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of Printed Pages : 4 BESE-065


Lc) Term-End Examination

December, 2013

Time : 3 hours Maximum Weightage : 70%

Note : (i) All the four questions are compulsory.

(ii) All the questions carry equal weightage.

1. Answer the following question in about

600 words :
Briefly discuss the present situation of HIV/AIDS
in India. Discuss how India can benefit from the
initiatives taken by various other countries in this
Critically discuss the staging system for patients
with HIV/AIDS in India evolved by the National
Aids Control Organisation (NACO).

2. Answer the following question in about

600 words :
Discuss how HIV is transmitted through blood
and blood products ?
What do you understand by pre-test and
post-test counselling to help HIV infected
patients ? Briefly explain the steps followed in the
process of counselling.

BESE-065 1 P.T.O.
rite snorL any four of [he totiovvin_,-, in
about 150 words each :
(a) Role of school in preventing drug addiction
among students.
(b) School programmes for HIV and AIDS
prevention in India.
(c) Role of values and morals in the prevention
(d) Palliative care of HIV/AIDS patients.
(e) Main content to be covered for HIV/AIDS
programme for adolescents.
(f) Ethical issues in categories for prevention

4. Answer the following question in about

600 words :
In a discussion with students, colleagues and
parents on the various modes of transmission of
HIV and the precautions required to be taken for
prevention, you must have come across a variety
of views and suggestions. In the midst of this how,
you as a teacher, would convince them that
modification of the individuals behaviour is the
safest and surest way of preventing HIV/AIDS.

BESE-065 2
- 065

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TirR7 :3 Vure• 37-fETTUTT 9.11-Thdr : 70%

(i) 79.17- rm . 977 3TrTdref e I

(ii) 7:19# V7* 47? VOW wwi el

1. fir 1779. chl 3211 ce1'1947 600
9TR7 1.31-r.a1./wr -q--4-TTF f chi *-)-cr
rid=4-11 14) 3-74 -k7ff
TZT zaT chl 91TTff *-4c IT 361 t?
-Ut stzT 57)-241T1T1t-2.TT9 (NACO) TTT F-1,1-111-qd 9-TR7
(staging system) oh) 3-Tiff)-q7741T 1"vr-A7
- I

2. -r9-If *I 3t1t (-1,111-Tr 600 7f-- )' 14 qI\TR :

r4 --1-rq7 Fon 1. tail r
X11. 3RT 49h 4-1c1 t(rTit *TO Lit'lUcri
-7-{-rItvi 3Trcr -cRpRt -TT-i'm 4
--q-71 ch l cif -q-uh-

BESE-065 3 P.T.O.
3. fil:71. -11 It 97 150 7T-- -gfff
fF7t :
(a) Piurr2174 -1Trq--- yq104 a71 -4-- 41-4 -4 Fa
li-FLwr I
(b) 1.3 a1./771. -4T241-4 rcrsiloq
li#TWT I
(d) I (Palliative)
(e) f-*-‘qtt *I4s414-1
(-it qr-71 f4Erzi 411
(f)1.3-1.0i)./774 ct-;) 'ter
(Ethical Issues) f 117 4fuRit I

4. f9-1=i ;R-1 chi (14 0.17 600 71"): :

NR-TrWrf, Tr[21-, "
roki, (41 s=ii
arm zi-raq-rr-9-zil," 3Trcr--*'r -4-q-a- -4 Ho
R-11-11A -51-71 641 174 31-rwt 'Ti, ai-rcr
7T. 31.t.7119 rch
(9-iracHici 1Tr-q-4 TR-1-ff
74 31-R-4 - tI

BESE-065 4

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