Unit 8 Week 2

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Focus : Listening and speaking

Theme: World of Stories

Topic: 8. How the Tiger Got Its Stripes

DAY Content Standard: 1.2

Learning Standard: 1.2.1(e)

DATE Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. Express opinions on animals’ strengths and characteristics.

Teaching Aids : text book, pictures, task sheet

English CCE/EE: Multiple intelligences, values and citizenship.

Activities :
a. Pre listening-speaking:
1. Recap previous lesson by asking pupils to talk about the buffalo’s strengths.
 big
 strong
Time 2. Then, get the pupils to name some animals that are powerful and strong.
 elephant
 gorilla
(60 minutes)  cow
3. Get the pupils to look at TB page 73.
4. Read the text to the pupils.
5. Ask a few questions to check understanding.
Examples: Why did the tiger feel proud of his sharp claws?
: What did the tiger use his big paws for?

b. While listening-speaking:
1. Put up pictures and characteristics of an eagle, a horse, and a lion.
2. Get pupils’ attention to the lion.
3. Conduct a whole discussion on a lion’s characteristics.
4. Write pupils’ responses on the board.
5. Pupils work in groups of 3. Assign each pupil one animal.
6. Pupils say what they are proud of.
7. Pupils use the sentence pattern given.
Sentence pattern: I am proud of ______________ because I can _______ .
8. Guide pupils from group to group.

c. Post listening and speaking:

1. Pupils work with the same group.
2. Give this situation to the pupils.
3. Situation:
Imagine that you are an elephant.
 What would you be proud of?
 Suggest other characteristics that you wish to have.
4. Pupils write the answers on the task sheet given.
5. Each group presents their answers in front of the class. (provide guidance if
d. Closure:
1. Sum up the lesson by telling pupils to be thankful and always appreciate what
they have.

Attendance: Reflection:
____ out of ____ a. ____ out of ____ pupils were able to express opinions on animals’
Absent: strengths and characteristics.
Imagine that you are an elephant.
1. What would you be proud of?



2. Suggest other characteristics that you wish to have.

Focus : Reading

Theme: World of Stories

Topic: 8. How the Tiger Got Its Stripes

Content Standard: 2.2

DAY Learning Standard: 2.2.3 (a)(c)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a. Read and understand the text by answering questions.
DATE b. Read and sequence sentences in the correct order.

Teaching Aids: text book, task sheet, picture

Subject CCE/EE: Thinking Skills, values and citizenship.

Activities :

Class a. Pre reading:

1. Show a picture of a tiger.
2. Get the pupils to give suitable words to describe the tiger.
3. Write pupils’ responses on the board in bubble map form.

Time b. While reading:

1. Get the pupils to read the text silently.
2. Pupils work in the same groups.
(60 minutes) 3. Give each group an envelope containing sentence strips.
4. In groups, pupils read and arrange the strips to form the correct sequence of
the story.
5. When they are done, give each group the answer.
6. Pupils read it and correct their answers, if necessary.
7. Each group reads their sentence strips aloud.
8. Check and correct their answers.

c. Post reading:
1. Pupils work with the same group.
2. Distribute task sheet.
3. Get them to discuss the questions and write the answers on the task sheet
4. Invite group leaders present their work.
5. Give feedback to pupils.
6. Do not correct pupils' answers. Focus more on helping them give appropriate

d. Closure:
1. Get the pupils to share how they feel about the characters in the story.

Attendance: Reflection:
_____ out of ____ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to read and understand the
Absent: text by answering questions.
b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to read and sequence
sentences in the correct order.
Give suitable words to describe the tiger.
Give suitable words to describe the tiger.
Sequence the sentences in the correct order.

The men went home with his animals.

One day, the tiger saw a buffalo working for a man.

The buffalo and the other animals laughed.

It wanted the man’s wisdom.

The man was afraid the tiger would eat his goats.

So, he tied the tiger to a tree.

Finally, the tiger hid in the jungle.

The tiger broke free from the tree.

It saw its reflection.

Read the story. Answer the questions below.

1. Why did the tiger want wisdom?



2. Did the tiger find wisdom at the end of the story? Why?



3. If you were the author, how would you end the story?




Focus : Writing

Theme: World of Stories

Topic: 8. How the Tiger Got Its Stripes

Content Standards :3.2

Learning Standards: 3.2.1 (a), 3.2.2 (a)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

DATE a. Transfer information to complete linear text.
b. Write stories with guidance.

Teaching Aids : text book, task sheet, pictures.

English CCE/EE: Multiple intelligences, thinking skills, values and citizenship.

Activities :
a. Pre writing:
1. Put up a picture with sentences on the board.
2. Get the pupils to read the sentences.
3. Tell pupils that these sentences are written using basic sentence patterns.
Time 4. Introduce the four basic sentence patterns to the pupils.
5. Guide pupils to use these basic sentence patterns in writing sentences.
6. Give them a few examples. (TB page 79)
(60 minutes)
b. While writing:
1. Put up pictures with words on the board. (TB age 79)
2. Get the pupils to talk about the pictures orally based on the words given.
3. Divide pupils into groups.
4. Distribute task sheet to pupils.
5. In groups, guide pupils to write sentences based on pictures and words
6. Pupils write the sentences in the task sheet given.
7. Paste pupils’ task sheets on the board.
8. Each group select one representative to read their sentences.
9. Teacher leads pupils to make comments and edit any language errors.

c. Post writing:
1. Get the pupils to write the story in neat cursive writing.

d. Closure:
1. Sum up the lesson by telling pupils in order to be successful, they must
never give up in anything they do.
2. Get the pupils to brainstorm the morals of the story.
3. Write pupils’ responses on the board in circle map form.

Attendance: Reflection:
____ out of ____ a. _________ out of _____ pupils were able to transfer information to
Absent: complete linear text.

b. _________ out of _____ pupils were able write stories with guidance.
Write sentences based on the pictures and words given below.

Use the four types of sentences. (refer to TB page 79)

hot crow


It was a hot day. There was

a crow. He was so thirsty.

water pitcher


drink little


idea pebbles

rise top


quench thirst



Write the story in neat cursive writing.















If you try hard enough, you
may soon find an answer to
your problem.

2. Thoughtfulness is
6. Creativity and
superior to brute

5. One must put 3. If there is a will,

effort and hard
There is a way.
work in order to
get result.

4. Necessity is the
mother of invention.
Focus : Grammar

Theme: World of Stories

Topic: 8. How the Tiger Got Its Stripes

Content Standard : 5.1

DAY Learning Standards: 5.1.4

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a. Fill in the blanks with ‘since’, ‘although’, or ‘because’.
DATE b. Complete the sentences using ‘since’, ‘although’, or ‘because’.
c. Write two sentences each using ‘since’, ‘although’, and ‘because’.

Teaching Aids: text book, power point slides, task sheet

English CCE/EE: Thinking skills, contextual learning.

Activities :
a. Presentation:
1. Recap previous lesson by asking pupils to name a few conjunctions.
2. Tell pupils that ‘since’, ‘although’, and ‘because’ are also conjunctions.
3. Show power point slides on conjunctions for further explanation.
4. Teacher may also get the pupils to refer to TB page 81 for examples.
b. Practice:
1. Pupils work in pairs.
(60 minutes) 2. Explain to pupils how to do these activities.
3. Activity 1:
 Pupils fill in the blanks using ‘since’, ‘although’ or ‘because’.
4. Activity 2:
 Pupils complete the sentences using ‘since’, ‘although’, or ‘because’.
5. Guide pupils to complete the task.
6. Discuss and check the answers with pupils.

c. Production:
1. Pupils work in groups of 3.
2. Pupils write two sentences each using ‘since’, ‘although’, and ‘because’.
3. Provide guidance if necessary.
4. Each group reads their sentences aloud.
5. Check and correct their answers.
6. Pupils copy the sentences into their exercise books.

1. Teacher sums up the lesson by asking pupils to name all the conjunctions that
they have learnt.
2. Write pupils’ responses in bubble map form.
3. Orally, guide the pupils to make one sentence each using the conjunctions.
Attendance: Reflection:

____ out of ____ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to fill in the blanks with
Absent: ‘since’, ‘although’, or ‘because’.

b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to complete the sentences

using ‘since’, ‘although’, or ‘because’.

c. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to write two sentences each
using ‘since’, ‘although’, and ‘because’.
Task Sheet 1

Fill in the blanks with ‘since’ , ‘although’ or ‘because’.

1. _______________ he was busy, he did not go out to play.

2. He is very tired ______________ he did not sleep last night.

3. ______________ he is poor, he always helps people in need.

4. The boy did not buy the T-shirt ______________ it was too expensive.

5. ______________ it was raining heavily, she went out to meet her friend.

6. ______________ the traffic was heavy, I arrived on time for the meeting.

7. We are going for a picnic ______________ the weather is cool and refreshing.

8. Idith is very happy ______________ she won the first prize in the competition.

9. Tony and Ravi are swimming in the old mining pool ______________ they know they

should not do that.

10. ______________ it is late, we will go home now.

Complete the sentences using the conjunctions provided.

1. Since he was sick , ________________________________________________ .

2. Although she is beautiful, __________________________________________ .

3. I went home early because _________________________________________ .

4. Although it was raining heavily, ______________________________________ .

5. The tiger hid itself in the jungle because _______________________________ .

Write two sentences each using ‘since’, ‘although’, and ‘because’.

1. since:

a. _____________________________________________________


b. _____________________________________________________


2. although:

a. _____________________________________________________


b. _____________________________________________________


3. because:

a. _____________________________________________________


b. _____________________________________________________

Focus : Language Art

Theme: World of Stories

Topic: 8. How the Tiger Got Its Stripes (The Sandwich- Anthology of Poem)

Content Standard : 4.1, 4.3

DAY Learning Standards: 4.1.1, 4.3.1

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a. Recite the poem and name the ingredients found in the poem.
DATE b. Make a menu card and sandwiches with guidance.

Teaching Aids: picture, task sheet, ingredients to make a sandwich.

Subject CCE/EE: Multiple intelligences, creativity and innovation, thinking skills.

Activities :
Class 1. Show picture of a sandwich.
2. Ask pupils to talk about the picture.
3. Suggested questions to stimulate discussion:
a. What do you see in this picture?
b. Have you eaten a sandwich before?
c. Do you like to eat sandwiches?
Time d. Do you know how to make a sandwich?
4. Paste the poem on the board.
5. Recite the poem.
(60 minutes) 6. Ask pupils to repeat after you.
7. Tell pupils to name the ingredients found in the poem.

1. Show a short clip on how to make a sandwich.
2. Divide pupils into groups.
3. Show pupils a few examples of menu cards.
4. In groups, pupils prepare their own sandwich and a menu card.
5. Teacher may get the pupils to use the menu card template.
6. Guide pupils from group to group.
Note to teacher
Remind pupils earlier to bring:
- their own favourite ingredients for the sandwich
- materials like hard cover paper, ribbon, glue, scissors, etc. for the menu card.

1. Tell pupils to set up a small stall displaying their sandwiches and the menu
2. Get the pupils to work from stall to stall.
3. Pupils may try their friends’ sandwiches.
4. Teacher and peers give feedbacks on their friends’ sandwiches and menu

1. Sum up the lesson by emphasizing the importance of eating healthy food.
Attendance: Reflection:
____ out of ____
Absent: a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to recite the poem and name
the ingredients found in the poem.

b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to make a menu card and
sandwiches with guidance.

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