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Name : Kania Salsabila Putri (165061100111002)

Najiyyatu Ni’matil A’la (165061100111012)
Class : Chemichal Engineering - B

 Topic : The Comparison between Homemade food and Fastfood
For College students
 Main point :

From What Aspect Student will choose ?

 Health
 Budget
 Effectiveness


 The different between Homemade food and Fast food

Homecooked meal is food made using materials that can be trusted in terms
of cleanliness because this dish is made to be eaten by ourselves

Fast food is meal that served in a quick time, practical, and low in fiber and
high in fat.

 Health Aspect

Homemade food :
It is healthier because it contains way less calories, sugars, sodium, fats, and
carbohydrates. Plus when cooking your foods you are able to use good quality
ingredients. Eating at home gives you options of different variety, and you are able to
make the food in how you like it. In addition, when eating a home cooked meal you
are able to use the freshest ingredients and not worry about bad condiments that the
food may have. Even though people eat food at home, that does not mean that
they are considered healthy. You always want to watch what foods you buy and the
nutritional value of the product. When going to shop for groceries we have to be
aware of the nutrition fact Labels. This will give you a better understanding of what
kind of ingredients you will be putting into your body. Other than fast foods, you have
no idea what kind of ingredients that the food may contain. There is a big difference
with the calorie intake of a home cooked meal than eating fast food.

Fast food :
 Higher Risk of Obesity
In a large study funded by the National Institutes of Health and published in the
January 2005 issue of “Lancet,” young adults who consumed fast food more than
twice a week gained 10 more pounds than those who had fast food less than once a
week. The study in the April 2004 issue of the “Journal of American College of
Nutrition” found that adults ages 20 and older who frequently ate fast food had higher
body mass indexes than those who consumed fast food less frequently. A small
order of fries and a large hamburger at a fast food outlet has about 800 calories, and
sweetened soft drinks, which are often sold with fast food meals, have been linked to
obesity in several studies.
 Higher Risk of Poor Nutrition
Data from more than 17,000 adults and children analyzed and published in the
October 2003 issue of the “Journal of the American Dietetic Association” showed
that those who frequently consumed fast food had lower intakes of vitamins A and C,
dietary fiber, milk and fruits and vegetables than subjects who didn’t eat fast food.
The fast-food eaters also had higher intakes of calories, saturated fat and sodium
than the other subjects. Consumption of carbonated soft drinks was more than
double for the frequent fast food eaters, who also consumed more than twice the
amount of fried potatoes as those who didn’t eat fast food. Filling up on fat-laden fast
food and sugary soft drinks leaves little room for more nutritious fare that supports
good health.
 Higher Risk of Diabetes and Stroke
Eating fast food more than twice a week doubled the incidence of insulin resistance,
a risk factor for diabetes, in the 2005 study published in “Lancet,” and a 2010
Harvard report linked sweetened soft drinks with an increased risk of Type 2
diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, the risk of stroke may be related to the
number of fast food restaurants in a neighborhood, according to a study published in
the “Annals of Neurology” in 2009. The study found the risk of stroke increased by 1
percent for every fast food restaurant in a Texas neighborhood. Fast food is loaded
with sodium, which increases the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.
 Budget Aspect
Homemade food :
Eating homemade foods is usually much cheaper than eating at a restaurant or
buying processed foods from the market. Because When we eat at a restaurant, we
pay for not only the food, but also the costs of running that business. The lights, the
water, the building, and the staff — in addition to the meal we are eating. The same
goes for the pre-made or frozen meals at grocery stores.

With the economy in a recession, many peopele are eating more homemade food
because it is cheaper than going to a restaurant or buying pre-cooked meals.
Preparing food in large quantities, which you can do at home, allows you to be more
economical with your money.

Fast Food :

Eating fast food is more expensive than eating your own cooking because when we
eat at restaurant we pay for the whole service that we have, and if we compare fast
food to homemade food, homecooked meal can be more economical. Example, the
leftover can we save in the refrigerator and we can eat it in the other day.

 Effectiveness

Homemade food :

The disadvantage of Homemade food for collage student is about the time to make
the dish, because we know that college student really have a high activities so they
prefer Fast food to help them in fulfill the needed of daily eating. And the problem is
many college student doesnt have a skill at cooking, so by cooking it maybe takes a
lot of time to get wasted

Fast food :

One of the biggest advantages of fast food is that it is really fast. People do not
spend much time ordering their food and eating it on the go. People tend to work
more and cook less than they used to 50 years ago .Technological development
simplify peoples attitude to food and cooking; all they need is to heat their meals in
the microwave oven. Moreover, accessibility of fast rood restaurants is becoming
better and better. Contrary to this, cooking at home seems less attractive due to the
routine related to this process. Grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning up, and
developing cooking skills are required. Because time is the most expensive thing in
the world, not all people are ready to spend it on cooking. Many people complaints
about lack of time for cooking arc common; however, the popularity of food shows is
on the peak .Instead of cooking, people prefer to watch how others cook.

 Conclusion

In Our survey we can conclude that 25% students choose fast food and the rest
(75% students) choose homemade food. However, in that survey have a story
behind it, many student in their daily life consume fast food more often than
homemade food itself, but why they are choosing homemade food than fast food ?
Because they said that they are concern about health problem, but since they are so
busy they finally eat fast food as a routine.

In conclusion, we know what is best for our health we should consider keeping it as
a Lifestyle to eat the right foods. Both fast food and home cooked food have their
differences. Fast food may seem more affordable and convenient but a home
cooked meal is made with much better quality. We personally believe that home food
is much superior to fast foods. Eating home food will keep our mind from thinking of
all, the health problems. Promptly it is up to us to choose the right foods to eat. The
solution that we can conclude as a college student would much rather go with a
combine of home food and fast food maybe in our busy time we can have fast food
to fulfill the needed of eat. And in our leisure time we can spend that time to cook a
homemade food for ourselves so that we not always eat the fast food, to keep
balancing what nutritions that come to our body.

What Aspect will student

choose ?



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