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International Journal of Electrical and

Electronics Engineering Research (IJEEER)

ISSN(P): 2250-155X; ISSN(E): 2278-943X
Vol. 4, Issue 2, Apr 2014, 125-130
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.




Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, MGMCET, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


This paper proposes a novel technique for steganography by using Karhunen-Loeve transform (KLT) and
Optimum Pixel Adjustment (OPA) procedure. Steganography is the practice of concealing messages or information within
another non-secret data. There are various methods and techniques proposed tp implement it. This paper uses KLT because
of its superiority over other transforms such as DCT and DFT. KLT provides the image compression and for hiding the
data in the image, a simple LSB approach of Optimum Pixel Adjustment (OPA) procedure is used. The paper starts with
discussing steganography, KLT and OPA. To implement the paper MATLAB is used because of its large database of
built-in algorithms for image processing applications. In the end we take into consideration its advantages and
disadvantages with an example.

KEYWORDS: Compression, Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT), Optimum Pixel Adjustment (OPA) Procedure,


Steganography is the art of passing information in a manner that the very existence of the message is unknown.
The goal of Steganography is to avoid drawing suspicion to the transmission of a hidden message. If suspicion is raised,
then this goal is defeated. Steganography encompasses methods of transmitting secret messages through innocuous cover
carriers in such a manner that the very existence of the embedded messages is undetectable. Creative methods have been
devised in the hiding process to reduce the visible detection of the embedded messages. The main requirements that
steganography techniques must satisfy is the integrity of the hidden information after it has been embedded inside the stego
object must be correct. The stego object must remain unchanged or almost unchanged to the naked eye [1].

Karhunen-Loeve transform (KLT) is the unitary transform that diagonalizes the covariance or correlation matrix
of a discrete random sequence. This decorrelation property is desirable because processing of any one of coefficient in the
KLT domain has no direct bearings on other. In general, the KLT is considered to pack the most energy in the least number
of coefficients. Minimize the MSE between the original and reconstructed signal for a given number of coefficients.
Achieve the minimum rate distortion function, among all unitary transforms. Decorrelate the signal in the transform

Further in the paper the discussion is about how compression is also important to reduce the message size so that
message will hide easily and speedily. Then hide the message in carrier image and then by simple procedure of LSB
algorithm and recover back from carrier image. There is also a discussion about OPA procedure. In the end we will
conclude with advantages and disadvantages about the technique.
126 Rizwan S Alvi & Savita Bhosale


In [1] there is a discussion regarding steganography as an art of hiding data. There is also a comparison done on
various methods of steganography theoretically. Issues regarding of various techniques are also highlighted.

In [2] analysis of Discrete cosine transform (DCT) or Karhunen-Loeve transform has been carried out.
And comparison for the compression result is made, the losses are significant for DCT whereas the losses in energy is
slight for the KLT.

The article [3] deals with the issues like rate distortion performance and complexities while computing linear
transforms. It then provides with guidance related to the above mentioned issues relating to Karhunen-Loeve transform.

In this paper [4] a description regarding KL transform is given and the decorrelation property of the transform is
explained. And that KLT can be used for hiding can is explained.

This paper [5] discuss about how concealing capacity can be enhanced and by using Optimum Pixel
Adjustment(OPA) how the error difference between the cover image and the stego image can be minimised.

This paper gives the idea about how steganography can be achieved using Least Significant Bit algorithm
although it uses a entirely different frame-work [6].

In [7] a KLT-based method of increasing the concealing capacity and the robustness of the concealed image in the
RGB spectrum is described. The KLT is applied on the RGB components, while the concealment is obtained in Discrete
Fourier Transform (DFT) domain.

In [8] and [9] applications are presented using Karhunen-Loeve transform and with a claim of highlighting the
potent of stegno image.


Karhunen-Loeve transform (KLT) is a also known as Eigenvector transform that diagonalizes the covariance or
the correlation matrix of a discrete random sequence. This decorrelation property is needed for processing
(quantization, coding etc) of any one coefficient in the KLT domain which has no direct relation on the others. Also, it will
be shown that why it is considered as an optimal transform among all discrete transforms based on various points. It is used
rarely as it is statistically dependent on the sequence i.e. when the statistics undergo any change so as the KLT. Because of
this dependency on signal, mostly there are no fast algorithm for this transform. Though, KLT has been used widely in
evaluating the performance of other transforms. It also motivated researchers to develop transforms that are signal
independent but also have fast algorithms and their performance reaches to that of KLT. This chapter defines how KLT can
be used to provide compression. Segmentation is also done prior to compression. Segmentation enhances the concealing
capacity and execution time. Consider an original message image in the form of matrix representation, let it be represented
by Q.


Also it is represented in the pixel in RGB format.

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.9638 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

Steganography Using Karhunen-Loeve Transform and Optimum Pixel Adjustment 127

Let divide that matrix Q’ into the segments then Q* will be the first of these segments.


Where = ; =

& = i &j

Also calculate the sample vector mean

Mean Vector = =1/n

And with the help of this result calculate covariance matrix.

Co-variance matrix is given as

z= 1/n-1 ) [11]

Later on calculate eigen values and eigenvectors of covariance matrix and these eigenvectors will make a
orthogonal matrix V = [v1 v2…..v3c], also V.VT = VT.V = I3c [10]

Also, VT = Ʌ, where Ʌ is diagonal matrix.

The value of each eigen value is proportional to the quantity of energy stored by the corresponding vector [11]


The eigenvectors of V are arranged in descending order of eigen values. And then we find the projection matrix
which leads to a particular compression rate depending on size of the segment.


The information will be hidden in the Least Significant Bit (LSB) of the carrier image.

There are many approaches available for hiding the data within an image. One of the simple least significant bit
submission approaches is “Optimum Pixel Adjustment Procedure”. The simple algorithm for OPA explains the procedure
of hiding the sample text in an image.
128 Rizwan S Alvi & Savita Bhosale

Step 1: A few least significant bits (LSB) are substituted with in data to be hidden.

Step 2: The pixels are arranged in a manner of placing the hidden bits before the pixel of each cover image to
minimize the errors.

Step 3: Let n LSBs be substituted in each pixel.

Step 4: Let d = decimal value of the pixel after the substitution.d1 = decimal value of last n bits of the pixel.
d2 = decimal value of n bits hidden in that pixel.

Step 5: If (d1~d2) <= (2^n)/2 then no adjustment is made in that pixel. Else

Step 6: If (d1<d2)

d = d –2^n.

If (d1>d2)

d = d + 2^n.

This “d” is converted to binary and written back to pixel this method of substitution is simple and easy to retrieve
the data and the image quality better so that it provides good security.


 Consider a carrier message such that its size will be greater than the message image and it will be in three

 Consider a message such that it will also be in RGB format and segments of that will be considered for better
concealing capacity and execution time.

 Compression will take place through KLT.

 For hiding of the message, the points discussed in IV will be considered.

 Message recovery procedure will be opposite of hiding procedure. The next step is to undo the linear
transformations used. The resulted projection matrix and reduced eigen vector matrix are just approximations of
their original counter parts. By combining these recovered segments, we obtain an approximation of the original
hidden message.

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.9638 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

Steganography Using Karhunen-Loeve Transform and Optimum Pixel Adjustment 129


Figure 1: Demonstrating how the Aim of Steganography is Achived

Depending on the size of the images used, there will be different values to these parameter. They are carrier error,
message error, hiding time, recover time, etc. this is as shown in following table.

Table 1: List of the Parameters

Compression rate (%) 0.50
Hiding time (sec) 3.566
Recovering time (sec) 1.60
Message error (%) 1.05
Carrier error (%) 0.689


The paper explains successfully the use of KLT and OPA in stegnography. The property of compression of KLT
and OPA procedure is used and executed in the example considered. Parameters like execution time, concealing capacity,
compression rate, robustness, stego image and recovered message quality (to quantify this parameter, there is a calculation
of Carrier Error and Message Error is done). If more number of LSB’s are used for hiding purpose there may be amore
percentage of carrier error. The algorithm’s concurrent nature suggests practical use on multi-core architecture.
By analysing theory and parameter discussed the conclusion can be drawn that KLT and OPA can be used to develop a
better stegnographic technique.


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130 Rizwan S Alvi & Savita Bhosale

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Impact Factor (JCC): 5.9638 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

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