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Geostatistical Analysis of Mercury Data (Hg) in Mineral Exploration Prospect of

Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara

Rizal Adi Prabowoa, Ferdi Endinandab, Ibnu Syukron Alfaherc

Geology , Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
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Geology , Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
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Geology , Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
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This research is conducted to find out the Hg anomaly pattern that can be used in
the interpretation of ore deposits for mineral exploration purposes. Distribution of mercury
in the air collected at ground level correlates well with the distribution of gold-bearing
rocks that are covered by gravel. Analysis uses secondary Hg data report of Dompu
Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province from Geology Resource Center.

Analysis on 102 Hg data using Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) consists

summary statistic analysis, histogram, and boxplot. Boxplot method obtains 1 outlier value
that is 1425, which is not used in further analysis. After completion of EDA, variogram
modeling was performed 50 times obtaining optimum results of Spherical model on 900
lag spacing with variogram nugget = 32483, sill = 69228, and range = 7200. Following the
variogram model, the analysis was continued by Ordinary Kriging method using ILWIS
with a pixel size of 900 meters. The map error results are displayed in blue to dark red

The error value of the kriging result map is not very significant for the region that
has a large Hg value range, so it can be estimated that the mercury distribution correlating
with ore deposits in the area is quite good. Based on several methods that have been done,
there is a trend of NW-SE mercury distribution in accordance with the orientation of the
geological structure faulting in the area of Dompu Regency. The Hg content in the
atmosphere is higher over ore deposits than barren ground.

Keywords: Ore Deposits, Dompu Regency, Geostatistic, Mercury.


Permeability is the ability of porous media to deliver fluid. High permeability is

generally caused by the presence of geological structures such as fault or fractures
(Nicholson, 1993: Kooten, 1987, Envall, 2008). In geothermal exploration, permeability
zones are often used for drilling targets. (Kamah, 2001)

Common methods used to delineate the permeable zone are the concentration
analysis of Hg. The distribution and concentration of volatile components such as Hg is
generally present in geothermal fluids and can migrate to the surface (Koga, et al, 1982).
The presence of an Hg anomaly on the surface may be an indication of a geothermal
permeability zone (Sundhoro, 2005).

In this study, the analyst focused on the exploration of economical mineral deposit
ores associated with the Hg concentration data in the soil. Based on the results of
investigations conducted by the Geological Resource Center and other institutions, several
minerals and geothermal are formed in the same geological environment, which results
from hydrothermal activity.1

Magmatic or hydrothermal activity can take place in the period of thousands to

millions of years, so that can be found mineral deposits in economical scale in the
geothermal potential area. Even some gold mines for example are in geothermal areas
such as Hisikari gold mines in Japan and Lihir in Papua New Guinea. Primary gold
exploration is difficult, but with the disclosure of geothermal manifestations can be one of
the earliest indications of possible prospects of gold mineralization prospects.1

Well-delineated Hg data for example by geostatistical methods may be able to

show permeable zones that potentially create mineralized of some minerals. The likelihood
of the mineralization process is closely related to the alteration of rocks caused by
hydrothermal fluid whose effect may increase with increasing permeability.

Sabtanto Joko Suprapto, “Kekerabatan Emas dan Panas Bumi”, Geomagz, taken from on 22 September
2017 at 08.08 am
This paper aims to analyze the distribution pattern of Hg and estimate anomalous
areas which are generally correlated with the permeability zone which is an important
factor in mineral exploration.

This research was conducted with secondary data from geological and geochemical
integrated surveys, Geothermal Areas, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province
(Survey Team for Nusa Tenggara Region, 2004). The data of Hg content used is expressed
in ppb (part per billion) and amount 102 data. Data analysis was done using software
ILWIS and Microsoft Excel. Flowchart methodology is shown in figure 1.

Prior to the geostatistical analysis, Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), Exploratory

Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA), Semivariogram, and Ordinary Kriging were performed. In
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), the analysis is done by creating histogram, summary
statistic analysis, and boxplot. Histogram can explain the condition of the data used
whether the data in the form of data bimodal or unimodal and can determine skewness.
Summary statistic analysis can show the value of the mean, median, and whether modes
are normally distributed or not and can indicate whether the data is classified or not.
Boxplot is used to determine the outlier value of the data then the outlier value will be
treated according to the need. (Tukey, 1977)

Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) aims to analyze spatial relationships

(Rusche, 2008). ESDAs are: (1) postplot (integrated with Countur Map) is used to check
data trends (Bohling, 2005) (2) Symbol map, a map that uses certain symbols for a
particular class to represent the values contained at the location of the symbol in the map
of research location. (Jenny, 2009)

Semivariogram is used to determine data variation, anisotropy, and semivariogram

data model. In the analysis using semivariogram determined the value of sill, range, and
nuggets. Sill shows a limit value when the data has not shown the correlation or is often
referred to the maximum value of semivariogram. Range shows the distance when sill is
reached, meaning the range is the distance when data has started does not show correlation
between data. The nugget is the semivariogram value when the lag is equal to zero or in

the same place when the data is taken at different times, so the value is different.
(Suryantini, 2017, Matheron, 1963)

Kriging is used to estimate the value of Hg content on point map. Kriging type
used is Ordinary Kriging, due to the assumption that the mean and trend value of Hg data
is unknown. This method will provide a map of the spread of Hg content and error map.
Error map will show error value of kriging estimation result. The smaller the error value
the better the result of its kriging estimation. (Alfina, 2010; David, 1977)

Regional Geology
The research area is the geothermal prospect of Dompu and its surrounding
districts which are administratively located in geographical position between 118 ° 22 '30'
'- 118 ° 30' 00 "East Longitude and 06 ° 45 '30" - 08 ° 53' 30 "South Latitude with a UTM
scale of 659000mE- 661500mE and 9025750mN-9021750mN.

The morphology of Dompu district is a steep hill to the waves with an altitude
between 200-1100 mdpl formed by the cone of old tertiary-aged volcanic rock that
occupies the Middle to the East of the research area. While the plains occupy the West and
North to Gari beach. The influence of regional tectonic symptoms from pre-Tertiary to
Tertiary (Miocene) periods resulted in the formation of highly complex faults section and
structures or the appearance of volcanic bodies or old volcanic rocks on the southern route
of Sumbawa Island (Survey Team of Nusa Tenggara Region, 2004).

Old Tertiary Tierier aged volcanic rocks (Old Andersite) in the South line
accumulate metallic minerals such as gold, silver, copper and gemmatite by sulfur
sublimation at high temperatures (655-1000 ° C ).

The role of the fault system is important as geological and geothermal control, in
addition to being a medium of rising fluid heat to the surface and also serves as a
geothermal accumulation site along the fracture path. The general orientation of the
structure in the geothermal area of Dompu Regency is the northwest-southeast-trending
faults shown in the figure 2. The fault zone is composed of lava rock and breccia rocks
(Figure 2) (East Nusa Tenggara Province Survey Team, 2004).

Result and Analysis

Prior to the geostatistical analysis, EDA was performed using summary statistic
analysis (Table 1), histogram (Figure 3), and boxplot (Figure 4) obtained using Microsoft
Excel. Here are the EDA results obtained. From summary statistic analysis (table 1) and
Histogram (figure 3), data have skewness value > 1 that is 1,23 (Brown, 1997) which
means data is positive skewness.

In the boxplot determination (figure 4) Hg distribution is used to determine the

characteristics of the data distribution as well as the dissemination of observational data.
From the result of boxplot shown in Figure 4, got 1 population and found 1 outlier. The
presence of a distant 1 outlier at the top of the boxplot (Figure 4) accompanied by a longer
top whisker, indicating that the data distribution tends to the right (positive skewness).

Outlier value based on boxplot analysis is above 1115 ppb. From the existing
results it can be said that there is only 1 outlier, the value is 1425 ppb. The geostatistical
method will be good if the data used is normally distributed and there is no outlier.
Therefore the outliers are not included in the next analysis of variogram and kriging.

If the outliers are removed, the resulting EDA can be seen in figure 5. From the
Histogram (figure 5) and Summary Statistic (table 3), it is concluded that the data has a
value of skewness that is < 0.97 (Brown, 1997) so the data is normal. Peak on the
histogram formed in the second class while the mean value of 460.47, median 409, 360
mode and the standard deviation of 232.81 is quite large.

Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis

Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) is useful to know spatial distribution of

data. Outliers in this stage analysis are not included. The method used is Countur Map
(Figure 6) and Symbol Map (Figure 7) using ILWIS application.

From the spatial data of figure 6 it can be seen that the data sampling is good
because it is perpendicularly done by the fault structure and consistent distance between
the data. From the modeling results, it is seen that there are areas that have the highest
concentration of Hg (red circle in the figure 6 and 7). So it can be said that the location has
a good permeability.

Hg dispersion anomalies with geothermal manifestations have the same tendency
to be seen on Countur Map (figure 6). There are 2 places where high concentrated Hg
values which, when compared to the geological map (figure 2), are one of the most
geothermal manifestations of hot springs. The faults in the area add the permeability of the
rocks so that the possibility of alteration by the hydrothermal fluid is greater.

Alteration is one of the founders of mineralization, so the probability of

mineralization in the area is also greater. Keep in mind also, mineral deposits associated
with high accumulation of Hg is epithermal type gold deposit.

Variogram Analysis

Based on the previous EDA and ESDA analyzes, variograms were used to see the
spatial relationships shown with nugget, sill, and range values. The direction used is
omnidirectional and the model used is spherical model because the data tend to show slow
increase which then tend to be constant (Bohling, 2005). Variogram equations are shown
in Figures 8 and 9.

Experiments have been done with various lag in making variogram. A lag of 900 m
(Figure 8) is considered to be a lag that has the best semivariogram results since many
semivariogram plot points tend to be on the model line. This semivariogram model is a
spherical model. With lag 900 m obtained sill value = 69228, range = 7200, and nugget =
32483. Determination of the best variogram is needed to get the required variables in the
next step, Ordinary Kriging.

Variogram Surface

From the appearance of Variogram Surface in Figure 9, it is seen that the HG

anomaly data in this area is isotropic because from the center of the surface to a circle
radius of 7200 m, the data is dominated by blue. This blue color indicates that field data in
this area is still correlated with a circle radius of 7200 m.

This is a possible discovery of economical location of mineralization in terms of

statistics because apart from the high value of Hg data, this area is also large enough for

Kriging Analysis

To interpolate the Hg distribution data in order to obtain the estimation area, the
author uses Ordinary Kriging method. Estimated kriging is used using ILWIS software. In
kriging analysis, it takes the farthest distance of data to estimate the area to be studied
which is then used as the field length (Figure 10) and a lag of 900m from the analysis of
the variogram is reused in this analysis. The result obtained is the estimation map of Hg
distribution and its error map. Ordinary Kriging was chosen because based on the analysis
of variogram obtained that the characteristics of Hg distribution in Dompu isotropic

In the estimation map of the result, kriging obtained the distribution map (figure
11) which is expressed by color classification. Blue to pink color shows an increasing Hg
With ILWIS software, error map (picture 12) is obtained from kriging. Error map is a map
showing the error value of kriging estimation results. The smaller the error value, the
better the result of its kriging estimation. The error map results are shown in the color scale
of blue to dark red. The error value of the results of this analysis is not too large for areas
that have a large Hg anomalous value range.

Therefore, according to the estimation of the kriging result, the region at

coordinates 655000-659000, 9027000-9030000 or an area of ± 12000 km2 has a good
enough permeability that can cause the process of alteration of rock by hydrothermal fluid
which is the forerunner of mineralization process.

The Hg element in the vapor phase will be transported to the surface (Nicholson,
1993) and Hg will be concentrated in the permeable zone. Hg concentration value of soil
between 20-1425 ppb. The distribution of soil Hg concentration at -1 m, indicates that Hg
anomaly is focused along Doro Nangasia, Ncangga and Doro Wawosigi - Nangadoro with
north - south pattern (Figure 13). From the Ordinary Kriging method that has been done,
we get the trend of Hg distribution in the direction of the general orientation of existing
geological structure, in the direction of NW-SE. This indicates a suitability between the
map of the kriging result and the dispersion map of the Hg area (Figure 14)

Based on the comparison in figure 14, it can be seen that the result of Ordinary
Kriging map has correlation with the existing Hg distribution map. On both maps it shows
that the fault structure controls the distribution of the Hg and the distribution of Hg itself
proves to have a direct orientation with the fault structure of NW-SE. In both maps there is
also a geothermal manifestation of hot springs, which on the kriging map is indicated by
the abundant amount of Hg (> 700 ppb / purple).

Conclusion and Recommendation

Field data anomalies Hg of Dompu region has an Hg distribution approaching the

normal distribution. Spatial data shows good sampling of data that is done perpendicular
strike fault structure and consistent distance between data.

Isotropic surface data variogram shows this area is still correlated with a circle
radius of 7200 m. Kriging can show a wide prospect of approximately ± 12000 km 2 with
an average Hg anomaly of ± 1000 ppb with an error of 200 ppb. This is considered to be
quite economical because of the large permeability of large states of flow from the
hydrothermal fluid. The larger the flow of hydrothermal fluid passing through the
permeable region, the greater the alteration of the rock.

This data resides in high permeability rock areas that have NW-SE trends where
this may be due to the presence of a NW-SE trending fault zone. The permeability value
shows a high scale in the northeastern region because there are many geothermal
manifestations of hot springs and lithology types in the form of lava rock units and
breccias of good permeability.

So it can be said that the area of Dompu region has the prospect of an economical
mineral deposit for future exploration with multiple geothermal manifestations and has a
good permeability located around the NW-SE fault of an area of ± 12000.


The author thanks to Dr. Eng. Suryantini and Hendro Wibowo, ST. MSc. who have
given us a very useful geostatistical science. The author also thanks to colleagues who help
and provide encouragement.


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Analisa Non-Spasial

Exploratory Data Analysis

Data terdistribusi
normal Terdapat Terdapat
Trend Outlier


Spatia Data


Semivarioram Map

Interpolasi Spasial

Ordinary Kriging

Validasi menggunakan Kriging Error


Figure 1. Flowchart


Map Unit Correlation

Gn. Wawosigi Gn.Puma


Figure 2. Geological Map, Dompu Regency, NTB (East Nusa Tenggara Province Survey
Team, 2004) with modification.
Table 1. Summary statistic with preliminary data
Summary Statistic
Mean 469.83 Histogram
Standard Error 24.67 40 120,00% Frequency
Median 409.00 30

Mode 360.00 80,00%
20 60,00%
Standard Deviation 250.41 40,00% Cumulative
Sample Variance 62703.08 10
20,00% %
Kurtosis 1.88 0 0,00%
Skewness 1.23
Range 1405.00 Bin
Minimum 20.00 Figure 3. Histogram with preliminary data
Maximum 1425.00
Sum 48393.00 1200
Count 103.00

Table 2. Boxplot data analysis 800

Labels Hg
Min 20 600
Q1 328
Median 445
Q3 572
Max 1115
IQR 244 200
Upper Outlier 1
Lower Outliers 0 0

Table 3. Summary statistic without outlier Figure 4. BoxPlot Hg Data

Summary Statistic
Mean 460.47
Standard Error 23.05 Histogram
Median 409.00
Mode 360.00 30 120,00%
Standard Deviation 232.81 25 100,00%

Sample Variance 54202.27 20 80,00%
Kurtosis 0.80 15 60,00%
Skewness 0.97 10 40,00%
Range 1095.00 5 20,00% Cumulative %

Minimum 20.00 0 0,00%

Maximum 1115.00
Sum 46968.00
Count 102.00 Bin

Figure 5. Histogram without outlier

Unit: ppb
Hot Springs

Figure 6. Countur Map Hg Data

Figure 7. Symbol Map Hg Data

Figure 8. Distance x Semivariogram Data Hg

lag 900 m

Figure 9. Variogram Surface lag 900 m


Figure 11. Map of Estimated Kriging and


Figure 10. Field Length

Figure 12. Error Map Kriging and legend

1 2

Sesar 1. Doro Nangasia, Ncangga

Lokasi Penelitian 2. Doro Wawosigi – Nangadoro

Figure 13. Map of Hg Data Distribution (East Nusa Tenggara Province Survey
Team, 2004) with modification.

UNIT: ppb


Figure 14. Comparasion of Hg Distribution Map with Map of Ordinary Kriging


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