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N: Narrator (Ayu)

Dr: Doctor (Bella)

P1: Nurse 1 (Debi)

P2: Nurse 2 (Clara)

Ps: Patient (Beti)

KP: Family Patient (Ayu)

N: A 20-year-old female patient came to the Cipto RS clinic with pain complaints on the right thigh. Pain
is felt more than 3 months, and has been overcome by buying a drug stall. Cytology results show the
growth of malignant cells in bone. X-ray examination shows a triangle of codman. Doctors at RS Cipto
give chemotherapy to patients, then ask the patient to be hospitalized in order to get better.

Ps: Oh ... sick

P1: Good day I am a debi sister and this is my friend sister clara. What's up?

KP: It's my son's mba his leg hurts he said.

P2: Here mba I help get into bed

Q1: I took the TTV tool first (same way P2)

PP2: Okay

Q2: Who's name is mba?

Ps: Beti astuti revelation. Just call Beti

Q2: How old is mba?

Ps: 20 years sus

Q2: What work is mba?

Ps: Student sus

Q2: The address of the house where mba?

Ps: Gedong meneng, rajabasa

Q2: What complaints are mba?

Ps: My right thigh hurt sus

Q2: How long has the illness been?

Ps: 3 months ago, after I ran early

P1: I checked his blood pressure first ya mba

Ps: Yes sus

Q1: Did you ever get sick like this before?

KP: Never sus, but usually just take the medicine stalls. Because we think it's just ordinary pain

Q1: There is a sick family like this one bu?

KP: There is sus, his grandmother was also like this

P1: This blood pressure is 120/80. Normal mba. Now I check the pulse, breathing, and body temperature
ya mba

Q1: Do you have any history of allergies?

Ps: Nah sus

P1: Nuluk 70x / menit, breathing 18x / minute, temperature 37oc. Normal all ya mba.

P2: Well then, I'll call the doctor first.

P2: Doc, there is a patient his name is beti. Please check the dock

Dr: All right. TTV already done?

P1: Already dock.

Dr: How is the result?

P1: Blood Pressure: 120/80, pulse: 70x / min, Respiration: 18x / min, Temperature: 37oc

Dr: Good day, I'm Bella's doctor. With mba beti ya?

Ps: Yes dock

Dr: Yesterday it's already checked in the lab. Well from the results of the examination, mbanya was
diagnosed with osteosarkoma or bone cancer

KP: So ya dock. Then what to do?

Dr.: Today I will take chemotherapy action. Willing or not mba?

Ps: How do you think?

KP: Agree dock. I hope my son can recover

PP2: Okay, then please sign this approval letter bu

Dr.: Sister, let's take the patient to the chemotherapy room

P1: Good dock

Dr.: Mba beti, I will do chemotherapy, so that cancer cells do not spread faster all over the body. This
action is rather painful.

Ps: Yes dock

Dr: No need to strain. MBA where?

Ps: Umitra dock

Dr: What department?

Ps: Department of sports dock. I used to be a former marathon athlete. But after that stop because of
this pain

Dr: Oh right. It's finished ya mba beti. Starting tonight mba should be treated here for

KP: Can not just take care of dock?

Dr: No bu, we have to monitor conditions every day. Later if the condition has improved we just allowed

KP: Good dock then

Dr.: Sister, please send the mba beti to the rose room yes. Day after tomorrow do not forget to do a
blood test again

P2: Good dock. How to prescribe the medicine?

Dr: Let me write first. Later, let the sister of debi delivering to it.

P2: Let me put it into the rose room

P2: Later if you need help, can call us at nurse station bu. Excuse me

KP: Good sus, thank you

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