, 1993 Czechoslov

1991–present: Republic of Slovenia
1945–1991: Part of the Socialist
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
1918–1945: Part of the Kingdom of
Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
1918–1918: Part of the State of
Jun 25,
Slovenia Europe Jun 25, 1991 Yugoslavia Slovenes, Croats and Serbs
1806–1918: Duchy of Carinthia (as
part of the Austria-Hungary Empire)
976–1086: Duchy of Carinthia (as part
of the Holy Roman Empire)
889–976: March of Carinthia (as part
of the Carolingian Empire)

Solomon United
Oceania Jul 7, 1978 Jul 7, 1978
Islands Kingdom

1 July 1960: Union of Trust Territory of

Somalia (former Italian Somaliland)
and State of
Somaliland (former British Somaliland)
19th century: Part of Sultanate of
United 18th century: Part of Majeerteen
Kingdom an Sultanate
Africa 200 BC Jul 1, 1960
Somalia 15th century: Part of Adal Sultanate
d Italy 13th century: Part of Ajuran Sultanate
13th century: Part of Warsangali
13th century: Part of Ifat Sultanate
10th century: Part of Sultanate of
200 BCE: Somali city-states
Dominion status 1910, Statute of
Westminster 1931.
Orange Free State 1881-1902
South May 31, May 31, United
Africa Zulu Empire
Africa 1910 1910 Kingdom
Various Bantu (Zulu, Xhosa and Swazi
) and Khoikhoi tribesmen (San
Gojoseon founded 2333 BC
South Aug 15, United by Dangun according to legend.
Asia Aug 15, 1948
Korea 1948 States Modern state established 1948
after US Army Military
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
Government since 1945.
Previously occupied by Japan (1910–
Africa Jul 9, 2011 Jul 9, 2011 Sudan
Founding of the Spanish Monarchy
by Charles I of Spain in 1476 when he
united the Catholic Monarchy (Crown
of Castile and Crown of Aragon)
of Castile
Spain Europe 1516 1516 among other territories. Occupied by
Crown France 1808-1813. Between 1580 and
of Aragon 1640 Portugal and all its colonies were
integrated into an Iberian Union under
the king Felipe II.
Unified as Anuradhapura
Kingdom 377 BC – 1017. Conquered
Sri Feb 4, United
Asia 377 BC by Indian
Lanka 1948 Kingdom
kingdoms, Portuguese, Dutch,
and British.

United Kingdom of Kush 1070 BC – 350 AD.

Kingdom Later ruled by the Ottoman
Sudan Africa 1070 BC Jan 1, 1956
Empire, Egypt, and then as Anglo-
Egypt Egyptian Sudan 1899–1956.

The Nov 25, Kingdom of

Nov 25, 1975
Suriname Americas 1975 the
Sep 6, United
Africa Sep 6, 1968
Swaziland 1968 Kingdom
No exact date for consolidation of
Europe unknown[88] Jun 6, 1523
Sweden Denmark Sweden. In Kalmar Union 1397–1523.
Old Swiss Confederacy formed 1291.
Occupied by France 1798, then
Switzerlan Europe 1291 1815 Austria Austria 1813. 1815 Congress of
Vienna restored independence.

Sep 28, United Ottoman Empire

Syria Asia Apr 17, 1946 Arab
1961 Byzantine Empire
Sep 9, Soviet
Tajikistan Asia Sep 9, 1991
1991 Union
Dec 9, United Independent in 1961 as Tanganyika,
Africa Dec 9, 1961
Tanzania 1961 Kingdom added Zanzibar in 1963.
Independent from Khmer Empire in
Asia 1238 1945 - 1238. Briefly conquered by Burma in
1767. Occupied by Japan 1941–1945.
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes

Nations Ruled by Portugal 1515–
Timor- May 20, Transitional 1975, occupied by Indonesia 1975–
Asia Nov 28, 1975
Leste 2002 Administrati 1999, administered by U.N. 1999–
on in East 2002.
Apr 27,
Togo Africa Apr 27, 1960 France
United United 1845 by George Tupou I.
Tonga Oceania 1845 Jun 4, 1970
Kingdom British protectorate 1900–1970.

Trinidad The Aug 31, United

Aug 31, 1962
and Americas 1962 Kingdom
Mar 20, Occupations by Rome, Ottoman
Africa Mar 20, 1956 France
Tunisia 1956 Empire and France
Seljuq Empire founded 1037;
conquered at 1243 Battle of Köse
Dağ[89] After WWI, the victorious
nental - April 23,
1037 Ottoman Allies occupied large parts of the
Turkey Asia/Europ 1920
Empire Ottoman Empire,
including Constantinople but not

Oct 27, Soviet

Turkmenist Asia Oct 27, 1991
1991 Union
Tuvalu Oceania Oct 1, 1978 Oct 1, 1978
Africa Oct 9, 1962 Oct 9, 1962
Uganda Kingdom
860-1240 - Kievan Rus'
1199-1340 - Kingdom of Rus
Aug 24, Soviet
Europe 860 1648-1764 - Cossack Hetmanate
Ukraine 1991 Union
1917-20 - Ukrainian People's Republic
1918 - Ukrainian State
Dec 2, United
Arab Asia Dec 2, 1971
1971 Kingdom
Kingdom of England (10th century-
United Great 1707), Kingdom of Scotland (9th
Europe 1800 1800
Kingdom Britain century- 1707), Great Britain (1707–
Independence declared 1776; British
United The Oct 19, Great
Jul 4, 1776 surrender 1781; U.S. recognized
States Americas 1781 Britain by Treaty of Paris 1783.
n Date of
of last Previous
Contine sovereign subordi governin
ountry nt ty nation g power Notes
New France, New Spain, Indian tribes,
chiefdoms and confederations.
Independent 1815–1820 as Liga
The Aug 27, Federal; occupied 1820 by
1815 Brazil
Uruguay Americas 1828 Portugal/Brazil until 1828 Treaty of

1924-1936: Uzbek Socialist

Soviet Republic
1936-1992: Uzbek Soviet
Sep 1, Soviet Socialist Republic
Uzbekistan Asia Oct 27, 1924
1991 Union 1992–present: Republic of
Uzbekistan (independence from Soviet
Union declared 1991; constitutionadopted

July 30, Kingdom, Governed 1906–1980 as the New
Oceania July 30, 1980
Vanuatu 1980 Hebrides condominium.
Independent as Papal States 756–
Feb 11,
Vatican Europe 756 Italy 1870; part of Italy until 1929 Lateran
City Treaty
The Jan 13, Gran
Jul 5, 1811 Previously a colony of Spain
Venezuela Americas 1830 Colombia
Văn Lang confederacy arose 2879 BC
under Kinh Dương Vương, founder of
North the Hồng Bàng Dynasty. Several
July 2, Vietnam periods of Chinese
Asia 2879 BC
Vietnam 1976 South domination. French occupation from
Vietnam 1887 until Geneva Conference (1954),
interrupted by Japanese
occupation (1940–1945).
North Yemen independent from
Nov 30, United
Asia Nov 1, 1918 Ottoman Empire 1918; South
Yemen 1967 Kingdom
Yemen from UK in 1967; unified 1990
Oct 24, United
Africa Oct 24, 1964
Zambia 1964 Kingdom


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