Project COS+Rubrics+EvaluationRules

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Course Outcomes for Mini Project

After completion of the project work, Students will be able to

CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Identify , formulate the problem and define the objectives
CO2 Review the literature and provide efficient design solution with appropriate consideration for societal, health and safety issues
CO3 Select the engineering tools/components and develop an experimental setup to validate the design
CO4 Test, analyse and interpret the results of the experiments in compliance with the defined objectives
CO5 Document as per the standard, present effectively the work following professional ethics and interact with target group
CO6 Contribute to the team, lead the diverse team, demonstrating engineering and management principles

Project Evaluation Rubrics

Parameter > 75% 50- 60% <40%
Literature Survey About 10 articles are referred Referred to more than 5 articles; No references included
Appropriately summarized Appropriately summarized; No recent
Included recent references from Peer references
Reviewed Journals/Magazines/Papers
Problem statement Problem formulation is clear, can be Problem statement is clear ; Problem statement not clear
implemented and tested. No scope for innovation or visibility
Conforms to one of the four domains: Signal (Publication or exhibitions)
processing, Communication, Embedded
systems, Microelectronics
Contribution to society, Community that shall benefit clearly specified Safety measures not specified Solution do not consider environment
concern for environment Environment friendly solution and society
Project scheduling (time- Clear time-lines specified Time-line specified without clear No clear implementation plan
line) and work delegation Uniform allocation of work among the team distribution of workload
Identification of essential Clear list and description and justification of Necessary justification / details not No mention of any concept or
blocks/concepts mathematical, science, engineering and provided knowledge of any concepts used
management concepts
Design(s) Provide clear solution to the problem Only one design is implemented No design included
Comparison of performance of more than one No proper comparison
design approach
Modern tool usage Clear justification in selection of the There is no justification Nothing unique or modern
tool/package/hardware being used is provided Simply a working model is the aim!
Analysis of results Clear analysis of the experimental results, No analysis
inferences with relative merits and limitations Merits and limitations not specified
Inferences not drawn
Budget analysis Budget analysis for the resources Restricted to finance No budget analysis included
Compliance to standards Clear statement of the existing Clear statement but does not include Standards/Norms not stated
standards/Norms, with compliance compliance
Presentation Well organized Oral and multimedia Incomplete information Poor organization, no distribution of
presentation with equal participation Unequal participation work
Demo/video of the working model
Time utilization
Project report Well organized, clear objectives and Poorly written Not in conformity to the structure
conformity to the structure Conformity to the structure Time-line not followed
Originality score Professional Ethics followed <50% <60%
Plagiarism check (<40%)
Viva-voce Clear understanding of the Fundamental Demonstrates some understanding of No knowledge/understanding
concepts related to the project concepts
Performance in the team Contributes and cooperates in the team, and Cooperates but does not contribute to No involvement
mentors/leads the team the team

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